Examensarbeten på grundnivå // Basic Level Theses
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- PostLean-effektivisering och layoutplanering för ett monteringsföretag: En studie av produktionen hos Westmatic(2020) Johansson, Holger; Lövstedt, Jacob; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Johansson, Björn; Ylipää, Torbjörn; Adolfsson, AndersThis project has been carried out at Westmatic AB, a company with headquarters in Arvika, which manufactures large washes for e.g. trains and buses. The purpose of the work has been to analyse the production as it is today and based on it develop a theoretically good layout with regard to the internal flow and minimization of waste. During the work, not only has the flow improved but with the help from lean production and it’s 14 principles many more aspects of the production have improved. 5s have been implemented bring give order and structure to the workplace. The focus has also been on developing instructions since this didn’t exist in today’s production and daily control has investigated to involve the operators more. The work resulted in a new layout proposal where the focus is on reduced movement of both staff and materials. The new layout follows the principles of 5S and many of the 7+1 wastes have been improved. Using the theory behind the creation of simple instructions for assembly, a proposal on how Westmatic can develop instructions for primarily the pre-assembly of a number of underlying articles has been made and a suggestion on how daily control can be implemented in the daily work. With this the level of standardised work has increased and a more stabile foundation for continuous improvements has been created. This report is written in swedish.
- PostLean-effektivisering och layoutplanering för ett monteringsföretag: En studie av produktionen hos Westmatic(2020) Johansson, Holger; Lövstedt, Jacob; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Johansson, Björn; Ylipää, Torbjörn; Adolfsson, AndersThis project has been carried out at Westmatic AB, a company with headquarters in Arvika, which manufactures large washes for e.g. trains and buses. The purpose of the work has been to analyse the production as it is today and based on it develop a theoretically good layout with regard to the internal flow and minimization of waste. During the work, not only has the flow improved but with the help from lean production and it’s 14 principles many more aspects of the production have improved. 5s have been implemented bring give order and structure to the workplace. The focus has also been on developing instructions since this didn’t exist in today’s production and daily control has investigated to involve the operators more. The work resulted in a new layout proposal where the focus is on reduced movement of both staff and materials. The new layout follows the principles of 5S and many of the 7+1 wastes have been improved. Using the theory behind the creation of simple instructions for assembly, a proposal on how Westmatic can develop instructions for primarily the pre-assembly of a number of underlying articles has been made and a suggestion on how daily control can be implemented in the daily work. With this the level of standardised work has increased and a more stabile foundation for continuous improvements has been created.