Life sciences (LIFE) // Life Sciences (LIFE)
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Vi bedriver forskning och utbildning − och driver innovation − för att möjliggöra ett biobaserat samhälle och förbättra människors hälsa. Våra områden innefattar både grundläggande och tillämpad forskning inom life sciences.
På institutionen för life sciences, LIFE, (tidigare biologi och bioteknik) utforskar vi hur biologiska system och innovativa teknologier kan användas för att omvandla biomassa till livsmedel, läkemedel, material, kemikalier och bränslen. Vi utvecklar och använder avancerade experimentella tekniker och beräkningsmodeller för att undersöka hur biomolekyler, levande celler och organismer fungerar och interagerar. Vi banar väg för nya metoder för att förutse, förebygga, diagnosticera och behandla sjukdomar.
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We conduct research, innovation, and education to enable a biobased society and improve human health. Our topics cover both basic and applied aspects of life sciences.
At the Department of Life Sciences, LIFE, (former Biology and Biological Engineering) we explore how biological systems and innovative technologies can be used to convert biomass into foods, pharmaceuticals, materials, chemicals and fuels. We develop and apply advanced experimental and computational technologies to discover how biomolecules, living cells and organisms function and interact. We pioneer new methods for the prediction, prevention, diagnostics and treatment of diseases.
Studying at the Department of Life Sciences at Chalmers
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- PostAcidophilic fungal beta-glucosidase(s) for biorefinery applications(2024) Danielsson, Albin; Wray, Ingrid; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för life sciences; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Life Sciences; Olsson, Lisbeth; Christopher, MeeraLignocellulose is a promising substrate for the production of chemicals and materials. In traditional biorefineries, it is first pretreated to disrupt its structure, thereby yielding acidic fractions. Therefore, enzymes from acid-tolerant organisms would be advantageous for their bioconversion. In this study, we have investigated beta-glucosidases (BGLs) from the fungi Talaromyces sp1. ASS 358-9 (Talaromyces-358), which thrives in highly acidic conditions and can utilize inhibitor-rich liquor from spruce pretreatment for growth and enzyme production. Since BGLs are crucial for biomass saccharification, we are studying the properties of differentially expressed Talaromyces-358 BGLs, aiming to find robust enzymes for biorefinery use that can withstand harsh environments like high temperatures and low pH levels. Culturing Talaromyces-358 in various liquid media revealed glucose as the most favorable substrate, significantly enhancing BGL activity over 15 days, while spruce liquor, though initially inhibitory, eventually supported significant enzyme production. The BGLs exhibited peak activity at 80°C and maintained considerable activity at 90°C, with optimal pH ranging from 4 to 6, demonstrating adaptability to harsh conditions. Enzyme activity was measured using substrates such as glucose, glucose-spruce, spruce, xylan, and xylan-spruce, with temperature measurements taken from 30°C to 90°C at pH 4, and pH measurements taken from 2 to 9 at 50°C. However, there was little to no BGL activity observed at neutral and basic pH levels.
- PostAnalysis of avenanthramides in oats with Ultra High Performance Liquid Chromatography(2016) Astner, Martin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringAvenanthramides have been shown to have beneficial properties such as strong antioxidant activity and anti-inflammatory effects in humans, and are a key defence molecule for oats. The goal of this project was to create and validate a method for quantification of avenanthramides in oats that would take less than 20 minutes. A new extraction method and new liquid chromatography method were tested, as well as the introduction of an internal standard to improve quantification. We found that the internal standard selected was not stable during extraction and that it was necessary to use an external standard curve. We found that the liquid chromatography method was reproducible for standard compounds and that we could get separation of the three main avenathramides in oats for a total run time of 15 minutes. The extraction component of the method requires further work to improve recovery and stability before this method can be used for quantification of avenanthramides in oats.
- PostAnvändning av svenska makroalger som substrat för bioetanolproduktion(2015) Davidsson, Christoffer; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringThis project investigates Saccharina latissima seaweeds, harvested in Sweden, as substrate for bioethanol fermentation. Saccharina latissima is also called sugar kelp and contains large amounts of the polysaccharide laminarin which was the target of interest in this project. The seaweed was milled before mixed with strong base followed by acid to extract the laminarin into a solution. After extraction, three methods for hydrolysing the laminarin into glucose were evaluated: sulphuric acid and autoclaving, commercial laminarinase enzyme, and enzymes from the naturally occuring bacterium Pseudoalteromonas sp. After hydrolysis fermentation was performed in small batches with a commercial strain of brewers' yeast. The results show that both sulphuric acid and enzymes from Pseudoalteromonas sp. did release glucose, which was successfully fermented into ethanol.
- PostB cells maturation in infancy and its affect in early allergy(2019) Karlsson, Emma; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringThe last decades, the presence of allergy has increased in countries belonging to the Western world and over 25 % of Swedish young people are affected of allergic symptoms. One reasonable explanation is the hygiene hypothesis, mentioned by David Strachan 1989, that associate the increase in allergy development with a cleaner lifestyle. Previous studies showed that children who grew up on a farm with animals had a more maturated immune system and therefore developed less allergy. With samples received from the study named Nutritional impact on Immunological maturation during Childhood in relation to the Environment(NICE),I have studied the B cells maturation during early time in life. By studying subpopulations of B cells, specific surface markers are stained with fluorochromes to be analysed with a flow cytometer. Thus, the development of B cell subpopulations from birth up to 4 months can be charted. Several surface markers can indicate the same subpopulation, i.e. CD27+ and CD24hiCD38lo that are expressed by memory B cells. However, the percentage differ from each other and the most liable reason is that the surface markers have different functions in the B cells, and are therefore not only expressed during one phase of the development of B cells. My results shows that the development of percentage of subpopulations of B cells differ from each other from birth up to 4 months. Correlation tests indicate that CD27+ and CD24hiCD38lo could both be used to detect memory B cells. Correlation tests at number of subpopulations had higher correlation coefficient and were strongly significant at birth. Therefore, it would be interesting to continue the analysis of numbers of B cells populations at 48h, 1, 4 and 12 months of life. In the NICE study, so far 452 children have been examined for allergy and 6.2 % suffered from eczema, 2.4 % of food allergy and 6.2 % of the children had developed asthmaat1yearofage. Inthisthesis, there was no significant associations between B cell maturity and the development of allergy.
- PostEffekten av Kemiras processhjälpmedel BDP866 i Hulesjöns avloppsreningsverks rötgas kammare för matavfall(2015) Andersson, Amanda; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringBiogas tillverkas i stor utsträckning med mikrobiell nedbrytning i rötkammare. För att ha en stabil gasproduktion krävs det bland annat att bakteriekulturen i rötkammaren är välmående och har en rik mångfald. För att uppnå detta kan det ibland vara nödvändigt att tillsätta extra tillskott av olika ämnen. I rötkammaren för matavfall har Hulesjöns reningsverk valt att dosera Kemiras processhjälpmedel BDP688 för att optimera processen. BDP688 innehåller bland annat spårämnen som kobolt, nickel och selen, samt järnklorid. Denna kombination av spårämnen skall vara bra för bakterierna i det metanbildande steget och därmed reducera höga halter av organiska flyktiga syror. Järnklorid sänker pH-värdet och binder svavel. Detta processhjälpmedel har reningsverket blivit rekommenderade att dosera till rötkammaren för matavfall då den har producerat lite gas och haft höga värden av flyktiga organiska syror. Syftet med arbetet är att utforska hur flyktiga organiska syror, övriga processparametrar samt gasproduktionen påverkas av tillsatsen av BDP866. Detta har studerats genom att utföra kontinuerlig provtagning under en 10 veckors period som startade 4 veckor efter att processhjälpmedlet hade börjat doserats till rötkammaren. Resultatet av undersökningen var att mängden flyktiga organiska syror minskade, de flesta processparametrarna förbättrades och nådde stabilitet samt att gasproduktionen ökade. Detta tyder på att tillsatsen av processhjälpmedlet har resulterat i en stabil process som kan kompensera för störningar.
- PostOptimering av en gaskromatografisk tandem-masspektrometrisk metabolomikmetod för cerebrospinalvästska med tillämpning relaterat till Alzheimers sjukdom(2016) Vänerlöv, Xuan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringI detta experiment har gaskromatografi använts för att separera analyterna i cerebrospinalvätska och sedan har masspektrometri används innehållande en trippel kvadrupol som körts i MRM-läge parallellt med fullt skanningsläge. För att Multiple Reaction Monitoring MRM skulle kunna användas var parametrar tvungna att optimeras från de standarderna som sedan skulle analyseras i provet. Standarderna som optimerades var ett urval metaboliter till en metod relaterat till diabetes samt hjärnans signalsubstanser dopamin, serotonin, epinefrin, gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) och acetylkolin. Metoden som användes var en befintlig metod utformad för plasmaprover som modifierades för att passa cerebrospinalvätska. Den modifierade metoden med de tillagda substanserna testades och utvärderades sedan. Dopamin, serotonin, GABA och epinefrin kunde optimeras för MRM-läge och dopamin och GABA kunde ses i cerebrospinalvätska. Vid utvärdering av metoden hade majoriteten av metaboliterna tillräckligt hög reproducerbarhet för att inkluderas i metoden. Slutsatsen som drogs var att gaskromatografi med en masspektrometer innehållande en trippel kvadrupol var lämplig till metoden för cerebrospinalvätska. Metoden kan appliceras vid undersökning av olika sjukdomar som till exempel Alzheimers sjukdom och tas därför upp som ett omfattande kapitel i rapporten.
- PostUndersökning av variabler vid optimering av syrningsprocessen för framställning av cottage cheese(2019) Hansson, Björn; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för biologi och bioteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Biology and Biological EngineeringArla Foods dairy in Falkenberg produces cottage cheese and under the fall of 2018, they had some problems with an uneven acidification, which gave their product an uneven quality. Those problems are now solved but in the continued work their product technicians always work to find methods for a more reliable and stable acidification process, for a product with more even quality. In the work for a more reliable and stable process, two projects have been done. The acidification project performed to examine which conditions that were most optimal regarding the temperature, the percentage of protein in the milk and the amount of starter culture used. The other project, the vat and cooling towers project, was done to examine the change in dry matter content in the cheese curd when there are delays in the production line, i.e. when the cheese curd has to lie in the vat longer than usual and how that affects the curds dry matter content, and how long the curd has to lie in the cooling towers to reach normal dry matter content limits. Both projects were done in laboratory scale. In the acidification project the rate of the acidification were assessed by measuring the pH of the sample every fifteen minutes. The times down to pH 5.7 (when rennet is added) and pH 4.7 (when the coagulum is cut) were measured and used to calculate the results using a 2 sided 95 % confidence interval. The temperature, the percentage of the milk and their factor interaction were significant for the rate of acidification down to pH 5.7. For the acidification rate down to pH 4.7, all the factors and factor interactions were significant except for the three-way factor interaction. A higher temperature made the acidification rate increase while a higher percentage of protein in the milk decreased the acidification rate. In the vat and cooling towers project whey and cheese curd were stirred and heated at 60 ℃ in a beaker, with samples of the curd taken out after 0, 30, 60 and 90 minutes. At these times cheese curd was transferred to a stirred and cooled beaker with 4 ℃ water in them, with samples of the curd taken out after 2, 4 and 6 hours. The dry matter of the cheese curd was then measured with a Milkoscan FT1. Because of the different chemical compositions of the cheese curd taken out from different vats the results were not comparable but a significant drop in dry matter could be seen from all runs after two hours of cooling.