Examensarbeten för masterexamen // Master Theses (IMS)
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- PostBuilding a foundation for proactive quality management(2020) Husmark, Joar; Edman, Henrik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Hammersberg, Peter; Hammersberg, PeterImagine a manufacturing process where there will always be material available with flawless quality at the right time in the process sequence. Imagine that each operational activity would be carried out once, on time, with no lag or issue in between. For most companies, this is often far from reality. This report will cover a company case where issues are dealt with as they occur, in a reactive manner. The company under investigation is experiencing disruptions in their manufacturing process, causing both standstill and rework. The purpose of this thesis is therefore to identify the potential root causes for operational waste, and to help build the foundation for proactive quality management. The project was conducted using tools and theories from Lean Six Sigma and will contain a theoretical background, an explanation of the issue at hand, as well as an analysis of the current situation. Since the project was conducted using the DMAIC methodology, the current measurement system will be explained. Furthermore, the thesis contains an extensive analysis of both the currently identified process deviations and the underlying measurement system, as well as the identification of potential root causes for operational standstill, resulting in a new strategy for proactive quality management. The project resulted in the identification of a large number of current and potential root causes for process standstill. Since the current measurement system was inclined towards a more reactive approach to quality management, this was also addressed. In order to help build the foundation for proactive quality management, and to increase the knowledge within the company of the present causes for standstill, the team recommend the implementation and continuous usage of Process Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (PFMEA).