Examensarbeten för masterexamen // Master Theses
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Browsar Examensarbeten för masterexamen // Master Theses efter Ämnesord "Adsorption DAC"
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- PostDirect air capture for flue gas stream with low CO₂ concentration: Feasibility assessment of direct air capture for removing CO₂ from low CO₂ concentration flue gas streams(2022) Vishwanatha, Rishabh; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Space, Earth and Environment; Pallarès, David; Hoseinpoori, Sina; Roshan Kumar, TharunDirect air capture (DAC) and storage is a technology that helps yielding negative CO2 emissions. This technology’s main objective is to reach the UN climate goals. The advantage of DAC over other traditional post combustion carbon capture technology is that it can capture CO2 from a stream where the CO2 concentration is very low (0.04%, atmospheric concentration). The aim of this thesis to assess if DAC technology can be used to capture CO2 from a manufacturing plant with very low(1%) CO2 concentration. Two promising technologies of DAC are explored in this thesis: High temperature absorption and Low temperature adsorption. First, a process model is developed for both the technologies to evaluate system for the required concentration. Then a techno-economic comparative analysis is conducted. From the results of this thesis, it is seen that the absorption process consumed more energy when compared to adsorption process. The absorption process also has a higher total levelized cost of CO2 captured when compared to adsorption process.