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- PostChildren As Designers: participatory design with Siaya's young Learners(2024) Grueschow, Anjuli; Lindahl, Moa; Lindman, Linnéa; Perdotter, Astrid; Wennberg, Lovisa; Chalmers tekniska högskola // Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggndsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering; Thuvander, Liane; Hagy, Shea; Lundin, Jessica; Lina, ZachrissonThis project involves a team from Chalmers University participating in the Master’s program Architecture and planning beyond sustainability, working in close collaboration with children in Siaya County, Kenya and especially kids from Awelo Primary School located in Siaya. The collaboration began with the aim to involve and engage children more actively in design processes. Children are a vulnerable group often excluded from these kinds of activities, as well as from many decision making processes in society. Kenya and Siaya have worked with the issue of inclusion of vulnerable groups through an ongoing development plan, where our project covers the topic through the perspective of a child. As a result, this report proposes two parallel outcomes: one methodological representation on how to include children in design processes, and a specific design solution for improvement of schools in Siaya County. The design further suggests site-specific improvement of Awelo primary school in the three scales of a masterplan, a building and a prototype detail.
- PostPost Harvest(2024) Berntsson, Helge; Hua, Yu-Han; Xie, Sylvia; Ye, Xuan-Jia; Chalmers tekniska högskola // Institutionen för arkitektur och samhällsbyggndsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering; Thuvander, Liane; Hagy, Shea; Lundin, Jessica; Lina, ZachrissonReality Studio is a transformative course offered within the Master's program in Architecture and Planning Beyond Sustainability at Chalmers University of Technology. This educational platform fosters collaborative knowledge creation between universities in Kenya and Sweden alongside various organizations, associations, and authorities. The course emphasizes sustainable development as a crucial global challenge that requires nuanced, local solutions. Through the Reality Studio, students engage directly with local stakeholders in urban areas to develop innovative design and planning strategies to improve health and enhance quality of life. This hands-on approach ensures that projects are sustainable, culturally relevant, and responsive to the specific needs of the communities involved. Participation and interaction with local communities are fundamental to the studio, ensuring solutions are grounded in real-world contexts and challenges.Initially, our given mission was to solve the grain storage problem in Seme village, Kenya. However, once in the field and interacting with local farmers to understandt their needs the focus shifted to the grain drying process instead. Each year, the studio works on identifying themes connected with UNSDG goals to focus on. Food loss and poverty are the primary themes associated with this project. The theme focuses on decreasing poverty and hunger in the village by increasing the drying process's effectiveness.