Examensarbeten på grundnivå // Basic Level Theses
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- PostOmkonstruktion av kopplingsanordning(2021) Hedlund, Robert; Ali Murat, Soran; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Ahlström, Johan; Persson, Gert; Thalin, Olle; Lindström, PeterThis thesis describes the theoretical work that has been done during a reconstruction of a towing mechanism. This work has been issued by a company named VM Trailer. VM Trailer is a company that dedicates towards modified trailers for transport of heavy machinery. The purpose of this work has been to construct a foldable towing mechanism with the aim of attaching a coupling device. This coupling device is set to be centered, with a location of 400 mm horizontal and 460 mm vertical behind the trailer’s hollow bar. Further conditions have been that the construction must endure the dimension load with a safety factor of three. The process for development was launched with a conduction regarding the problem in of itself. Here the problem was split into three phases. Based on these three phases together with conditions for the project, a specification of requirements was established. With the help of results from online searching and idea generating techniques with the requirements in mind, several concepts were drawn. These concepts were then compared absolutely to the requirements and later relatively towards each other with the help of established methods. At this stage, two concepts were elected for further development. With the help of CATIA-V5, CAD-models and FEM-models were made. These concepts were then evaluated through these models in order to choose the final concept. The result from this project was a visual model of the concept that was selected as the final concept. The model was the same as the CAD-model made earlier. Drawings of all components in this concept were made. Some of the requirements for the final concept could not be verified, requiring further work and testing.