Examensarbeten på grundnivå // Basic Level Theses
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- PostHur industrin kan dra nytta av den digitala tvillingen(2024) Larsson, Alex; Wester, Oscar; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Johansson , Björn; KihlmanThe production industry is an industry that is constantly developing with a lot of competition. Following this, Swedish companies have started using modern software such as 3DEXPERIENCE to increase efficiency. This helps them handle their product life cycle for their processes regarding factory design digitally. This work includes a qualitative study on how the industry can benefit from the use of a digital factory as much as possible as well as for which stakeholders it can create value. To answer these questions a literature study has been performed and also three interviews of semi-structured nature. Two of the interviews were conducted with companies that produce their own products and the other one with a company that helps the first two create virtual twins of their production systems. In addition to this we have incorporated our own observations of the use of 3DEXPERIENCE. One of the conclusions that can be confirmed after the completion of this study is that the virtual twin can create value for parties both in and around the company. It can for example create value for the workers, the suppliers, the end customer and the company. However, it is the company as a whole that receives the biggest benefits from the implementation of the virtual twin. Another drawn conclusion was that the industry can make good use of the virtual twin in many ways. The main advantages that arose from the study were the economical as well as the time saving aspects. This through the possibility to optimize the flow more efficiently and in less time before the system is built or changed in the real world with the help of a virtual twin in a 3D simulation program. Additionally, because of the cloud-based data where all parties can share their data and look at others data, it is easier to communicate and shortens the time to market