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- PostVirtual material charecterization of natural fibre composites(2024) Kullberg, Valdemar; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Asp, Leif; Gutkin, Renaud; Körbelin, JohannNatural fibre composites (NFCs) are becoming common in the automotive industry due to their impressive mechanical properties and low environmental impact. The complex micro structure of NFCs makes it difficult to test the material virtually using Finite Element (FE) software. The fibre properties, such as fibre orientation and ratio, vary within the material. In 2023, a digital twin of a Kenaf/Polypropylene was developed through a master thesis at Chalmers University of Technology in cooperation with Volvo Cars AB. The FE-results from that model match the physical tensile test results. However, the process of developing a digital twin for every test specimen is expensive and time consuming.Throughout the project, volume portions from the digital twin is generated and tested. Application of different types of boundary conditions in virtual tensile tests is made in order to find appropriate Representative Volume Elements (RVE). By finding an appropriate RVE-size, computational speed of virtual test will increase.Testing different RVEs from the same model also provides a lot of data about fibre properties.The results shows that calculations on some RVE-sizes of NFCs are possible and provides accurate results. It also shows that fibre orientation and fibre volume fraction within the material have an impact on effective properties when running virtual tensile tests.