Examensarbeten på grundnivå // Basic Level Theses
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- PostSimulation and Evaluation of Alternative Workflows at Cross Laminated Timber Factory, Developing a DES Model Aiming to Improve the Loading Process in a New Factory(2024) Ljung, David; Sandström, Tore; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Despeisse, Mélanie; Fang, QiDiscrete event simulation is a method to virtually program a model of a factory or a production line and to evaluate the results, that is done to learn more about the production or evaluate before an investment. The purpose for this thesis work has been to evaluate changes made to a line producing cross laminated wood panels, to enable alternative transport for safer and swifter assembly at the construction site. To perform the project, a base model of the existing production line was modelled in the simulation program ExtendSim. A new concept was developed with two main changes to the production, enabling alternative transport. From the concept three new scenarios were modelled and simulated with the changes implemented: two models with one of the changes each and one with both changes. Thus, a total of four scenarios were tested and experimental results collected. The outputs from the four simulation models were compared and analyzed. Measurements compared were activity state on the CNC machines, utilization of overhead cranes and operators, cycle times for panels trough production and cycle time between trailers and the number of products produced. The results indicates that the changes have a positive impact. The scenario with both changes has lower utilization of the overhead crane and operators and shorter lead time than the base model. In conclusion, the changes can be implemented to the production without disturbing the workflow. With the ability to load and transport type A panels in an alternative fashion to the construction site, the assembly becomes efficient and more important safer. Keywords: