Examensarbeten för kandidatexamen // Bachelor Theses
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- PostKonstruktion av liten vindtunnel - Vindtunnel för visualisering av flödet kring en vingprofil ämnad att stödja undervisning av grundläggande strömningsmekanik(2022) Albertsson, Hannes; Dinger, Simon; Sköld, Adam; Svensson, Kalle; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för mekanik och maritima vetenskaper; Andersson, Niklas; Fahlbeck, JonathanThe use of wind tunnels is a vital part of the field of fluid mechanics. This project have aimed to construct a small wind tunnel intended to be used in a laboration for an introduction course in the field of fluid mechanics at Chalmers University of Technology. The laboration aims to demonstrate stall of a wing and measure the resulting forces on the wing depending on its angle of attack. The airflow in the tunnel was set to reach speeds around 10 m/s, and be parallel, with low turbulence intensity. Through the use of design ideas and rules of thumb produced by previous studies, the project resulted in a wind tunnel that is small enough to be fitted upon a normal sized table. Testing showed that the resulting airflow in the tunnel could reach speeds up to 12 m/s, and that the flow was parallel, except for some small variations.