Lågkostnadssensorer för kartläggning av luftföroreningar: Utveckling och utvärdering av en sensorplattform
Examensarbete på kandidatnivå
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Boström, Sebastian
Drevander, Isak
Gaal, Péter
Hellander, Filip
Zabel, Elsa
Since the inception of industrialism, air pollution has been a growing environmental
and health problem. Every year, an estimated seven million people die from diseases
caused by air pollution, and according to WHO, 99% of the global population lives
in areas where the proportion of hazardous particles exceeds the exposed limit value.
Historically, air quality has been measured with immobile and expensive measuring
devices. The bachelor thesis is aimed towards enabling measurements with a
low-cost sensor platform, also called LCAQMP (Low Cost Air Quality Measuring
Platform). These platforms have the ability to measure PM10, PM2.5, CO2, VOC,
NO2, O3, temperature, relative humidity, position and time.
The purpose of this work is to further develop the measurement platform LCAQMP
by increasing user-friendliness and calibrating sensors, while maintaining the low
price. The aim is also to collect relevant data that helps people understand the seriousness
of air pollution.
LCAQMP was mounted in a new box and on a new center plate that contributed
to a more airtight platform. The software was improved and made easier to read
and more user-friendly.
The platform was used for measurements both in the lab environment and in the
field. A measurement on the roof of Femman showed how the air quality changes
over a two-week period. In the lab, it turned out that the platforms can measure
differences in CO2 values.
Finally, further work on LCAQMP is needed to further calibrate, improve software
and hardware to obtain even more reliable data to demonstrate the potential
hazards of air pollution.
LCAQMP , air quality , air quality measurements , PM10 , PM2.5 , CO2