Exploring the Viability of Using WtE Incineration Ash as a Cement Replacement in Concrete
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Materials chemistry (MPMCN), MSc
Eriksson, Joel
The increasing importance of reducing greenhouse gas emissions demands new
environmentally sustainable building materials. In the concrete industry most of
the emissions comes from the production of cement. Research on materials that
can be used as replacements for cement (SCMs) could help reduce the climate
impact of the concrete industry. One of the possible SCMs that could be used are
ash from WtE incineration. In this report the viability of the use of three different
ash fractions from WtE incineration as cement replacement are be evaluated.
These are a fly ash sample, an incinerator bottom ash sample and a mineral
fraction incinerator bottom ash sample. Chemical and mechanical properties was
evaluated using different techniques including a modified R3 method,
compressive strength tests, PXRD and leaching tests with ICP-MS. It was found
that all three of the ash fractions had chemical reactivity and the mechanical
strength tests suggested that two of the ash fractions fly ash and MIBA had effect
on the mechanical strength while the slag did not have ant effect. The results
from the leaching tests were compared to thresholds on allowed limits of
leaching from monolithic concrete samples and found to be below these
thresholds. However, the limited knowledge and regulations on monolithic
samples made the interpretation of these results difficult. The result from this
thesis suggests that the use of WtE incineration ash a SCM is a possibility but that
more research is needed. It is also concluded that the need for more and less
complicated to understand regulations regarding leaching from monolithic
concrete is needed in Sweden and that the current lack of regulations might be
hindering the adoption of new sustainable building materials.
Supplementary cementitious materials, waste-to-energy incineration, fly ash, SCM, WtE, IBA, MIBA