Automatisering av monteringen av o-ringar

Examensarbete på grundnivå
Maskinteknik 180 hp (högskoleingenjör)
Borland, William
Hagén, Viktor
The report is about the development of a concept for automating the assembly of o-rings at Gasiq AB, Sweden. The report investigates the possibility of changing the assembly of o-rings with simple tools to automating the process with machines. The group carried out the work at Gasiq AB and at Chalmers, Sweden. It is a complicated process for Gasiq AB to change materials on parts, due the product must be verified and approved by a third party. The group therefore limits the work to using the current material choices and focus on the assembly process of o-rings. Since the budget for realizing a final solution has not been discussed with the company, no prototype is built, the work stops in the concept stage. The work was carried out in three stages in the following order. In the first stage, the project was established, the group looked at good solutions to the problem and what the company's wishes were to the solution. In the second stage, the group looked at alternative solutions, creating a winning concept and realizing the concept through a CAD-model. CAD stands for computer aided design and is a tool for constructing and visualizing things in 3D. In the final stage, the group worked on the report. Important results from the work are the experiment, concept generation, the final result and a CAD-model. From the experiment, the group concluded that it is possible to use the same equipment for the assembly of o-rings for the two different variants. This is because the o-rings for the two variants can be extended to a common sufficient dimension, so that it can be easily mounted on the part. After the concept generation, the group gained a great understanding of many possible solutions to concepts, which solved the problem in different ways. This gave the group a better understanding of the problem and how it can be solved. The group then came up with a winning concept, with a logical solution to the problem. It could then be further developed and realized in CAD to get a clearer and more concrete picture of the final solution.
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