Integrating accessibility in the city planning process; investigating the case of Frölunda, Gothenburg using a systems approach
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Complex adaptive systems (MPCAS), MSc
Jidah, Maria
El-Rifai, Rasha
Gothenburg, like many urban centers, must improve its transportation infrastructure to tackle
environmental and social challenges. City planning plays a crucial role in addressing these
issues and promoting sustainable urban development. A central emphasis is on accessibility,
understood as the ease with which individuals can reach desired activities and destinations
using different transportation modes. City planning encompasses various elements such as
land-use and transport planning, which must be integrated to create accessible cities.
Accessibility is crucial in urban- and transport planning as it ensures equal opportunities,
promotes sustainability, and enhances the overall well-being of residents. This study
examines the integration of accessibility into city planning, focusing on Frölunda in
Gothenburg, Sweden. It comprises three main components: a theoretical framework derived
from a literature review, a case study of the Frölunda area examining how accessibility is
integrated in the city planning process, and an analysis of interviews. The main findings from
the literature review outlined several strategies for enhancing accessibility, including
stakeholder engagement, mixed land-use, and transit-oriented developments, while also
advocating for a systems approach that emphasizes feedback loops. Various planning
processes were identified: one based on the literature review, one from Gothenburg's policy
documents, and two based on the interviews, highlighting their misalignment. While the
literature emphasizes the complexity of the city planning process, highlighting the benefits of
utilizing a systems approach, Gothenburg policy documents depict a linear process.
Interviewees revealed that the linear process is not followed, where operational work often
precedes strategic planning. They envision the linear process to be implemented, while the
literature showcased that city planning is too complex to be perceived in that manner,
necessitating a systems approach. As a result, a targeted planning process was designed,
combining theoretical principles with empirical data. Key aspects were included, such as the
incorporation of feedback loops, coordination among stakeholders across planning phases,
and ensuring that the strategic-level output is finalized before initiating work at other levels
Accessibility, Land-Use Planning, Transport Planning, City Planning, Stakeholder Engagement, Frölunda, Gothenburg, Sweden