Design av försöksanläggning för trycksatt rökgasrening vid oxy-fuelförbränning
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Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Borg, Anna
Djerv, Mattias
Fürst, Magnus
Nord, David
Olsson, Henrik
Rosander, Axel
Reducing the CO2-pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil coal for energy production, is important to affect environmental changes. One way to achieve a reduction is to use the oxy-fuel technology. The technology uses O2 and re-circulated flue gas during the combustion which results in a flue gas mainly consisting of CO2. The flue gas could then be compressed and stored without environmental effects. A problem that follows from the compression is the risk of acidification in sensitive parts of the process. Acidification can occur because of reactions following from the contact of condensed water and sulphur- and nitrogen-oxides which are also present in the flue gas. This report compiles and evaluates the basis of a scientific unit with the purpose of exploring the possibilities of extracting impurities of SOx and NOx from the flue gases. The dimensions of the unit are based on basic conditions, defined for an existing oxy-fuel process at Chalmers, and on the results of computer modelling. The computer models simulates chemical reactions in a gas phase reactor and in a two-phase reactor where the extraction of impurities is achieved by absorption. In addition to this, a research on possible, compatible measuring tools is done. To create the right conditions for extracting the impurites the flue gas has to be compressed to between 10 and 16 bars and cooled down to a temperature of 40◦C. These conditions are necessary for oxidizing NO to NO2 and other water-soluble nitrogen compounds, which reacts efficiently with water. The oxidation of NO to these nitrogen compounds occurs efficiently in a gas phase reactor of the size 10 liters and with residence time of 120 seconds. The final step is the extraction of the impurities where SOx and NOx are absorbed by water. The absorbtion occurs efficiently in a 10 liter twophase reactor at low temperatures and high pressures. To prevent acidification from occuring in sensitive parts of the process, it’s necessary to dry the flue gas before the compression, in order to minimize the condensate. A new system of measuring tools which are compatible with the type of measurements needed is required.
Energi , Mekanisk energiteknik , Kemisk energiteknik , Energy , Mechanical energy engineering , Chemical energy engineering