Fertile architecture: An architectural practice closer to the circle of nature drawing on eco-places
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Architecture and planning beyond sustainability (MPDSD), MSc
Barbotin, Adélie
In recent decades, the standardization and
homogenization of metropolitan areas have become
topics of discourse due to their significant impacts on
city identity and contributions to gentrification.
Situated in Berlin, Germany, a city once-prized for
its heterogeneity and vibrancy, the citie‘s identity is
now imperiled by the emergence of parallel societies,
spatially and ideologically isolated from one another.
Concurrently, the demolition of buildings that have
played pivotal roles in shaping the city‘s identity adds
another layer of complexity to this urban narrative.
Building upon the notion that the built environment
serves as a reflection of society, and vice versa, this
thesis constitutes a process-oriented, metaphysical
exploration of neglected non-normative urban
components, which are conisdered as „ugly“.
This exploration unfolds as a critical examination of
contemporary aesthetic norms and their impact on
the urban fabric. Furthermore, the affects of these
norms on society are analysed through investigations
into the psychogeography of the context. In doing
so, it endeavors to deconstruct the prevailing norms
and beliefs that contribute to the marginalization of
societal minorities.
The thesis goes beyond mere academic inquiry. By
examining the intersection of architectural aesthetics
and society, the research endeavors to be a catalyst
for change and a call to action.
Spatial experimentations, leveraging the inherent
spatial potentials of what may be deemed „antinormative“
or ugly aesthetics, result in a performance
design intervention, which seeks to challenge and
transform entrenched, implicit belief patterns.
By embracing and celebrating architectural diversity
in form of ugliness, the intention is to introduce a
paradigm shift that not only redefines aesthetic
appreciation but also cultivates a more inclusive and
heterogeneous societal framework, which embraces
the unique narratives of all its inhabitants.
Alternative practice , Fertile , Dwelling , Nature , derive , performatism , performance