Development of an Integrated HMI-concept for Active Safety Systems
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Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master Thesis
Master Thesis
Lövsund, Karin
Wiberg, Andreas
Today, in the 21st century, progressively more, computing and communication-based technologies are being implemented in cars and the complexity of the driver-vehicle interface increases. The consumers are more sophisticated and expecting more content in their car with higher levels of quality. They demand features that are smarter, better crafted and easier to use. They expect their vehicle to be safe. To increase safety vehicles today will take action to prevent accidents, instead of making the consequences of a possible accident as small as possible. Safety is the guiding principle for Volvo Car Corporation, preventing accidents; through active safety systems are among other, important research areas today. The numbers of such systems will most likely increase radically over the coming years as they are seen as very important to stay competitive. So far every system has been developed as stand alone functions, which if this continues, will lead to unnecessarily complex driver environments. The problem addressed in this thesis, is therefore how to find a holistic Human Machine Interface (HMI), which gives the driver a clear overview and good understanding of the active safety systems. To satisfy more demanding customers, system personalization also needs to be considered as well as its interactivity and flexibility. To meet these goals and to be able to from a user-centered approach develop a design solution we had to through literature study find out; which theories to use to be able to understand driver behaviour and how that influences safety in driving, and what influences the driver in the context of driving. Further we needed to find out which demands there are for HMI in cars, to be able to design for safe interaction and usability. To understand driver behaviours and their relation to in-vehicle systems, we carried out semi structured interviews and questionnaires. The results concerning the drivers’ relation to in-vehicle systems show that most of the drivers do not personally adjust the systems in the car, more than very occasionally, at the same time the majority would like the opportunity to do so for the feeling of control. The result we gained from the study were interpreted and specified into user requirements. These requirements together with our literature background and a competitor analysis were the base to development of two simple prototypes. These prototypes were evaluated with the users, to ensure that the requirements in the context of driving were fulfilled. The results from the evaluation were used to further evolve our design into a final interactive design solution. The conclusions of our study is summarized in statements describing how an integrated and flexible HMI, for active safety systems, together with an intuitive interaction could be designed to meet the consumers and the markets increasing demands of today.
Information Technology , Informationsteknik