Achieving zero emission transportation in a regional perspective: Addressing municipal climate goals in Umeå
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Sustainable energy systems (MPSES), MSc
Amrén, Joel
Hedfors, Johannes
Climate goals have been adopted on multiple different levels in society to limit global
warming according to the Paris Agreement. The municipality of Umeå has set a
goal of reaching net zero emissions by 2040, where 41 % of the current emissions
come from the transportation sector. Even though the municipality has set the
goal of mitigating emissions, only a fraction of the emissions is directly emitted
by the municipality organization. Abatement measures must be implemented to
reach the climate goal, but the understanding of their impact on the system is
lacking. In the thesis, abatement measures for the transportation sector in Umeå
are identified and characterised based on their cost, abatement potential, and how
they abate the emissions. The dynamics between the measures are visualised in
Marginal Abatement Cost curves. The visualisation highlights that the conditions
of abatement measures are impacted depending on which other measures have been
implemented and in what manner they reduce the emissions. This highlights the
importance of the order of implementation as well as the allocation of abatement
potential to reduce the risk of double counting, especially when a combination of
abatement measures is implemented. Furthermore, it is difficult to quantify the cost
and abatement potential of measures that depend on a change of behaviour due
to the uncertainty of the impact, but the abatement potentials of these measures
are generally smaller in comparison to cost-driven measures. Other dimensions can
however make behaviour change measures important to invest in. The municipality
has to motivate other actors to reduce their emissions while simultaneously reducing
the emissions of the municipality’s own organisation, in order to reach its climate
Abatement measure , MAC-curve , Transportation , GHG emissions , Governance , Municipality , Measure dynamics , Complexity , Climate goals