Examensarbete för masterexamen
Master's Thesis
Master's Thesis
Infrastructure and environmental engineering (MPIEE), MSc
Andreasson, Alice
Cederqvist , Frida
Water is essential to sustain life and the protection of water sources is an increasingly important issue. However, implementing water protection measures can be
difficult due to economic factors, time constraints or political motives. Recently,
the ecosystem services framework has been modified to aid in the implementation
of water protection measures, which are called water system services. This thesis is
focused on investigating how the concept of water system services (WSS), i.e. services provided by water sources to society, can be included when performing a risk
assessment for the protection of water sources. Visualizing the WSS in an effective
and informative way is a key step to show what services and the importance of the
services that the water sources can provide. The water sources that are investigated in this report are Lake Mjörn and Sollebrunn-Gräfsnäs aquifer. To start the
investigation, a thorough literature review on the subject of water protection and
visualization was performed. A previously made list of WSS was used to identify
existing services for the water sources. Identified hazards were then connected to
the existing services. The identified WSS and the connection to the hazards were
visualized, and if there were hazards that were also a service these were visualized
as well. To exemplify, a risk assessment was then performed for one hazard at each
water source. The identified WSS was given scores based on decided parameters
and the specific threats of the hazards. The key result of the study is a strategy
for how to incorporate WSS into risk assessment for potential or existing drinking
water sources. The visualizations presented are examples of how the relation between WSS and hazards can be illustrated for different stakeholders and recipients.
In conclusion, including WSS in the risk assessment provides a bigger picture than
just looking at the service of drinking water and the developed method can be used
in the process of creating a water protection area.
risk assessment , visualization , water protection , water system services