Sensitivity analysis of clogged stormwater inlets in a 1D-2D hydrodynamic stormwater model - Case study of Uppsala
Examensarbete för masterexamen
Infrastructure and environmental engineering (MPIEE), MSc
Engström Gustafsson, Rebecka
Pålsson, Johanna
Pluvial flooding caused by cloudburst is predicted to increase due to climate change and the preconditions for flooding changes due to urbanization. The municipalities in Sweden are responsible to assess what land use an area is appropriate for and 1D-2D hydrodynamic stormwater modelling is one tool that can be used to assess this. In practice, it is not rare that debris flushes towards stormwater inlets when raining. The debris can cause clogging of the inlets and reduce its capacity. This thesis has researched through a survey the working method regarding consideration of clogged stormwater inlets of limited number of consultants in Sweden. This thesis also evaluated the effect of clogged stormwater inlets and reduced capacity in a 1D-2D hydrodynamic stormwater model. A model built in MIKE+ of Uppsala in Sweden was used. To represent clogged stormwater inlets the capacity was reduced with a clogging factor affecting the discharge coefficient of the 1D-2D couplings of the model. Four simulations were done with four different clogging factors based on literature research and the survey regarding consultants working method.
The responses of the survey presented that there is no common working method regarding if and how clogged stormwater inlets should be considered based on the group of consultants that answered the survey. A sensitivity analysis of the four simulations were made considering interaction volumes between the 1D collection system model and the 2D overland model, maximum water depth, water level and the discharge to surface in three nodes within the research area. The analysis concluded that the interaction volume from 1D to 2D is more affected by increasing clogging factor than the interaction volume from 2D to 1D. The extent and maximum water depth in the simulations are affected by the change of clogging factor but not largely. The analysis also concluded that the discharge in nodes is affected differently but the water level in nodes is not affected to a large extent by reducing capacity due to clogged stormwater inlets.
MIKE+ , discharge coefficient , clogging factor , Clogged stormwater inlets , 1D-2D hydrodynamic stormwater model , coupled model , 1D-2D coupling