Examensarbeten för kandidatexamen // Bachelor Theses (IMS)
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- PostLiveinformation om lediga grupprumBjerhem Aronsson, Felix; Cronvall, Oscar; Enström, Albin; Johannesson , Moa; Karlsson, Tim; Åkerfeldt, Lukas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Almefelt, Lars; Hulthén, ErikThis report discusses the work on creating a system for counting people in individual study rooms at Chalmers University of Technology, and how to present the results effectively. Being able to easily see which study rooms are available is something Chalmers students consider important, and the university wants to derive insights based on the use of study rooms on its premises. The project utilized a pre-constructed mmWave sensor for counting, which was communicating with a gateway that in turn is connected to a server. Data was obtained from the server using an API and finally presented through a website developed by the project group. The work ultimately resulted in a system capable of determining whether there is a person in the room or not, but it has more difficulty accurately counting the number of people in the room within an acceptable margin. The product works well in that it allows users to easily see which study rooms are available or occupied through the website. The resulting data visualizations aimed at the university are presented in various ways through key figures, tables, and graphs in a predefined resolution.