Examensarbeten för masterexamen // Master Theses
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- PostInverse design of photonic-crystal-based microcavity resonators using physics-informed neural networksLilja, Viktor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Physics; Tassin, Philippe; Tassin, Philippe
- PostPhotocatalysis for CO oxidation(1998) Bergeld, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostPhotocatalysis for emission cleaning(1998) Johansson, Mikael; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostNOx sensor based on the high temperature superconductor YBa2Cu3O7-delta(1998) Lundberg, Malin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostDesign, construction and first measurements of a system for surface photodesorption and photoreaction studies(1999) Korpuz, Jonathan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostIn situ FTIR studies: Adsorption of NO and O2 on NOx storage catalysts and a comparison between diffuse reflectance and transmission spectroscopy(2000) Bengtsson, Jonas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostDecreased light-off temperature for catalytic oxidation of CO and HC using oxygen-ozone mixtures(2000) Jonsson, David; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostInterfacial Energies in AlMg Alloys: A Monte Carlo Study(2000) Chakarova-Käck, Svetla D.; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostLow temperature carbon monoxide oxidation using zeolite based water-gas-shift -A forced field simulation study of adsorption and diffusion characteristics(2001) Broberg, Henrik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostDesign of a photocatalytic reactor cell(2001) Svensson, Peter; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostIn-situ ATR-FTIR investigation of catalytic removal of pollutants in water; Nitrite/nitrate reduction and ethylamine oxidation over Pd/Al2O3(2001) Shulman, Alexander; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostSulpur deactivation of NOx storage catalysts -Influence of sulphur carrier and exposure conditions(2001) Jonsson, Martin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostFTIR investigation of catalytic water cleaning(2003) Forsberg, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostCatalytic reshaping of nanofabricated Pt-particles on SiO2(2003) Fredriksson, Hans; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostCompliance measurements of natural and tissue engineering blood vessels(2004) Nilsson, Torbjörn; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostModelling of semicoherent interfaces in solids(2004) Johansson, Sven; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostTissue engineering of white blood cells(2004) Fant, Kristina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostInfluence of pore size on cell migration in scaffolds for soft tissue regeneration(2004) Skogberg, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostBacterial cell-cell signaling and biofilm formation in wounds; from a wound dressing perspective(2004) Bergstrand, Sofia; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics
- PostDevelopment of novel pulse duplicating bioreactor system for tissue engineered cardiac structures(2004) Nilsson, Alex; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för teknisk fysik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Applied Physics