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- PostDevelopment of Android Software for Logging of Engine Data for Shell Eco Marathon(2014) Eriksson, Joanna; Johansson, Mikael; Nordin, Anders; Simpanen, Ewa; Steingrüber, Philip; Weschke, Johannes; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Teams taking part in the Shell Eco-Marathon challenge compete to create a vehicle that is as fuel-efficient as possible. To fulfill this goal the vehicles in general and especially their engines have to be as optimized as possible. To be able to do this as efficiently as possible the teams require a way to analyze how the engine performs and what it does over the course of a run. Most teams accomplish this by connecting the vehicle's ECU (Engine Control Unit) to a laptop in a development environment where a test-run is simulated. A much better solution would be for the team to be able to analyse the performance of the engine and the behaviour of the car in real-time under a real testrun on the track. This would allow the team to get as accurate data as possible to analyze and make qualified adjustments from. This report deals with the problems and result of an attempt to create a system that solve this issue. The system includes an Android application sensors and a desktop application.
- PostE-blackboard Från krittavla till webbgr änssnitt(2014) Andersson, Simon; Botonjic, Saudin; Lundgren, Christoffer; Parviainen, Dennis; Selldén, Tomas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This bachelor thesis covers the development of a semi-autonomous system which helps students by electronically providing information presented on blackboards during a lecture. The system consists of a camera module connected to a Raspberry Pi mounted on a rotating frame, which enables the system to cover all of the boards in the lecture hall. The frame's rotation is controlled by a servo-engine connected to the Raspberry Pi. Images captured by the system are automatically processed on the Raspberry Pi through the use of the graphics framework SimpleCV in a python script. The images are published on an online interface where students can access them and rehearse the content covered during the lecture. The project ultimately resulted in a prototype where an image is presented on the online interface approximately 40 seconds after a blackboard has been completed. This delay is considered acceptable since a board rarely has to be documented more frequently. The automatic image processing will correct the perspective as needed and crop the image to exclude any unnecessary information before publishing the image on the online interface. The system requires minimal interaction from the lecturer. This consists of moving the blackboard to the highest position of the board's frame. The overall result of this project indicates that a system with this type of functionality can be implemented and is likely to have a positive impact on students' learning.
- PostEvaluering och utveckling av bildbaserade positioneringssystemför självkörande skalade fordon(2017) Almblad, Erik; Branzell, Alexander; Hjerpe, Carl; Aziz, Hawre; Eriksson, Mattias; Krook, Robert; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)skalade självkörande fordon. Rapporten presenterar två olika positioneringssystem som med hjälp av en Raspberry Pi och tillhörande kameramodul rapporterar en position för ett fordon i ett ansatt referenssystem; ett referenssystem som kan delas av flera fordon. Även ett system för lokal positionsbestämning baserat på vägkantsidentifiering presenteras. Positioneringssystemen har evaluerats i en trafiksituation som innefattar raksträckor, svängar och en rondell. Resultaten visar att systemen är tillräckligt robusta för att användas i en kontrollerad laborationsmiljö. Systemen i dess nuvarande utförande anses dock inte tillräckligt robusta för att användas i en miljö där andra fordon befinner sig. De positioneringssystem som presenteras i rapporten utnyttjar endast on-board sensorer och ingen trådlös kommunikation med omgivningen förekommer. Detta möjliggör en mycket flexibel evaluering av systemen och nya testbanor kan enkelt introduceras. En central teknik för samtliga system är bildbehandling. Centrala bildbehandlingsmetoder som evalueras i rapporten är objekt- och kantidentifiering samt optiskt flöde. Dessa metoder implementeras i de positioneringssystem som rapporten presenterar. Författarna anser att de utvecklade systemens resultat verifierar att det är fullt möjligt att utveckla positioneringssystem för självkörande skalade fordon till en låg kostnad.
- PostGravitron A study of game development and its graphical effects(2014) Andersson, Daniel; Ingmarsson, Patrik; Martinsson, John; Runemalm, Viktor; Scott, Adam; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This bachelor thesis explores the possibilities of creating a visually pleasing game within a limited timeframe of three months, and which graphical e ects that may be crucial. The game is in uenced by the neon light city environments in TRON, and uses gravitational shifts to incite excitement, hence the name Gravitron. Many of the techniques sought after during this project are included in the nal result. Among these techniques, bloom, god rays, and screen space ambient occlusion are considered the most bene cial for the desired visual setting. The combination of a deferred renderer and these graphical e ects makes the luminous city environment in Gravitron possible. The project use XNA Game Studio 4.0, alongside C# with .NET, and the IDE used is Visual Studio 2010/2013. An agile approach is adopted and the group deploys an iterative development model. Using the XNA framework gave the group some knowledge about graphics and its underlying structures. Unfortunately, this slowed down the development process. Tool-kits, like Unity and Unreal Engine, could be used, if the progression of the game is considered more important than the learning process.
- PostImmersive Third Person View Automatic User Tracking with Live Video from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle(2016) Dahlgren, Martin; Gideflod, Jacob; Milleson, Joakim; Palmberg, Christoffer; Saltvik, Filip; Åkersten, Christopher; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Third Person View (TPV) is a video game camera perspective where the game character is seen from behind. Due to decreased prices of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) technology and modern Head Mounted Displays (HMD) it has become more available to create a system were a user sees themselves from behind. This thesis describes the process of designing a system for creating the TPV with low latency video streaming and short range tacking for automatic flight. A quadcopter is designed to track and follow the user for achieving automatic camera positioning. Location tracking is implemented with triangulation by ultrasonic sound. Following user rotation is implemented by comparing magnetometers on the user and the quadcopter. From a camera on the quadcopter live video is transmitted by Wi-Fi to a laptop connected to an Oculus Rift Development Kit 2 (DK2) which presents the video feed. The highest emphasis has been on achieving accurate tracking but also on rapid quadcopter regulation using PID-controllers for maintaining the view. The resulting system works for tracking and reacting to a moving user, however during fast user rotations or movements the tracking is lost, due to small angle of the ultrasonic receivers. For controlling and observing the system during flights and tests, a graphical tool was developed as well as software for tracking and regulation. These systems implemented shows promising results and is an area worth of future study.
- PostLinjeföljare med STM32 - Med fokus på konstruktion och implementation(2015) Bäckström, Lars; Petterson, Tomas; Tillberg, Hanna; Åkerlund, Fredrik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This bachelor thesis aims to design and construct a line follower. A line follower is a robot which follows some kind of path, in this case a black line on a white surface. A prototype was constructed early in the project and was used as a test platform for the final line follower. The robot’s microcontroller is a STM32 from STMicroelectronics and the prototype was based on a STM32 discovery board. The robot is designed from scratch which means that the project include: choice of components, choosing between sensors or camera to identify the line, constructing the hardware, designing a regulator and programming the microcontroller unit. The robot constructed is intended to agree with the rules of line following in the race Robot-SM 2015. The prototype ”Rulle” participated in the event who also completed the track in less than three minutes, which was required to qualify in the race. The final line follower ”Walknut” was completed after Robot-SM and hence did not participate in the event.
- PostPredictive Control for Autonomous Articulated Vehicles(2017) Andrén, Nils; Niklasson, Lars; Petersson Hoogendijk, Kevin; Slottner Seholm, Filip; Gil Martin, Alicia; Sandblom, Fanny; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Autonomous driving is a highly topical research area, where signi cant positive impacts on safety and environment can be made, especially in the trucking industry. The vehicles in this industry often consist of a tractor unit combined with a trailer. This project focuses on navigating a model semi-trailer truck through an urbanlike environment. A number of challenges arise from these settings, such as path planning and control through sharp turns and crossings, combined with obstacle avoidance. This needs to be done with high precision, considering that the whole articulated vehicle needs to stay within the bounds of the road. Since the vehicle will need to take critical decisions quickly, the performance and reliability of the control system is also important. Working towards a real world solution, this project o ers a complete prototype implementation in a scaled testbed environment for articulated vehicles. To achieve this, we have mathematically modeled the vehicle, created a path planning algorithm that takes the trailer into account when calculating a suitable path, and developed a controller that makes the vehicle follow this path. These components have been integrated on a single-board computer (Raspberry Pi 3) embedded on the vehicle. The evaluation of the system shows satisfying results, where the prototype is able to do on-the- y path planning while staying within the allowed areas of the test track. The system is also extensible and modi able, and can be extended in future student projects.
- PostSecurity in Close Proximity Systems - A Technical Summary and Case Study of Security in NFC Systems(2015) Holm, Simon; Johansson Berg, Pontus; Kling, Kim; Hörkén, Johan Larsson; Malm, Pontus; Sandlund, Christoffer; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This thesis investigates security in close proximity systems by conducting research about the close proximity technology and practically investigating two commonly used close proximity systems. In this thesis the systems are limited to those that use Near Field Communication (NFC), since NFC is commonly used in close proximity systems. NFC is a mean of communication using radio waves at the frequency of 13.56 MHz. A case study of the security that is implemented in NFC applications is conducted in this thesis. The case study consist of an analysis in regards to an access control system and an investigation of Peer-to-Peer communication using the NFC technology. To fully understand the technology a research about the close proximity technology is undertaken. The rst case study analyses the security of an access control system which is used by homeowners. A theoretical analysis of NFC Peer-to-Peer communication is performed in the second case, where only a limited amount of practical tests are performed. The study revealed poor security in both the access control system and the Peer-to-Peer communication. In the discussion the security vulnerabilities that are revealed in the case studies, and the theoretical analysis of the NFC technology, are given possible security improvements. The improvements suggest both short and long term ways of increasing security. The NFC standards does not address security, rather this is implemented at the application layer. However, not all NFC systems add adequate security, and non-secure systems are, unfortunately, available on the market.
- PostSimulation av Gulliver - En virtuell robotmiljö för skalade autonoma fordon(2015) Dädeby, Sebastian; Eriksson, Adam; Khosravi, Pontus; Onsjö, Kristian; Sandell, Klas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Autonomous cars are the next step in the transportation sector in the hopes of reducing the environmental impact and increase safety, but they are expensive to develop and test. In order to facilitate the development and reduce test costs, a virtual test environment has been developed and tested via implementation of an autonomous steering function. In order to develop this virtual environment the simulation tool V-REP and the framework ROS were used, since both of these tools are developed for robot development. What has been developed is a virtual test environment as well as an interface for communication between simulation and framework. The result of this project is a virtual test environment where lters and steering algorithms can be calibrated and tested for usage in a physical environment, as well as support for the possibility of basic network communication between multiple cars. The virtual environment works well for testing the model. Simulator and framework have reached a functional level, but small errors occur which may demand further development to compensate for.
- PostSmart robot lawn mower Robot lawn mower without need for a boundary cable around the lawn(2018) Andersson, Petter; Labe, Filip; Mejervik Derander, Jesper; Moen, Erik; Nitsche, Alex; Wennerberg, Eric; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Robot lawn mowers currently available on the market mostly use a bounding cable that is installed at the edges of the lawn and around obstacles. This allows the robot to stay on the grass and not hit any obstacles. Installing this cable can be costly and time consuming, and it is difficult to change once in place. The purpose of this project is to evaluate if it is possible to develop a product that does not need the bounding cable. The result of this project is a prototype that navigates without the need of a bounding cable. Instead it uses a combination of a camera, GPS, and ultrasound sensors. The prototype can sufficiently navigate on a closed area and detecting obstacles. It can not detect non physical edges for example not visible property lines. The conclusion reached is that the techniques used in this project is useful for developing a robot lawn mower but that they all need some adjustment. Especially the GPS needs to be replaced or improved to gain the edge detection correctly.
- PostTankestyrt Mekatroniskt System - Undersökning av hur en modellbil kan styras med hjälp av hjärnaktivitet(2015) Berntsson, Viktor; Hermansson, Martin; Håkansson, Emma; Larsson, Christian; Nilsson, Victor; Tofiq, Zrean; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This thesis describes the development of a radio controlled car whose control signals are derived exclusively by reading the brain activity of the controlling individual. The utilised technology, brain computer interface (BCI), was recently made commercially available which is why the majority of implementations so far are relatively simple programs intended for recreational and educational purposes. The study explores the possibility of converting the digital signals gained from a BCI to control signals for the remote controlled car through the use of a microcontroller. The goal is to discover further uses of this technology. Since the utilised BCI hardware (MindWave Mobile) uses a predefined communications protocol, the prototype was built around these limitations. The prototype receives data from the BCI through Bluetooth and converts them to signals for the radio controlled car to recieve. In order to allow visualization and testing, the same data may be sent to an external computer. This data is received, interpreted and displayed by a program developed specifically for this purpose. The thesis also discusses and evaluates the resulting prototype, focusing on the usability and difficulty of control. It further describes other usage areas of BCI, relating them to the result. Lastly, potential improvements of the prototype are described, enabling further development. Test results shows that the resulting car is experiencing problems, mainly to do with controllability. Nevertheless, there is clearly an interest in the technology which merits further research. Any subsequent studies should however use different BCI hardware.
- PostTifo-pinne, en prototyp för projicering av text och bilder i luften(2016) Haar, Patrik; Ivarsson, Jesper; Vannas, Vanessa; Fahlgren, Henrik; Hessleryd, Albin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)I den här rapporten dokumenteras och diskuteras konstruktionsarbetet av en Tifopinne. Tifo-pinne är en prototyp som projicerar text och bilder i luften vid en pendelrörelse med tillräckligt hög frekvens. Den kan användas som ett miljövänligare och säkrare alternativ till pyroteknik vid publika arrangemang. Konstruktionsarbetet genomfördes i delgrupper inriktade på hårdvara respektive mjukvara. Arbetet delades upp i tre prototyper med slutmålet att konstruera en slutgiltig prototyp som är portabel, har tillräcklig batteritid samt är tillräckligt synlig för att kunna användas på en fotbollsläktare under pågående match. Förutom konstruktionsarbetet har fältstudier av batterilivslängd samt prototypens prestanda gällande synlighet vid olika ljusförhållanden utförts. Resultatet visar att Tifo-pinnen är ett möjligt alternativ till pyroteknik men den klarar inte av satt kravspecifikation helt och hållet. Tifo-pinnen har tillräcklig batterilivslängd men inte tillräcklig prestanda i normala ljusförhållanden. Möjligheten att använda energiskördning för att ladda eller driva prototypen undersöktes men visade sig med dagens teknik vara ett otillräckligt alternativ.
- PostTracking Guest Flows at Night Clubs(2017) Bengtsson, Anton; Börjesson, Ulrik; Evertsson, Oscar; Fredriksson, Martin; Gustafsson, Simon; Wiklund, Adam; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Creating new solutions or optimizing already existing ones has been in the human nature as far history can tell. Necessarily it does not always have to be the revolutionary, such as flying to the moon. It could be smaller things as optimizing the travel time by a couple percent. In businesses today, one of the most expensive costs are personnel. Therefore, optimizing this resource could be a good way for companies to further develop their businesses. Nightclub Data AB (VNU) makes digital clickers for tracking the flow of people at the entrances of night clubs. To further track the flow of people within the night clubs, rather than just the entrance, the company has commissioned a research regarding how this could be achieved. The goal of this project was therefore to develop a prototype able to count the amount of people inside a night club. Furthermore this data was supposed to be visualized in an intuitive way for night club managers and staff in order to optimize their business. A pre-study was carried out in order to explore and evaluate different possible methods and technologies. The methods and technologies that were found to be most suitable was then tested in the process of developing a prototype. The resulting prototype captures thermal images which are then processed by binarization and white pixel area calculations in order to count the amount of people in them. This data is then sent to a database that is accessed and visualized for the end-user in a web interface that integrates with VNU’s existing system. In conclusion a prototype was successfully developed for tracking the guest flows at nightclubs. The prototype fulfills the requirement specified early in the project with exception of cost. However, creating a complete system for tracking the guest flow was harder than expected and contains room for possible improvements.
- PostTredjepersonsvy i verklig miljö - Videoströmning från autonom luftfarkost(2015) Allander, Johan; Garpetun, Albin; Hahlin, Andreas; Hultén, Jonas. A.; Karlsson, Joakim; Käll, Andreas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)New developments in the fields of virtual reality and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) are creating new potential usecases. This project aims to create a system for third-person viewing in a real-world environment using a UAV, a camera, and a head-mounted display. The concept is that the UAV will autonomously hover a short distance behind the user while recording video which is sent to the user’s head-mounted display. The concept is realized using a quadcopter, a UAV with four rotors, which is equipped with a gimbal and a camera which streams digital video data to the user over a wireless ad-hoc network. The report demonstrates how a control system which uses the head-mounted display’s sensors to steer the UAV can be constructed. We present the advantages of using digital video transfer for this type of system. A Kalman filter, a form of mathmatical filter, is constructed and analysed for use in positioning the system. Theory regarding autonomous positioning using ultrasonic ranging and trilateration is presented but not implemented. The problems in implementing such an ultrasonic positioning system are presented and discussed along with possibilities for future research. The report is written in Swedish.
- PostTredjepersonsvy i verkligheten Autonomt styrd drönare med videoströmning i realtid(2016) ARVIDSSON, JOHANNES; FORSBERG, ANDREAS; LINDKVIST, SIMON; SEGERLUND, JOHAN; TENFÄLT, AUGUST; THIRINGER, DAVID; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Projektets syfte är att implementera konceptet tredjepersonsvy i verkligheten. Tredjepersonsvy är vanligt förekommande i datorspel, där spelaren ser sin karaktär bakifrån istället för att se spelet från karaktärens ögon. Projektet beställdes av Chalmers Tekniska Högskola och är även utfört där. Produkten har konstruerats för att bevisa ett koncept och har således inte anpassats efter att kunna massproduceras. Projektgruppen har därför inte tagit hänsyn till att finna de billigaste komponenterna eller att utforma och bygga produkten estetiskt tilltalande. Produkten ska inte heller behöva kunna identifiera föremål som kan tänkas förhindra dess framfart, vilket innebär att den bör användas på platser med fri yta. Projektets uppgift realiseras genom att använda en drönare, en kamera och en videouppspelningsenhet. Videouppspelningsenheten får kontinuerlig data från en kamera på drönaren. För att drönaren ska kunna följa efter användaren byggs ett reglersystem som ser till att drönaren ligger på samma avstånd från användaren hela tiden. Data om drönarens position samlas in genom användning av ultraljudspulser. För att upptäcka höjd över mark använder drönaren sig av en barometer. Ultraljudspulserna som bedömmer avståndet mellan användare och drönare använder sig av flera mottagare för att kunna beräkna vilken vinkel drönaren har relativt användaren. Beräkningarna sker med enkortsdatorn Raspberry Pi. Produkten är inte fullt implementerad då drönaren saknar förmåga att styra sig själv. De olika systemen som kan bidra till en färdig produkt är konstruerade och fungerar var för sig efter uppsatta krav, men en sammanfogning och testning av alla delsystem tillsammans har ej utförts.
- PostUtveckling och verifiering av scenarier f ör autonoma miniatyrbilar(2014) Hassel, Johan; Kemi, Robert; Nordin, Anders; Nordstedt, Freddie; Svanberg, Jockum; Ågren, Christian; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This project aims to cover the development of multiple scenarios for controlling autonomous vehicles, with the goal of providing autonomous cars that will be able to handle complex situations in traffic. The scenarios are developed on the Gulliver-platform, a platform of autonomous miniature vehicles currently in development at Chalmers University of Technology. Two scenarios are realized, cruise control and autonomous driving through an intersection without traffic lights. The scenarios utilizes both sensors and car-to-car communication. Furthermore, in order to evaluate the developed scenarios before implementing them on the physical testbed, a simulator capable of simulating sensors, communication and vehicular movement is required and developed.
- PostVirtual Generation of Lidar Data for Autonomous Vehicles(2017) Alldén, Tobias; Chemander, Martin; Jansson, Jonathan; Laurenius, Rickard; Davar, Sherry; Tibom, Philip; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The area of autonomous vehicles is a growing field of research which has gained popularity in the later years. Companies such as Tesla and Volvo continuously work on creating vehicles that can autonomously navigate traffic with the use of different sensors and algorithms. However, given the cost and risks of testing these in real world scenarios there may be a need for simulation tools in which the algorithms can be tested during development without the need for a real autonomous car. Thus opening the area of research for independent researchers and other actors with limited financial means. This thesis presents the creation of such simulation tools. It is shown that sufficiently realistic simulation tools can be created using the game engine Unity along with free assets from the unity asset store. The simulation can be run on an off-the-shelf computer with good results. However, some aspects that can influence the resolution of the sensor in real life scenarios, such as weather conditions are not implemented.