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- Post2D Finger Motion Tracking, Implementation for Android Based Smartphones(2012) Khosravi Nahouji, Maryam; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Human computer interaction grows day by day and nowadays it has been entered many aspects of the life. Through this growth it has covered not only the desktop and laptop PCs but also mobile phones and specifically Smartphones. Therefore it worth to consider this topic and try to make a new functionality for these kinds of interactions. The intention is to find a practical way to make a new use of the video camera of the Android based Smartphones and track a single finger using the camera as sensor. To track an object in Android platform it needs some special prerequisite. It means that there should be a way to make the tracking applicable on Smartphones. for this purpose the solution this work has come up with is to use OpenCV library which is an open source library specialized for computer vision applications. This library is applicable on Android platform and therefore can be considered for our intention. Also considering different methods applied for hand tracking purpose in earlier works which has been studied in this work, the intention was to implement a method which was not been used by later studied works. Therefore the method of tracking used in this work is called “Motion Templates”. This method is a method represented by OpenCV library and used in this work. To reduce the complexity of the work the first mile-stone which is implemented in this work is to track the finger on PC and then try to port the method and algorithm to Android platform. The tracking is done successfully on the PC using this method and it can be recommended as a possible way of tracking to be considered on Android platforms as a future work.
- Post2D visionbaserad positionsbestämning Precision hos visionsystem(2012) Anderung, Max; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Vissa applikationer kräver att positionen på detaljer som skall bearbetas kan bestämmas och bakgrunden till detta projekt är att kunden tidigare fixerat skär1, som skall bearbetas, med hjälp av en fixtur. Fixturen utsätts då för mekanisk nötning vilket till slut påverkar positioneringen av detaljen. Genom att använda sig av ett visionsystem kan förhoppningsvis detta problem elimineras och en problemfri repeterbarhet erhållas. Vision i detta sammanhang innebär bildbehandling med en speciell mjukvara för att extrahera viss information ur en bild som sedan kan användas som olika typer av reglerparametrar. I projektet har mjukvaran Halcon använts. Halcon är specialiserad för att extrahera information ur bilder som sedan kan användas i en mängd tillämpningar. Mätningen kommer att kantas av störningar och det ingår således i uppgiften att undersöka effekten av dessa. Problemet har lösts genom mjukvaruutveckling samt design av mättester som skall simulera den varierande miljön som råder i olika fabriker. Den störningen som anses vara svårast att behandla och därför viktigaste störningen är smuts. Denna störning resulterade i ett mätfel på ca 5 % av en pixel och en kräver en scenstorlek med bredden 25-30mm.
- Post360World A mobile app for creating and sharing 360° images(2017) Boking, Oskar; Helsing, Jonathan; Kulaglic, Amar; Lind, John; Mihajlovic, Nebojsa; Petersson, Anna; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This report details the construction of 360World, an Android based prototype for a social media platform, the purpose of which is facilitating the capture and location focused sharing of 360 panorama pictures. The project encompasses the development of an Android application, a database for storing user information and the interface between these, as well as the configuration of hosting servers. The application makes use of algorithms from the OpenCV code library which are used to stitch multiple captured images into a single 360 panorama image; an image which can then be shared with the help of features that are typical for social media platforms, namely users and friends. 360World also has an innovative map-based way of visualising user profiles. Social media as an industry has been on the rise since its inception, and picture sharing is one of its major features; 360 pictures, however, are still relatively fringe. In this project, we explore one possible way 360 pictures could be utilised in a social media setting. The project resulted in a working prototype with which users can create, and share 360 panoramic images via map-based image presentation.
- Post3Book - a forgiving e-reader prototype for complex books(2012) Davison, Richard; Ljungkvist, Axel; Ström, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Navigating complex documents with heterogeneous content on a modern touchenabled smartphone is diffcult. Small screen size, limited and imprecise control opportunities and the potential of user distraction all contribute to the challenge of the task. This report describes a number of design considerations that the authors believe can be implemented to help alleviate these problems, including thumb-driven interaction and forgiving navigation. The report also describes a prototype that exemplifies the design ideas introduced.
- Post3D head scanner(2013) Jedvert, Magnus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The advent of cheap depth cameras such as Microsoft Kinect together with modern reconstruction algorithms implemented for the Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) o ers the potential of many new exciting applications. In this thesis, a scanning booth equipped with three Kinect cameras is built, where a user can scan their head and upper body into a high-quality textured 3D model. This is done using a variant of the KinectFusion algorithm, adapted to work with multiple cameras. The system operates in real-time and the reconstructed model is presented within seconds.
- Post3D modelling with a webcam(2021) Nevalainen Henaes, Axel; Rehnberg, Robin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Duregård, Jonas; Sistek, SakibCreating convincingly realistic three dimensional models is a common endeavour in fields like art and entertainment. The process can be both time consuming and difficult. By reconstructing objects from photographs this process could be sped up significantly while also lowering the barrier of entry when it comes to producing realistic models. The aim of this project is to explore such a solution by attempting to introduce the third dimension, depth, into images. This project explores and research the different methodologies that can used to recre ate three dimensional environments using different mathematical concepts, together with algorithms and possibly artificial intelligence The end result was a success where the program successfully managed to introduce the third dimension into images. This depth is then used to create three dimensional model. Because this was successfully done with enough time left, machine learning was introduced to the project to compare the results from the algorithmic approach to that of machine learning. The results from the machine learning bring a level of detail to the three dimensional images that can not be matched by algorithmic solutions. Further development of the project would include merging information provided by the photos from multiple angles. In its current state it works for objects with a known viewing angle for the context it will be used in. But with data captured from different angles merged together such preparations would not have to be made.
- Post3D Object Classification using Point Clouds and Deep Neural Network for Automotive Applications(2019) Larsson, Christian; Norén, Erik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Object identification is a central part of autonomous cars and there are many sensors to help with this. One such sensor is the LIDAR which creates point clouds of the cars surrounding. This thesis evaluates a solution for object identification in 3D point clouds with the help of a neural network. A system named DELIS (DEtection in Lidar Systems), which takes a point cloud generated from a LIDAR as input, is designed. The system consists of two subsystems, one non-machine learning algorithm which segments the point cloud into clusters, one for each object, and a neural network that classifies this clusters. The final output is then the classes and the coordinates of the objects in the point cloud. The result of this thesis is a system named DELIS that can identify between pedestrians, cars, and cyclists.
- Post3D Window Manager Prototype(2009) Jonsson, Andreas E; Järbratt, Marcus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The standard graphical user interfaces on leading operating systems today all use a two dimensional approach for interaction and visualization. Handling several applications using this approach often leads to a cluttered work space which is hard to manage efficiently. Research within the 3D window management area has been performed and many products exist today which utilize 3D in one way or another, but none of these have had any impact on how windows are managed in leading operating systems. The main goal with this thesis was to implement a prototype which utilized 3D in order to manage open windows in a structured way. The result is a system where the user can interact with windows in a 3D world. These windows can be placed and grouped on certain designated areas, which the user is able to navigate between quickly along predefined paths. In order to work with windows they are brought up from the 3D environment to a conventional two dimensional work space. Different users that tried out the prototype encountered no big issues with how the prototype solved navigation and interaction with objects in a 3D environment. While some of them appreciated the product as a whole, some could not see how this would benefit them during their daily computer usage, although they saw advantages with some of the functionality. // Sammanfattning De grafiska användargränssnitt som används i de ledande operativsystemen idag använder ett två-dimensionellt tillvägagångssätt för interaktion och visualisering. Att hantera flera applikationer på detta sätt leder ofta till en rörig arbetsyta som är svår att arbeta med effektivt. Forskning inom fönsterhantering i 3D har utförts och många produkter finns i dagsläget som utnyttjar 3D på ett eller annat sätt, men ingen av dessa har haft något genomslag för hur fönster hanteras i de ledande operativsystemen. Huvudmålet med denna rapport var att implementera en prototyp som utnyttjade 3D för att hantera öppna fönster på ett strukturerat sätt. Resultatet är ett system där användaren kan interagera med fönster i en 3D-värld. Dessa fönster kan placeras och grupperas på särskilda ytor, som användaren snabbt kan navigera mellan längs förbestämda banor. För att arbeta med fönster tas de upp från 3Dmiljön till en konventionell två-dimensionell arbetsyta.En grupp användare som prövade prototypen stötte inte på några större hinder med hur prototypen löste navigering och interaktion med objekt i en 3D-miljö. Medan några av dem uppskattade produkten i sin helhet, hade en del svårt att se hur detta skulle gynna dem i sin dagliga datoranvändning, även om de såg fördelar med delar av funktionaliteten.
- Post3D-skanning med strukturerat ljus En genomgång av en 3D-skanner utvecklad av 3D3 Solutions(2012) Kron, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Detta arbete behandlar en 3D-skanner med strukturerat ljus-teknik utvecklad av 3D3 Solutions och hur man använder den till skanning och kalibrering. Syftet är att förenkla inlärningsprocessen för den samt att visa dess styrkor och svagheter. För att få skanningsresultat är det inte bara att börja skanna. Det behövs lite förarbete i form av kalibrering och en viss kunskap om skanningsprogrammet FlexScan 3D. Genomgångar för FlexScan 3D, kalibrering samt skanning har därför gjorts för att på ett enkelt sätt förstå vad som kan göras eller inte göras. Uppvisningar av skannerns resultat har gjorts för att visa kvalitén på dess bilder och vad den klarar av avståndsmässigt och storleksmässigt. Resultaten visar att dess styrkor ligger i bildkvalitén och svagheter i att det kan vara problematiskt att skanna med en kamera och att kalibreringsprocessen inte är automatiserad utan måste göras för hand.
- Post3D-Skanning och motion capture Med Microsoft Kinect(2012) Olsson, Martin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)3D-skanning och motion capture används inom många olika typer av industrier. Men tekniken är dyr och många aktörer får svårt att slå sig in på marknaden. Därför undersöks möjligheten att använda Microsoft Kinect som en 3D-skanner och motion capture enhet. Under arbetet har flera 3D-skannings- och motion capture program testats. Resultaten från skanningarna med Kinect har sedan jämförts mot FlexScan3D-skanningar med GOM Inspect. Motion capture resultaten jämfördes mot verkligheten för att få en så god jämförelse som möjligt. Resultaten från 3D-skanning blev bra med vissa restriktioner. Skanningarna går att använda men inte inom industrin där större noggrannhet krävs. Dessutom kan inte små objekt skannas på grund av att hårdvaran är för dålig. Att använda Kinecten som motion capture enhet är däremot att rekommendera. Där skanning med iPiSoft gav resultat som kan liknas med verkligheten.
- Post3D-Skanning och Webkamera(2012) Kristofferson, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)I samband med 3D-skanning med laser och en webkamera finns ett stort antal faktorer som påverkar skanningsresultatet. Många av dessa ligger hos hårdvara begränsningar och ljusförhållanden. Det finns många lösningar för 3D-skanning. Gamla lösningar vidareutvecklas och nya lösningar införs hela tiden. Syftet med denna studie är att utvärdera programvara och hårdvara och jämföra dessa med andra 3D-skannings tekniker. Under arbetets gång har olika experiment utförts för att testa begränsningar hos mjukvara och hårdvara. Rapporten innehåller slutsatser och förslag till hur man kan nå acceptabla skanningsresultat inom rimliga gränser.
- Post4G-baserad långdistansdrönare - Utveckling av en autonom drönare för långdistansflygning(2020) ARNEBRO SÖDERBERG, ERIK; CARBOL, JONATHAN; EDVINSSON, FILIP; FRITHIOFSON, ADAM; KJELLBERG, ALRIK; NILSSON, OLLE; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Linde, Arne; Johansson, RogerFöljande rapport beskriver utvecklingen av en autonom drönare med möjlighet att starta och landa vertikalt samtidigt som den bibehåller hög effektivitet vid långdistansflygning, samt en tillhörande mobilapplikation som möjliggör övervakning av drönaren. All kommunikation med drönaren sker över 4G för i princip obegränsad räckvidd. Syftet var att drönaren skulle kunna användas för autonom transport av små tidskritiska paket över större avstånd än en radiosändare klarar av att styra. Drönaren utvecklades från ett färdigköpt radiostyrt flygplan, på vilket fyra motorer hade monterats på vingarna för att kunna starta och landa vertikalt. För att drönaren skulle kunna ha autonoma förmågor utrustades den med en avancerad flygdator och en Raspberry Pi, som i sin tur var uppkopplad till 4G-nätet via ett 4G-modem. Detta tillät anslutning till drönaren via en VPN-tunnel för styrning samt övervakning via applikationen som utvecklades med hjälp av Android Studio. Projektet resulterade i en autonom drönare som kan styras och övervakas över 4G, samt fungerar väl som quadcopter och flygplan. Både vertikal start och landning så väl som framåtflygning och övergång däremellan har testats och fungerar. Applikationen tillåter användaren att följa och övervaka drönaren i realtid via både karta och videoström. Projektet lägger en god grund för fortsatt arbete kring drönares användning vid långdistanstransport av mindre föremål och förslag på vidareutveckling presenteras i rapporten.
- Post5G User Plane Load Simulator(2021) DÜSTERDIECK, OLOF; HUDA, TASDIKUL; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Papatriantafilou, Marina; Duvignau, RomaricAs the commercial introduction of 5G networks is getting closer, the deployment of testing technology able to perform at the requirements specified for 5G, is of utmost importance. As a company on the leading edge of 5G deployment, Ericsson manages mobile traffic by developing a gateway known as the Evolved Packet Gateway (EPG). EPG is the main component responsible for bridging the gap for data packets between 5G base stations and servers on the Internet. Following the 5G design, EPG is split into a Control Plane (CP) and a User Plane (UP). The purpose of this thesis is to implement a 5G network simulator that is able to load test a physical 5G User Plane which is used to route traffic in a mobile network. The simulator is able to simulate traffic in both the uplink and downlink direction as well as sending traffic on several different user sessions. To simulate traffic, three different traffic models, steady-rate, step-wise rate and Poisson processes, are used. In each simulation, the traffic is stateless and follows a client-to-server architecture. All parts included in this architecture is simulated, except for the UP. To analyze the results of a test, we define several different performance metrics such as throughput and latency. These are evaluated using evaluation techniques such as Control Charts. Several sets of experiments are performed in which we verify the implemented load types and measure the maximum rate of both the simulator and the UP. Using these results, it is possible to analyze the scalability of the UP and our simulator. We conclude that our simulator performs above the required rate to load test the UP for most scenarios with differing number of users and flows per each user. Where this is not the case, ideas and suggestions on how the simulator can be enhanced additionally are given. We also conclude that the UP scales very well with an increased number of users and that it performs above the proposed 5G requirements.
- PostA Battery Management Unit(2010) Fisk, Heidi; Leijgård, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Emissions from vehicles and decreasing oil resources are pressing matters in today’s society. Electric vehicles are considered, by some, to be the solution to those problems. For years the available batteries have been too heavy and inefficient to be used in commercial electric vehicles. This thesis considers a new cell technology, LiFePO4, which was investigated and implemented into a battery pack for a prototype electric go-cart. The LiFePO4 cells need to be supervised by an efficient Battery Management Unit to function. The Battery Management Unit implemented in this thesis was based on minimal hardware combined with a prototype board for active cell balancing. The results show that it is possible to build such a lightweight Battery Management Unit, but with the loss of accuracy in the system.
- PostA Case Study for Progressive Algorithms - An Investigation into Progressive Extraction of Intermediate Solutions for The Weighted Interval Scheduling Problem(2020) Ringmark, Johannes; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Johansson, Richard; Damaschke, PeterAsserted convergence characteristics shared by all serial algorithms have traditionally not been as prominent a measure of quality as time complexity has been. In instances relying on the exploration of large datasets, a convergence bound on interactively guided exploration approaches could act complementary to traditional time complexity, and constitute a alternative starting point for algorithm design. In an attempt to further explore the plausibility of this conjecture, a theoretical framework (Alewijnse, 2014) for convergence analysis through decomposition into consecutive intermediate computations is adopted, and its resulting intermediate solutions are used as a mean of empirical algorithm convergence analysis and categorization. Different scenarios related to the weighted interval scheduling problem are explored in this light, which is chosen primarily based on its documented compatibility with dynamic programming approaches. The result is presented as asymptotic upper bound functions on the convergence along with conjectures on upper bound hardness with respect to two different error functions, one adapted for stochastically and one for deterministically rooted algorithms.
- PostA Case Study of a 3D Space-Shooter Game(2015) Dahlberg, Oskar; Ericsson, Hampus; Hasselqvist, Johan; Josefsson, Anton; Ottervad, Henry; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This Bachelor’s thesis treats the development of ULMO the Star Explorer, a graphically intensive space-shooter game set in three dimensions, which is developed using the framework Microsoft XNA. The project was carried out as a case study, and the thesis presents and compares different techniques that can be used to solve the problems we identified. The main focus for this thesis is to present the graphical effects used to create a graphically intensive game within a limited time frame, but it also presents the different solutions chosen to create the game engine used by the game. The thesis covers several common graphical effects used by games, such as Bloom and Motion Blur, and presents two novel algorithms: one algorithm for lighting of spheres, and one algorithm to generate the game world including a path within the threedimensional space of this world. ULMO the Star Explorer does not contain all the features that were originally planned, but is still a fully functional game that can, given the time frame and the number of project members, be seen as a visually pleasing game.
- PostA Case Study of Feature Location in an Open Source Embedded System(2018) Gu, Wanzi; Shen, Hui; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)In this master thesis, we conducted a case study to look for effective methodologies of feature location in software maintenance. We started with domain study and analysis on the target subject to obtain first hand knowledge and background information about the system. Later we came up with two methodologies that could be systematically applied to the chosen subject to identify and locate features. The methodologies were named as Release Log and Source Code methodology since these were the artifacts where the feature are identified from. The methods were applied to the system, and we found totally 44 features including both mandatory and optional features. Our methods could also be applied to other systems with similar development process. Finally we also measured the characteristics of the features found using some metrics, the results also showed positive correlations between several pairs of measurement metrics.
- PostA Case Study of Interactive Conflict-Resolution Support in Software Configuration(2016) Jonsson, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The Linux kernel is one of the largest highly configurable systems, with more than 13,000 configuration options. Although a description is provided for many of the configuration options, configuring the kernel has been identified as troublesome by both users and developers. To assist the user in satisfying unmet dependencies when configuring a system, an algorithm for resolving configuration conflicts called RangeFix has been proposed by academia. In this case study, we explore how RangeFix can be integrated with the Linux kernel configurator xconfig. We develop a prototype based on xconfig, where an existing Scala implementation of RangeFix is integrated to generate fixes and help the user resolve unmet dependencies. The workflow for configuring the kernel, supported by this prototype, is evaluated with Linux users through a survey. We find that the prototype is promising and can be useful in certain scenarios. We also evaluate the existing Scala implementation of RangeFix in terms of correctness and performance. Although the correctness is found to be good, it is much slower than the users’ expectation. How RangeFix can be implemented to comply with the Linux kernel community’s requirements is also explored in this case study. The result is a partial C implementation of RangeFix, based on a SAT solver. This C implementation is also evaluated in terms of correctness and performance. Even if our C implementation is incomplete, we find that this is a feasible way to implement the algorithm. When finished, it might perform well enough to provide interactive conflict-resolution support in the Linux kernel configurators.
- PostA Case Study of the Challenges with Applying Machine Learning in Industry: A Software Engineering Perspective(2019) Eksmo, Samuel; Liu, Hanyan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Feldt, Robert; Hebig, ReginaData science is a growing trend and the advancement in machine learning and AI have been creating headlines in recent years. This has sparked an interest, not just in traditional IT-industries but also in businesses such as manufacturing, medicine and retail. Numerous industries are seeing potential in making their business more data driven and seeks to implement these trending technologies but few people know of the challenges that comes with applying it. This thesis aims at identifying the challenges, bridging the gap and lowering the entry barrier for engineers and researcher to contribute in the field of applied machine learning. In this case study, we examine how software engineers, data scientists and researchers can structure their work in order to increase the success rate of ML projects. Through interviews and a practical implementation test we analyze the underlying key concept that could help in bridging this gap. We conclude that software engineers can support in some initial data science activities, that communication between different stakeholders is crucial to the success of projects and that simpler ML models might be preferable in projects with time restrictions.
- PostA Case Study on Test Optimisation and Visualisation of Diversity Information(2019) Kulaglic, Amar; Helsing, Jonathan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Steghöfer, Jan-Philipp; Gomes de Oliveira Neto, FranciscoContinuous Integration (CI) pipelines are vital in the implementation of CI and in the feedback cycles that surround automated testing in CI environments. A feedback cycle represents the time it takes from performing a commit until test results are ready. A significant problem in CI and automated testing is the long feedback cycles that come due to the increasing size of the test repository when executing test suites. The increased length of test execution is what this thesis will address using test case prioritisation. Through a design science methodology, we developed a tool and evaluated it by performing a case study at Volvo Car Corporation. The case study consists of two parts: evaluating the visualisation of data usually hidden during prioritisation, and data gathering and statistical analysis related to the performance of different distance measures and test case data. We have identified that similarity maps and history plots are good visualisation to enhance test decision making and maintaining and improving test repositories. Moreover, we have discovered the potential of using previous executions of test cases to determine their similarity.