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- PostA learning curve comparison between React and Angular - Analyzing documentation, ease of use, community support, and modularity(2024) Franz, Johan; Niklasson, Milton; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Duregård, JonasIn the ever-expanding world of JavaScript frameworks, it can be challenging to determine which framework is best suited for university students venturing into web applications. This degree project report evaluates two of the most prominent frameworks, React and Angular, by developing a web application which needs to display graphs of scientific data. The study focuses on the most critical qualities for web development: documentation, ease of use, community support, and modularity. For graphing scientific data, the evaluation is based on user inputs, specifically from researchers, as well as the scalability and functionality each framework can provide. The study involved developing a web application using both frameworks, with the objective of creating the same application twice and then assessing the development process. The goal was to provide computer engineering students with a deeper understanding of the development and challenges associated with using two of the most prominent frameworks in the industry. The results highlighted that React outperformed Angular in several key areas, particularly in ease of use and community support, with React achieving an average score of 9.25 compared to Angular’s 6.25. React’s documentation and structured approach were more intuitive and beneficial for developers with a university-level background. While both frameworks required the use of D3.js for graphing capabilities, React’s integration process was smoother and more efficient. These findings aim to guide students in choosing the most appropriate framework for their needs in web application development, emphasizing React as the more suitable choice for those seeking a straightforward and wellsupported framework.
- PostA model based approach to lane detection and lane positioning using OpenCV(2017) Posch, Daniel; Rask, Jesper; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The aim of this thesis was to implement and develop a computer vision based method that would play a important part in the implementation of an autonomous RC car. In particular this thesis provides the initial steps of image pre-processing, an algorithm for lane detection, position identification and a communication model. The study was preformed with two main goals. The first goal consists of an investigation of a suitable algorithm to efficiently detect specific information from an image, to be able to act in a way based on the extracted data. The second goal was to determine what camera specifications are needed for the chosen algorithm. Using different approaches of algorithms for detecting a path between lanes, this thesis present an implementation of the B-snake model. The program is evaluated in the Udacity game simulator, as well as on real hardware with challenging benchmarks such as lanes with hard curvature, high speed and noisy environments. The program performed well in different environments together with a limited speed. However lanes with curvature which exceeds 25 degrees has to be further developed in the future.
- PostAI Word Plugin – Utveckling av ett Word plugin som använder sig av AI-text- och bildgenerering(2023) Gustavsson, Erik; Brottare, Oliver; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Krook, RobertAnvändandet av AI bland allmänheten har ökat explosionsartat det senaste året. Många använder sig av AI-verktyg för att få hjälp med exempelvis programmering eller redigering av texter, medan många andra använder AI-verktyget av ren nyfikenhet. Syftet med detta projekt är att göra ett praktiskt hjälpmedel för skapandet av olika dokument med hjälp av AI-tekniken. Projektet realiseras med hjälp av Microsoft Word och OpenAI:s API. Programspråken som projektet är skrivet i är Javascript, HTML/CSS och Python. Stort fokus lades på att pluginet skulle vara lätthanterligt och en enkät gjordes för att mäta detta. Resultatet visar att det mycket väl går att skapa egna program för ett mer anpassat bruk av AI. Projektet ämnade även att behandla träning av egna AI-modeller för ett ännu mer specialiserat verktyg. En första model av AI-träning implementerades men finslipning av denna fick inte plats inom tidsramen.
- PostAnalys av dataloggar - Kategorisering och prioritering av loggar(2016) Edsinger, Daniel; Andersson, Ola; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Detta projekt är till för att underlätta Anturas felsökningsprocess genom att på ett lämpligt sätt tillämpa en algoritm som ska göra det enkelt för Antura att behandla de mest kritiska felen i deras produkt. När företag ska felsöka buggar och fel i sina mjukvaror efter hundratals felmeddelanden från sina kunder, görs det i en långsam process genom att läsa igenom dem en efter en. Deras innehåll hjälper till att felsöka problemet och möjligtvis återskapa felet. Detta arbetsätt är mycket vanligt hos företag som utvecklar applikationer, även hos Antura, företaget som arbetet gjordes för. Det vi har gjort är att förenkla denna process med ett program som med hjälp av Graylog, kunna prioritera och kategorisera alla loggar som skickas från kunderna. Vår slutprodukt består av: ett plugin till Graylog, en databas och ett externt program som heter Titan. Pluginet analyserar alla loggar som kommer in till Graylog och skickar dessa till databasen. Titans uppgifter är att visa alla loggar i olika kategoriseringar och prioritera dessa beroende på dess innehåll.
- PostAnpassad applikation för låsning av Windows-enheter baserad på Safe Exam Browser(2024) Dahlén, Oliver; Saltin, John; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Duregård, Jonas; Smallbone, NicholasDigitala prov har blivit vanliga i dagens utbildningssystem. De erbjuder många fördelar jämfört med traditionella pappersbaserade prov. Dessa inkluderar bland annat minskad administrativ börda för lärare, möjlighet att enklare redigera text samt automatisk och anonym rättning. Dock finns även nackdelar med digitala prov såsom ökad risk för fusk och kravet på skolor att ta fram eller upphandla en användarvänlig och stabil provplattform. Ett företag som i denna rapport är anonymt arbetar med att utveckla en provplattform till många olika operativsystem. Till Windows använder företaget i dagsläget en omodifierad version av Safe Exam Browser (SEB). Företaget har skapat en lista med förbättringar till en egen SEB-version. Syftet med förbättringarna är att göra applikationen mer användarvänlig både för användare och utvecklare samt att förstärka fuskpreventionsmetoder. I denna rapport beskrivs hur arbetet med att utveckla förbättringarna gått till. De fuskpreventionsmetoder som utforskats är primärt detektion av virtuella maskiner. Två metoder för att försöka göra detta har implementerats. Dessa använder sig av Trusted Platform Module-enheten och grafikprocessorprestandaräknare i Windows. Pålitligheten att detektera virtuella maskiner med dessa metoder är inte helt fastställd och bör undersökas ytterligare.
- PostApplying deep learning to detect melanoma using mobile phone cameras(2024) Alexanderson, Tobias; Fredin, Felix; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Duregård, Jonas; Harrison, PhilMalignant melanoma, a severe form of skin cancer has seen an increase in incidence, emphasising the need for early detection and diagnosis. This thesis investigates the potential of convolutional neural networks (CNNs) in classifying moles as malignant or benign using images captured from mobile phone cameras. The primary goals were to assess the performance of these models and to develop a mobile application that utilizes the trained models to provide preliminary assessement of potentially cancerous moles. The ISIC archive was used as a dataset, with over 75 000 images of moles labeled either malignant or benign, to train and validate the models. Through extensive hyperparameter optimization using the Optuna framework, in addition to fine tuning techniques, the EfficientNetV2B3 model achieved a validation accuracy of 86.73%. A mobile application was developed to integrate the trained model, allowing users to capture images of moles and recieve real time classification results. The application’s usability varied due to mixed conditions when taking images, highlighting the importance of optimal conditions. The results indicate that in the right conditions, the mobile application might be able to effectively classify images, serving as a useful tool for early melanoma detection. This thesis concludes that deep learning models, combined with mobile technology, hold significant promise in improving skin cancer diagnosis in the future.
- PostAssisterad zonindelning – Zonindelningsförslag baserade på lastdata från entreprenadmaskiner(2023) Sargent, Jonathan; Claesson, Martin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Andreasson, CPAC, MathiasStenbrotts storlek och förändringshastighet är båda faktorer för hur resurskrävande det är för bolag att hålla kartor uppdaterade. I projektet används information genererat från existerande system i dumprar och hjullastare i en algoritm med 2 uppgifter, att kategorisera informationen och generera zoner baserat på de olika grupperna av noder. Vilket möjliggörs genom tillgång till geografisk, temporal information, samt information angående vad maskinen gjorde. Målet är att en potentiell integration till existerande system, som sedan skulle kunna vara hjälpmedel för maskin-förare. Genom problemdomänen definierar rapporten mål för en algoritm som ska kunna användas i produktion och vara till störst användning för maskinarbetare möjligt. En initial design har i samarbete med produktägaren använts som utgångspunkt och en mvp har utvecklats och raffinerats. Algoritmen har utvecklats genom agilt arbete med inspiration från scrum. Först skapades en simpel version som sedan förbättrades och reviderades efter bedömning från både utvecklare och produktägare. Genom användandet av biblioteket förenklar projektet utvärdering av de olika iterationerna. Som resultat erhåller projektet en algoritm som utöver att klara av prestandakraven genererar beskrivningar av information som kan vara till hjälp vid gruvdrift. För vidare utveckling rekommenderas undersökande av alternativ som exempelvis gruppering av noder genom maskinlärning. Ytterliggare förbättringar skulle kunna involvera förmåga för algoritmen att utgå från existerande resulterande zoner för att hoppa över delar av arbetet och därmed ytterligare optimeras i prestanda.
- PostAutomation of Azure Test Environment with Microsoft Teams - Cost-Effective Instances Management using Webhooks and Azure Pipelines(2024) Kazmi, Shahzaib; Lundin, Attila; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Duregård, Jonas; Kovács, AndrásThe project developed a user-friendly application for managing Azure test environment instances for New Wave Group. The aim was to reduce cost associated with the utilisation of each instance and increase the efficiency with regards to development processes. Currently, at New Wave Group, these instances are constantly operational, even though they are only needed for approximately two days a month. This continual operation results unnecessary costs for the company. By integrating an outgoing webhook with a Microsoft Teams channel to start, delete, and schedule instances, we ensured a user-friendly and cost-effective solution, with expenses directly tied to usage time. The effectiveness was evaluated through extensive testing using two main methods, user and integration tests. The tests were conducted using ngrok to facilitate application testing that requires external hosting. The final outcome of the project indicates significant monetary savings if the application were to be integrated into the existing infrastructure. It also reduces the complexity and the number of steps required to manage the resources.
- PostAutomatisering och Digitalisering av ISO-9001 Dokumentationshantering(2016) Cuskic, Elvedin; Hult Pappas, Elias; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)ISO-9001 är en standard för ledningssystem i företag och organisationer som innehar certifieringen. Ett ledningssystem beskriver ett tillvägagångssätt för hur verksamheten ständigt skall förbättras och justeras för att möta kundernas behov. Genom att kontinuerligt utföra kvalitetsgranskningar ser verksamheten till att fortsättningsvis uppfylla de krav som finns uppställda i standarden, certifieringen blir ett bevis på att kvalitetsarbetet faktiskt håller måttet. För att komma ett steg närmare mot att automatisera kvalitetsgranskningsprocessen har en produkt tagits fram genom samarbete med Altran i syfte om att utveckla en mobillösning där utförandet av kvalitetsgranskningarna effektiviseras och tas digitalt. Arbetet har resulterat i en mobilanpassad applikation som låter användare utföra kvalitetsgranskningar enligt en mall digitalt i sin telefon. Vid avslutad kvalitetsgranskning genereras dokument utifrån ifylld mall. Resultatet är ett stort steg mot ett mer modernt och digitalt arbetssätt inom företag och organisationer vad gäller upprätthållandet av kvalitetsarbetet.
- PostAutonomous navigation in terrain using stereo optics and GPS(2024) Palm, Eric; Däldborg, Alexander; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Sistek, SakibSyftet med detta projekt var att utveckla ett autonomt navigationssystem för ett terränggående fordon med hjälp av stereo-optik och GPS-teknologi. Systemet är utformat för att möjliggöra navigering från en punkt till en annan i terräng genom att upptäcka och undvika hinder. Viktiga komponenter inkluderar en stereo-optisk kamera för djupuppfattning i syfte att identifiera hinder, en GPS-modul för lokalisering och en Nvidia Jetson Orin Nano enkortsdator som data processing och navigering. Rapporten diskuterar metodologi, implementering och resultat, den belyser de utmaningar som har mötts och föreslår förbättringar för framtida utveckling. Sammantaget försöker projektet visa att genomförbarheten av att använda stereo-optik och GPS för autonom navigering i terräng är möjligt och lägger grunden för vidare forskning och utveckling inom teknologier för autonoma fordon.
- PostBenefits and costs of enabling variability and traceability in source code via feature annotations(2023) Rymo, Love; Abunaj, Fadi; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Berger, ThorstenFeatures, which drive the advancement of software systems, are often obscured in modern software projects due to the lack of clear and location-specific documentation. This absence creates significant challenges in software development, notably in time and resource efficiency. This lack of explicit feature documentation often leads to time-consuming efforts in locating features. This study tackles the problem by exploring an innovative approach: embedding feature annotations directly in the source code. It investigates both the benefits and potential costs associated with this practice, filling a gap in the current body of literature. To empirically evaluate this approach, a specialized tool, that we will refer to as an ’annotation logger’ was developed. The goal of the tool is to measure the time efficiency of feature annotations. Despite a few minor inaccuracies, the results of this evaluation demonstrated the tool’s reliability in gathering meaningful data. The findings suggest that, while introducing some additional overhead, feature annotations could fundamentally enhance the software development process by increasing location-specific clarity and reducing search times.
- PostBMS med Dynamisk CANopen Nod-ID Tilldelning(2018) EDWARDSON, JOHN; EMANUELSSON, EMIL; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This project is intended to proceed with the developement of a battery management system (BMS) in an electric vehicle. The project has been issued from the company Clean Motion AB, and the work took place in a laboratory at Chalmers. In the purpose of being able to connect a set of batteries in parallel in the vehicle, the project examines the possibilities of connecting multiple BMS devices to a CAN bus. This should be done so that the data transmitted on the CAN bus does not collide with other data. Also the software of the BMS has been translated from BASIC to C and nally its features have been tested to verify the correctness. In the report the reader will nd an analysis and description of the BMS and its software. The reader will also nd a description on how the CAN bus is operating and how the BMS uses it. Thereafter the report evaluates a set of di erent possible solutions for avoiding collision of data on the CAN bus. And how it was nally implemented and tested.
- PostCentralt Backupsystem - System för monitoring av backups(2019) Dahlberg, Nikolai; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Consat Data AB manages other companies’ IT environment. For every customer there are backup servers with different softwares. These are responsible for creating backups of the customers’ servers and send reports to the administrators when done. Due to the number of customers and servers the administrators can receive up to 300 reports a day through mail and web interfaces. One administrator must read through all these reports every day which makes the work inefficient. This is what this project tries to solve. The goal of the project was to make Consats work with backups more efficient. This was done by creating a system that fetched backup data and presented this in a web interface. The system was split into two applications, one to handle the web interface and one python application to handle, fetch and read the backup data. While working on the goal the purpose of the project was to discover and examine different methods to fetch, handle and view backup data. The different methods were chosen depending on functionality, popularity and existing documentation. The work resulted in two working prototype applications. The first application is written in Python. The purpose of the application is to fetch mails and backup information to extract backup data. The second application is a web application with Node.JS as a base. It’s purpose is to show the extracted backup data in a webinterface.
- PostChatUp; En Chatbot med kontinuerligt lyssnande samt snabb respons.(2018) Martinson, Johan; Rydén, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Interest in IT and especially artificial intelligence increases in Swedish companies by the day. Therefore a platform in the form of a robot to accommodate experiments in machine learning and machine intelligence has been developed. The idea is that this basic product will capture peoples’ interests during fairs and events. The developed software module ChatUp has been integrated into a Nao-robot, which is a small humalike robot, that takes in user requests, interprets them via a NLP and then selects an appropriate service to finally respond. Since the idea is that the robot should behave as humanlike as possible, the time between request and response should be shortened to a minimum. The project has therefore investigated sound segmentation algorithms, to remove silence and non-speech in audio this with the intention of minimizing the size of its data packet transmitted over the network, thus shortening the response time. The investigation has resulted in the fact that manipulation of live-streaming audio is not suitable while live streaming analysis can shorten response time noticeably. The results will be used as a basis for further development of the robot and the ChatUp module.
- PostClustering Non-Stationary Data Streams with Online Deep Learning(2016) Rising, Magnus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)With more devices connected, sensor data logged and people active in social networks, the trend towards working with dynamic data is clear. The number of applications where it becomes essential to perform real time analysis on data streams grows accordingly, each with its own challenges. From this area of data stream analysis we benchmark the performance of current state of the art clustering algorithms: CluStream, DenStream and ClusTree. We also adapt a Variational Autoencoder to perform in the context of non-stationary data streams and assess its generative capabilities for dimensionality reduction. From this limited lab experiment we show that while there is a significant improvement in the clustering accuracy of high dimensional datasets after a dimensionality reduction with a Variational Autoencoder, not all clustering algorithms benefit in the same way from it. Additionally we show that regardless of the clustering algorithm, no relevant improvement in the purity of the clusters could be obtained after the dimensionality reduction.
- PostCombining Deep Learning with traditional algorithms in autonomous cars(2017) Falk, Albin; Granqvist, David; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Research of autonomous technologies in modern vehicles are being conducted as never before. For a long time, traditional computer vision based algorithms has been the primary method for analyzing camera footage, used for assisting safety functions, where decision making have been a product of manually constructed behaviours. During the last few years deep learning has demonstrated its extraordinary capabilities for both visual recognition and decision making in end-to-end systems. In this report we propose a solution of introducing redundancy by combining deep learning methods with traditional computer vision based techniques for minimizing unsafe behaviour in autonomous vehicles. The system consists of a computer vision based lane detection algorithm in combination with a fully connected Deep Neural Network, and combines the advantages of both technologies by constructing a control algorithm responsible for consolidating the sub systems calculations of the correct steering angle, used to keep the vehicle within the lane markings of the road. The solution proposed show that we can increase the performance of our system by applying a combination of the two technologies in a simulator resulting in a safer system than we could achieve with the technologies separately.
- PostDatakommunikation för signalsystem(2016) Luong, Quang; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Bombardiers signalsystem för järnväg, INTERFLO 150, består av flera delsystem som interagerar med varandra. Delsystemen inkluderar Centralised Traffic Control (CTC), Traffic Control Centre (TCC) och Object Controller System (OCS). Dessa tre delsystem tillåter fjärrstyrd kontroll av objekt längs järnvägsspår. Detta arbete är del av ett projekt som gick ut på att undersöka möjligheterna med samma kontroll, utan mellanliggande TCC för att skapa ett simplare signalsystem. Detta system skulle innebära en förmånligare lösning där det komplexa säkerhetssystemet TCC skulle vara överflödigt. Systemet skulle även kunna användas för att underlätta styrning av objekt, eftersom ett komplext mellansteg inte längre skulle behövas. Detta kan underlätta för t.ex. testning och användningsområden där ökad manuell styrning är önskvärd. Detta arbete skapade direkt kommunikation mellan CTC och OCS. För att möjliggöra detta utvecklades en kommunikationsmodul baserad på nätverksprotokollet vilket OCS använder för att kommunicera med TCC. Därefter integrerades denna modul i CTC. Lösningen har utvecklats i programmeringspråket Java, med Eclipse som utvecklingsmiljö. Projektet har utförts hos Bombardier Transportation Rail Control Solutions i Göteborg, Sverige.
- PostDesign and Implementation of a Modern Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) Language Learning Application(2023) Ghadri, Mirco; Omar, Zakariya; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Abdipour, MortezaThis Bachelor’s thesis describes the development of a modern and updated Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) language learning application for the shipping and marine technology division at Chalmers University of Technology. The aim of this project is to design and construct a functional demo application that serves as a proof of concept and provides valuable insights for future development. By conducting data gathering, iterative design prototyping, and software implementation, the project successfully accomplished its goals. The outcomes include the identification of user needs and the creation and evaluation of a design prototype. Online surveys were utilized for data gathering and evaluation, allowing for the collection of user feedback and insights. The project resulted in the development of a fully functional cross-platform application compatible with Web, iOS, and Android platforms. The evaluation process validated the effectiveness of the design, while also highlighting potential areas for future enhancement. Ultimately the project’s findings and insights have the potential to significantly impact SMCP learning at Chalmers University of Technology and beyond.
- PostDeveloping components for a data-driven trading system(2018) HEDENBERG, FRED; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Data is an important resource, which through data science can yield many interesting insights and predictions. To utilize data, it needs to be collected, stored, preprocessed and modelled. The purpose of this project was to develop components that together form a simple data-driven stock trading system. Firstly, software to web scrape publicly available news and pricing data from the Swedish stock exchange AktieTorget, is developed. Secondly, this data is then used to test whether it is possible to create models and tools able of aiding/performing trading decisions. To support the development of the above-mentioned software and models, some theory is provided about stock markets, together with a walkthrough of the workflow and components of data science. The result is a system that utilizes a Python module, Scrapy, to automatically collect news and pricing data and then pass it on to a MongoDB database. The characteristics of the collected pricing data made it hard to work with, which was partly solved by manually collecting data from Nasdaq OMX. In addition to the system to collect and store data, three experiments were conducted to test the model and tool developed. All three experiments gave interesting insights, even though the results weren’t assertive. The single most interesting result was the model’s predicting performance for clustered signals. As a notice of potential future work, an API connection to a broker (e.g. Nordnet) could be developed. This would enable models to be used for real time trading. Moreover, the news and pricing data can be used together with natural language processing to create more sophisticated models.
- PostDevelopment and User Testing of an Academic Scheduling App for University Students(2024) ANDERSSON, SIMON; KARLSSON, ERIK; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Duregård, JonasThis project describes the development and user testing of a mobile application designed to assist university students in managing their academic schedules. The app, built using React-Native for cross-platform compatibility and NodeJS for backend efficiency, integrates the Canvas LMS API and a web scraper for TimeEdit to retrieve essential data. User feedback was collected through a series of tests, starting with Figma prototypes and progressing to an emulator and real-time devices. The key findings highlighted the app’s clean design and intuitive interface, with the calendar feature being particularly well-received. Final user engagement scores ranged from 7/10 to 8/10, indicating strong approval of the app’s concept and design. Areas for enhancement included customizable schedule options and the ability to import personal calendars. Despite challenges such as undetected bugs and the limitations of web scraping, the project successfully created a functional, user-friendly app. This report emphasizes the importance of continuous user involvement and iterative testing in developing effective educational tools. Future research should focus on improving data integration methods, expanding the sample size for user testing, and exploring advanced algorithms for personalized study plans.