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- PostAnalog-till-Spiktåg-omvandlare – Spiktågs generering från en analog accelerations signal(2023) Axelsson, Philip; Weber, Carolina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Linde, ArneProjektet syftar till att modellera en omvandlare som genererar spiktåg baserat på accelerationsdata och efterliknar aktiviteten hos neuroner i människokroppen som detekterar acceleration. Målet var att skapa en energieffektiv och enkel modell för spiktågsgenerering som kan användas i samband med spikande neurala nätverk. Projektet omfattade flera centrala steg. Först genomfördes en grundlig litteraturgenomgång för att studera befintlig forskning inom området spiktågsgenerering och accelerationsdetektering. Baserat på den insamlade kunskapen och identifierade metoder valdes en lämplig metod för generering av spiktåg. Därefter utvecklades och implementerades omvandlaren. Det innefattade att utforma en modell för att omvandla accelerationsdata till spiktåg med hjälp av lämpliga inter-spike intervall. Omvandlaren är utformad för att vara anpassningsbar och möjliggör justering av inter-spike intervall (ISI) och tröskelnivåer för att kontrollera det genererade spiktågets firing-rate. Genom att ändra ISI-värden och tröskelnivåer kan man manipulera aktivitetsnivån hos spiktåget och säkerställa att det överensstämmer med önskat firing-rate. Slutligen presenteras resultaten och slutsatserna av projektet, inklusive en bedömning av omvandlarens förmåga att simulera neural aktivitet relaterad till acceleration. Projektets omfattning inkluderade även eventuella rekommendationer för vidareutveckling och tillämpningar av omvandlaren inom områden som neurala nätverk, robotik eller medicinsk teknik.
- PostArduino-baserad vattenpumpstyrning med PID-reglering(2023) Abdul, Kevin; Al-Ani, Montedar; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Duregård, Jonas; Peterson, LenaThis project aims to validate the feasibility of integrating Arduino-based water pump control with PID-regulation with the help of an existing system. By utilizing Tinkercad, Arduino IDE, and various technical components, the study is conducted to provide empirical evidence that the system can indeed be successfully implemented using Arduino. Upon comparing the real system with the proof of concept system, notable similarities and differences can be observed. These differences arise from the distinct choice of components utilized in each system. The utilization of the ultrasonic sensor played a cruical role in our project, enabling us to conduct tests and obtain the achieved results. This hardware proved indispensable to our research and experimentation. Several essential actions had to be followed in order to properly build the finished product. These actions included choosing the right components, making sure that the measurements were accurate, and figuring out the system’s ideal power needs. A successful outcome was made possible by each of these actions.
- PostDemonstrationsmodell av elektrisk motor styrd av motriktad elektromotorisk kraft Med test av magnetiska lager(2014) Åkesson, Joakim; Öhrnberg, Fabian; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Reduced material consumption is a contributing factor when reducing environmental impact. Reusing current resources can save energy as well. Furthermore these two aspects can be linked to how BLDC machines are designed and operated. Normally they are operated with Hall sensors to detect the rotor position, which is necessary for the transistors to commutate at a correct point. However, there is another method for detecting the rotor position. When an electric motor is operating, it also generates voltage, so-called back electromotive force (back-EMF), which can be used as signal for detection the rotor position. BLDC motors are normally operated with three-phase inverter bridges. By adjusting the commutation of the transistors in the inverter bridge so that it matches the phase of the back-EMF, hall sensors may be completely excluded. This can cause a reduction in material consumption during production and thus also reduce impact on the environment. In addition to using less material, control can also be streamlined further due to measuring directly on the stator windings. For further attempt to improve efficiency and reduce environmental impact this project has experimented with magnetic bearings. This was made successful with an exception for the magnetic bearings. Consequently a self-designed engine could be controlled by back-EMF as a feedback mechanism. The engine managed lighter load, but there are however still areas which can be developed further. An example of a development point is to create a more flexible control which can automatically adjust itself to the connected motor.
- PostDevelopment of a version management application for SCADA systems(2024) Ager, Matilda; Bergman, Marcus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data och informationsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering; Svensson, Lars; Qararyah, FareedThis report presents a tool that compares different versions of files produced by the Web Port SCADA system and offers the ability to track, approve, or reject changes at fine granularity. This functionality is offered with a high degree of user-friendliness. The tool is developed with the purpose of addressing the limitations of pre-existing file comparison tools in functionality and user-friendliness. The developed tool offers the following features. First, an effective and memory-efficient method to compare .csv and .sqlite files. Second, a folder-wide comparison where sets of files are compared automatically and made available in the program interface and in the form of locally stored files. Third, a record of the comparisons done linking to the file locations and allowing annotation with comments. Fourth, an overview of the comparison result (additions, removals, changes) in the user interface. Fifth, the ability to validate, approve, or reject differences between the 2 versions of a file producing a third version that can be stored in a user-defined location. The finalized version of the tool has an easy-to-use, one-form interface. This interface displays all the necessary metadata including a commented history of comparisons, a table containing the done comparisons which also allows content validation, and links to the utilized storage locations. The proposed tool is implemented using .NET Framework and written in C# and uses the WinMerge application for external comparison of unhandled file types.
- PostInduktiv laddning av batteridrivna fordon under drift(2014) Eriksson, Andreas; Rohlén, Simon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The interest and development of electric cars has increased greatly in the recent years. Many people choose to buy electric cars instead of traditional cars with a combustion engine. But the electric car is still limited with a relative short travel distances and long loading times, both of these traits needs to be developed in order to make the electric car more competitive. One of the greatest advantages of the electric car is the environmental aspect; electrical cars contribute less than cars with combustion engines to the emission of greenhouse gases. The project aims to develop an inductive charging technology for battery-powered vehicles while driving, a technology that can decrease the negative traits of charging and travel distances since the car would be charged during driving. The project resulted in a circuit where both a battery could be charged and the engine could be operated simultaneously by energy transmitted wireless from a primary circuit and a system to control the coils used to transmit the energy. The circuit constructed consisted of a primary circuit with an oscillator, amplifier, and a primary coil. The primary circuit transfer energy to a secondary circuit which then charges the battery and runs the engine. The secondary circuit consists of a secondary coil, diode bridge and a voltage regulator. After the voltage regulator a motor and a battery control unit which charges a battery was connected. The control system was constructed of an Arduino Uno, a relay card and distance sensors. The distance sensors send signals depending of the distance from the secondary coil to the primary coil to the Arduino. These signals are processed by the Arduino, the Arduino then sends signals to the relay card which controls the feeding of energy to the primary coils. The project was carried out at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering at Chalmers University of Technology.
- PostInvestigation of possible acceleration of OpenFOAM With the use of FPGA(2014) Johannesson, Daniel; Lindahl, Simon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Increasing software performance makes it possible to compute problems consisting larger data sets, which corresponds to more accurate real life simulations. However, there is always strive to achieve even faster computations is always desirable due to profiting from reduced time. By implementing hardware designed to perform a specific task can accelerate computations as well as it is power efficient. OpenFOAM is a computational fluid dynamics tool able to simulate real life problems such as thermodynamics. The authors got the task to investigate if OpenFOAM is suited to be accelerated with an FPGA. During the investigation a model was built from an existing model and after profiling the computations, the Gauss-Seidel smoother where chosen to be implemented on a FPGA. Several attempts were made to understand the arithmetic function of the smoother. The implementation made for it is actually slower than the regular CPU based software. One of the reasons is that the PCIe cannot transfer data fast enough to the FPGA, to resolve this, another smoother have to be implemented that get the same result as Gauss-Seidel. Such as Jacobi's method which can be even more parallelized. Other possibilities include finding different matrix compression method which is more beneficial for the task or even use GPU:s as accelerators
- PostMD407 – En ARM-baserad laborationsdator för utbildning(2016) Östman, Fredrik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Syftet med projektet är att ta fram en laborationsdator baserad på en 32-bitars ARM-processor. Denna skall främst vara avsedd till att användas för undervisning kring maskinorienterad programmering. Ett nytt system behövs för att ersätta befintlig laborationsutrustning som i dag används i flertalet elektronik-relaterade kurser på Chalmers. I dagsläget används olika plattformar i de kurser som hålls och förhoppningen är att en ny plattform skall kunna ersätta dessa med en gemensam lösning. Roger Johansson påbörjade under 2013 arbetet med att ta fram en kravspecifikation för den nya utrustningen. Arbetet med att konstruera prototyper och montera dessa har pågått under 2013 och 2014, allt arbete är utfört på Chalmers under handledning av Roger. Resultatet av arbetet är en färdig prototyp som är redo att funktionstestas. Om tester visar att allt fungerar som det ska så kommer plattformen med stor sannolikhet integreras i undervisningen och användas under laborationer. Systemet kan kompletteras med expansionsmoduler vilket innebär att det kan kompletteras för att fungera nya laborationer samt som en grundenhet vid exjobb och projekt. Utvecklingen av plattformen har skett framförallt med fokus på att ta fram stabil hårdvara som är både elektrisk och mekanisk lämpad för sitt syfte. Detta innebär att ingen mjukvara är inkluderad i arbetet. Kravspecifikation, elektriska scheman och översikt av prototyp är bifogade i slutet av rapporten.
- PostMobilt Elektroencefalografi(2019) Croft, John; Olsson, Christoffer; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Today's technology is constantly undergoing new innovations and evolutions. In keeping with this trend, this project aims to take the well-established measuring technique of electroencephalography (EEG) and create a mobile implementation. The project has been performed at Chalmers. An Electroencephalography (EEG) is used to detect and measure ion currents in the brains nerve cells. These can be measured by attaching voltage sensitive electrodes on the scalp, and is used to determine di erence conditions in the brain, such as epilepsy, coma and brain death. The idea behind the project is that its mobility and availability can open an opportunity for large amounts of data. This large data set can potentially be used to analyse how humans catalogue what she learns, and how varying external stimuli a ects this process. Basic requirements include that it should function as a normal EEG, as well as there should exist a simple way to interact with the software. The project has consequently developed hardware to collect EEG-data, as well as created a GUI for easy use of the system. The project development is unfortunately an un nished product, and some of the initial goals have not yet been completed. The results of the project has resulted in a more in-depth knowledge of what an EEG is, and also the limitations that exists in programming languages and hardware when one tries to create a real time system. The results have been used as a knowledge base for another project, and aims to be used for more like-minded projects in the future.
- PostPowerline Communication(2014) Musbah, Mohammad; Vallander, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The project intends to reduce the use of resources in the form of cables in trucks by allowing data transfer over existing electrical wiring. It presented a theoretical model of a modem, intended for communication via phase modulation over power lines. The model consists of few components and communication method is full duplex. The model offers the possibility and the opportunity for channel selection in software. From the model a transmitter module, receiver module, voltage regulator and a separate quadrature detector is constructed. Initial tests and checking which were done on these four components showed first that the data transfer between the transmitter module and receiver module worked but the transmission was unreliable, meanwhile the voltage regulator and the external quadrature detector worked and delivered the expected performance. The model is eligible for further possible development and practical implementation.
- PostPowerline Communication Hardware(2014) Arrefelt Augustsson, Andreas; Jakobsson, Martin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)In today’s vehicle industry, the demand of electronics devices that can communicate with each other is increasing. The increasing demand of electronics is due to more and more automatic control systems. This leads to an increase in the amount of information needed to be sent and the speed of the information needs to increase which in turn leads to that the amount of cables must also increase. An increase of cables is undesirable. To show this problem we intend to construct a communications system that sends all it is information on the existing dc-powered distribution grid. With this solution the amount of cables needed, will reduce. Our system will be based on BPSK/QPSK technology and our focus will be on doing as much as possible with only hardware as we will not discuss any software in this project.
- PostReglering av ett UAV-system En initial prototyp för ett styrsystem till en Quadcopter(2014) Bengtsson, Mikael; Carlström, Niclas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This report discusses the development and construction of a digital control system for an autonomous UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). The vehicle in this project is a quadcopter which is a type of helicopter with four rotors that are controlled individually according to the desired flight pattern. The idea for the project was evoked by an interest in the complexity of this type of control system, and what challenges might arise in the developing process. The goal of the project is to investigate whether a stable flight, with specific components, can be achieved. The primary objective is to develop a control system that balances the quadcopter perpendicular to the z-axis of the room. This is a crucial first step for further development of the control system. A major part of the report deals with modeling of the quadcopter and its subsystems. Consequently, simulation of these models constitutes a considerable part of the report and its results. The report presents different methods of how theoretical models are developed, with reference to the quadopter's subsystems. A series of experiments was conducted on the physical model in order to collect the measurement data used for modeling. The method also included simulations on models for testing different functions in a controlled environment. Finally, the functions were implemented on the hardware and the results were evaluated and compared to those of the simulation. Another substantial part of the method is the development of software which constitutes the control system. Furthermore, the report also describes the construction of the hardware required to realize the entire system. The project resulted in an initial prototype of a control system for height and angle control with related theoretical models for the system. For height control, this was treated theoretically and solely in a simulation environment. The angle control was treated in the same manner, except this was also applied to the hardware and evaluated. In addition, the project resulted in developed hardware and software environments for the design. The results also contain the simulation environments that formed the basis for the design of the control system.
- PostStabilisering av autonom quadrotor(2014) Larsson, Patrik; Neugebauer, Victor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The different physical properties of the quadrotor have been observed through various step-response analysis. Four PID-controllers have been designed using Ziegler-Nichol’s method. These controllers have been programmed into an Arduino Mega which is connected to multiple different sensors with a low sampling frequency of approximately 11 Hz. The stability of the finished product acheived the specifications set at the beginning of the project. There is also an option for an end-user to communicate with the quadrotor through a Wi-Fi connection with a basic user interface. A GPS circtuit has been mounted on the quadrotor, enabling navigation between different waypoints specified by GPS coordinates. iii