Examensarbeten på grundnivå // Basic Level Theses
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- PostA profitable implementation of collaborative robots - A safe and affordable way of increasing production rate and quality(2023) Bredvad-Jensen, Johan; Johansson, Jakob; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Hammersberg, Peter; Theander, Annika; Gustafsson, Marcus; Valsamidis, NikosAt Volvo Powertrain in Skövde combustion engine cylinder heads are casted at foundry 2. Most of the manufacturing of their products is fully automated, but the assembly of the sand cores prior to casting for the D6 and D4 cylinder heads is manual, since they are produced in smaller quantities. At the current workstation the manual assembly creates a bottleneck, due to problems with the production and error rates. Volvo Powertrain therefore wants a study performed about the possibility of using collaborative robots for the gluing of the sand cores. To find a suitable concept for a new workstation a requirement specification was created. With idea generation methods, concepts were created and later evaluated using decisions matrices until a final concept remained. In unison with the decision matrices. A simplified risk assessment was performed and data from recordings of the current production was acquired. The data acquired was then statistically evaluated with the three-point method. This was then used in the visualisation. After the visualisation a simplified ergonomic and economic evaluation was performed. The final concept consisted of two collaborative robots of the model FANUC CRX-25iA, one with a moving pedestal and one with a permanently placed pedestal. The movable pedestal opens for the use of the FANUC robot at other parts of the factory. The end effector of the FANUC robot has a glue gun attached to it that will disperse glue. A camera mounted on a beam in the workstation is used to scan the position of where the glue should be applied. The current workstation uses a telfer with a manual glue gun attached, by keeping this the flexibility is kept. In addition, preventative measures used in the risk assessment is added to the workstation. The authors recommend the implementation of collaborative robots for the manufacturing of the D6 and D4 cylinder heads. The findings in this thesis indicates a potential increase of production rate with 44%, with less errors and high degree of safety. Also, the ergonomic evaluation points towards that the operators will experiencing less strain compared to the current workstation. The risk assessment reveals that this solution can be implemented with acceptable levels of risks to the operators and the property of Volvo Powertrain. The implementation of collaborative robots is assessed to be economically justifiable due to the payback time being 0,6 years. The authors assess that the positive effects that apply to the D6 cylinder head will also apply to the D4 cylinder head. An implementation of the solution that the authors present would increase the knowledge at Volvo Powertrain and enable new exciting projects with collaborative robots in the future.
- PostAnalys av dörrproblematik - En studie om svårstängda dörrar vid Volvo Cars Torslanda(2016) Andersson, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAnalys av kostnadsvariationer i en prototyprealiseringsprocess i bilindustrin(2018) Bengtsson, Hanna; Nilsson, Desiree; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceThis project was conducted at a relatively new enterprise in the automotive industry. The goal was to find the reason for cost variations when building boxcars. This was a process analysing project conducted using the Lean Six Sigma methodology. First thing was to map the process, since the current boxcar process was undefined and therefore unclear, even for the employees. The boxcar process has many process steps, involving handovers to different functions, a long lead time and much manual labour. Many boxcar parts are subject to deviation during the process and needs to be re-ordered, which causes time delay and excessive costs. When working with this project, it was early discovered that important basic statistics that should be easy to find, was not. Today it is hard to keep track of where the money goes since several Purchase Requisitions (PR’s) are used for the same boxcar and sometimes the same PR is used for different boxcars. To be able to keep track of the cost for each boxcar, a suggested action is to only make one PR for each boxcar status. The costs should be tracked and visualized in, for example, a control chart. The quality of the collected data for this project affects the validity of the results. Available statistics for example boxcar costs, reasons for deviations and number of deviations has a low precision. This report relies on a correlation between number of deviations and total cost and between lead time and total cost when building boxcars. This statement has not been proved, but should be further investigated. Working with the project, it became clear that one of the departments that supply input for the process, are not aware of their importance and involvement in the boxcar process. This means that working with the boxcar process is extra work for the engineers at this department. Therefor another suggestion of improvement is to start a discussion whether it should be a part of the engineers’ job description.
- PostAnalys av mätmetoder för möbelljud(2018) Danielsson, Gustav; Johansson, Rikard; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceTo develop more lenient environments it is important to minimize the amount of ambient noise. As it is today there is no solution to compare the amount of sound that furniture excites when they’re prone to a force. Therefore the market and producers need a standardized way of comparing the amount of noise that, for example a table-top will make in a open environment. The ambition of this thesis is that it will be a part among other thesises leading to a standard way of measurement of tables. The thesis have been performed at RISE Research Institutes of Sweden. The work contains a business intelligence that will be the foundation of the case study that has been analyzed. The case-study contained a tapping machine, a impulse hammer, a shaker and a steel pellet which were tested in a half anechoic room. The results were measured with accelerometers and microphones. The result was that the tapping machine was considered the optimal method of the ones available, for standardization there would preferably be more supporting facts. There are many factors to be observed and compare their the importance of them. One thing that is very important is the amount of time needed to do the measurement, the reason for this is that the biggest cost is personnel. The amount of measurements is assumed to be many and therefore the cost of the device for the measurement will be less significant. It’s also important to consider if it might be worth developing a new device that can be used for simular tasks, otherwise a simpler more specific device might be more relevant. In summary, to come up with a standardized measurement method there is a bit more work needed, this thesis contains a solid foundation to continue working from. The thesis does not contain any new method but decribes a couple that exist in other branches of industry. Some of the methods are modified to fit the chosen object. The measurements are carried out, evaluated and then compared to one another.
- PostAnalys av risk för utmattningsskader på högspänningskablar vid fogning till havs(2023) El-Zein, Alexander Hani; Parviz, Erfan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Hammersberg, Peter; Hammersberg, PeterGlobal conditions have forced humanity to look for new methods to generate renewable energy. At the forefront of this innovation is NKT HV Cables AB in Karlskrona with the promising as well as effective method to generate electricity through wind turbines in areas named Offshore wind turbine parks. Large quantities of electricity are produced through wind turbines that are located at sea which need transportation to land via high voltage cables. To maximize this energy production, more and more wind turbines are located further out at sea which means that high voltage cables need to be jointed on a vessel at sea. The jointing operation can take several days, during this process, the cable is hanging from the vessel which can cause damage. Waves and movement of the vessel can cause bending motions along the cable which can be problematic for a longer period. It is necessary to ensure that no critical damage is induced on these high voltage cables as it can cost the company not only precious time but also a lot of money. NKT has developed a new sensor that can monitor bending variations during a jointing operation. The goal of this thesis is to develop the process and provide graphs used by data from the sensor, that can be analyzed and finally discuss the possible damage. MATLAB is used in order to produce the plots and graphs. 25 plots are presented at the result chapter which show the curvature variations in x and y axis and how the cable bends for one hour surveillance. Rainflow diagram is also presented in this chapter which indicates the number of cycles and corresponding curvature variation. The result and the effect of these cycles and variations is discussed in the last chapter. The accuracy of the result and method is discussed as well. Further, a conclusion and judgement to determine if the result is useful and valid, and whether NKT has been able to achieve their objectives with the project and if the cable has been damaged to a dangerous level.
- PostAnalys och förslag på optimering av produktionsflöde(2016) Ström, Viktor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAnalys och konstruktion av fjäderutmattningssystem(2019) Berg, Marcur; Källman, Nils; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceLesjöfors AB avser att i olika sammanhang presentera tekniken kring en unik variant av ett fjäderutmattningssystem på mässor och liknande sammanhang. För att möjliggöra detta behövs en mindre, mobilare variant av ett redan existerande fjäderutmattningssystem producerat och ägt av Lesjöfors AB. Systemets huvudsyfte är att demonstrera den unika tekniken men används även för att utföra tester på mindre fjädrar. Projektets fokus kretsar kring processen att skala ner och omkonstruera det befintliga systemet till ett system passande för uppgiften utan att äventyra dess fundamentala syfte eller effektivitet. Arbetsprocessen involverar validering av systemets unika momentfördelning med hjälp av MATLAB grundat på givna geometriska parametrar. Samtidigt skapas CAD-modeller, hållfasthetsanalyser, måttsättning, helhets -och detaljritningar samt rekommenderad produktlista och drift av systemet. Den slutgiltiga konstruktionen erbjuder ett lättöverskådligt och kompakt system vilket uppfyller de krav arbetet grundas på. Nyckelord:
- PostAnalys och simulering av framtida produktionsanläggning(2016) Carlborg, Erik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAnalysis and visualization for optimization of the production flow of a pharmaceutical pilot plant with high product veritey(2016) Ingelström, Anna; Klang, Clara; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAnvändning av skumplast i luftkanaler medför förbättrade ljud- och värmeegenskaper i kupén(2016) Condruz, Diana; Renner, Victoria; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för material- och tillverkningsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Materials and Manufacturing TechnologyInom bilindustrin sker en ständig teknikutveckling med målet att vara bäst inom sitt område, både för kunden och som bilmärke. Det främsta målet är att få kunden att känna sig trygg och bekväm i sin bil, men även att skapa en trevlig upplevelse i bilen. Ett problem är ljudnivån i kupén som blivit mer framträdande med anledning av att väl utvecklade motorer och komponenter blivit tystare. Men en lika stor utmaning är att utveckla bilar med låga bränsleutsläpp och på så sätt minska dess påverkan på miljön. Utifrån dessa aspekter uppkom ett uppdrag på Volvo Cars, avdelningen för HVAC & Climate Control där materialegenskaper i instrumentpanelens luftkanaler behövde analyseras. Projektets syfte blev att ta reda på om ljud-, värmeöverförings och viktegenskaper förbättras vid materialbyte av luftkanaler i instrumentpanelen. Idag använder sig Volvo Cars av hårda plastkanaler tillverkade av polyeten med hög densitet, medan konkurrenter använder sig av mjuka skumkanaler gjorda av polyeten med låg densitet. Det är känt att luft, vilken utgör en stor andel av skumkanalerna, absorberar värme och dämpar ljud. Volvo Cars saknade information om hur mycket bättre skumkanalerna skulle bli och varför konkurrenter använder sig av dem. Detta blev således frågeställningarna som skulle undersökas i arbetet. För att frågeställningarna skulle kunna besvaras under arbetet, behövdes en uppsättning skumkanaler tillverkas för att kunna jämföras med dagens hårda plastkanaler. Under arbetet utfördes tester på NVH som står för ”Noise, Vibration & Harshness” samt värmeöverföring. Vid NVH-testerna användes en Volvo V90 för mätning av ljudnivån i kupén för de två olika kanaluppsättningarna vid olika fläktvarvtal. Värmeöverföringstesterna genomfördes på lösa kanaler i en AC-rigg beståendes av en stor kammare där luftflödet i kanalerna, kammartemperatur samt kanalernas inloppstemperaturer kunde regleras. Det var även av intresse att undersöka vad de olika materialen har för miljöpåverkan. För att kunna genomföra denna analys vägdes de olika kanaluppsättningarna och användes som data i materialdatabasen CES EduPack där beräkningar på koldioxidutsläpp kunde utföras. Resultaten av de olika testerna för båda kanaluppsättningarna analyserades och jämfördes för att kunna avgöra om de mjuka kanalerna har förbättrade egenskaper. Mjuka kanaler isolerade värme med 3-4°C bättre än hårda kanaler och lyckades även dämpa ljudet i de frekvensband som nivåskillnaderna i ljudet är som mest kännbar för örat. Genom att använda mjuka kanaler reduceras vikten med 80 % vilket bidrar till minskade koldioxidutsläpp. Det är oklart om det bara är materialet som har den största påverkan på ljudet och värmeförlusten i kanalerna. Det kan bero på bland annat geometri, men detta har arbetet avgränsats från. Likaså har arbetet avgränsats från den ekonomiska aspekten, då detta får bli ett vidare arbete och utgöra grund för Volvo Cars beslut om materialbyte. För att veta hur väl skummaterialet håller i längden bör även undersökningar kring materialets livlängd göras, där även detta får bli ett vidare arbete och kommer inte att analyseras i detta arbete.
- PostAtt skapa stödjande dokument för processer(2016) Larsson, Ida; Thorén, Marika; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAutomated Deliverance of Goods by an Automated Guided Vehicle(2019) Wadsten Rex, Joshua; Klemets, Eddie; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceAbstract The global automotive industry presents a highly competitive business environment. Corporations are constantly trying to adapt to changing market demands. Throughout all industries companies are rapidly readjusting their operations in line with the fourth industrial revolution. It has been named Industry 4.0 which encompasses a wide range of new key enabling technologies surrounding a renewed digitization of the manufacturing environment for industries worldwide. In sight of this, Volvo Trucks in Tuve is exploring a variety of possibilities for implementing new autonomous solutions within their production. They are doing so to increase their production efficiency and to further advance their position on the global market. This study aims at setting up a safe and efficient process where an automated guided vehicle (AGV) is used to deliver material from one assembly process to another. The study was carried out at Volvo Tuve assembly plant in Gothenburg during the first two quarters of 2019. The main questions asked were if an implementation of the process was possible within the given time frame and how the workflow needed to be designed in order to achieve a safe work environment. This study was also set out to describe how the level of automation within the internal material handling could be increased. Several methods were used in order to gain valid results that could lead to a solid conclusion. Different kinds of interviews where held with employees at Volvo Tuve alongside thorough observations which both functioned as a foundation for the design of a new workflow. A large focus were place on providing the authors with the skills necessary to program the AGV to perform desired tasks. Analysis of tests run both in Pilot Plant and in the assembly process showed several key findings. The results contained solutions regarding the docking procedure between the AGV and the used trolley. These findings showed that the docking procedure presented major hurdles which stagnated the development of a robust workflow. One solution to this was to mount different fixtures in the floor to enable a more reliable docking process. Another solution which came at the very end of the study showed that the docking procedure could greatly be improved by changing certain parameters in the settings for the AGV. One other important result came through the risk analysis which provided information that were used in programming the AGV to suit the given demands. When one type of programming had been selected, the AGV went through three capability tests during production in the factory. These showed that the designed workflow did not meet the standards for new tooling and equipment. Based on these results, the authors concluded that an automated delivery of material by an AGV at the given station could not be implemented within the given time frame. Several recommendations were made in order to succeed with this implementation. One recommendation was to request a few software updates for the AGV that would elevate its capabilities. Another one was to design clear rules for the workflows surrounding the AGV.
- PostAutomatiserad processkontroll på Volvo Personvagnar Torslanda(2013) Esplund, Emil; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostAutomatisering av monteringen av o-ringar(2024) Borland, William; Hagén, Viktor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Ylipää, Torbjörn; Ylipää, Torbjörn; Walfridsson, Daniel; Koljo, DAvidThe report is about the development of a concept for automating the assembly of o-rings at Gasiq AB, Sweden. The report investigates the possibility of changing the assembly of o-rings with simple tools to automating the process with machines. The group carried out the work at Gasiq AB and at Chalmers, Sweden. It is a complicated process for Gasiq AB to change materials on parts, due the product must be verified and approved by a third party. The group therefore limits the work to using the current material choices and focus on the assembly process of o-rings. Since the budget for realizing a final solution has not been discussed with the company, no prototype is built, the work stops in the concept stage. The work was carried out in three stages in the following order. In the first stage, the project was established, the group looked at good solutions to the problem and what the company's wishes were to the solution. In the second stage, the group looked at alternative solutions, creating a winning concept and realizing the concept through a CAD-model. CAD stands for computer aided design and is a tool for constructing and visualizing things in 3D. In the final stage, the group worked on the report. Important results from the work are the experiment, concept generation, the final result and a CAD-model. From the experiment, the group concluded that it is possible to use the same equipment for the assembly of o-rings for the two different variants. This is because the o-rings for the two variants can be extended to a common sufficient dimension, so that it can be easily mounted on the part. After the concept generation, the group gained a great understanding of many possible solutions to concepts, which solved the problem in different ways. This gave the group a better understanding of the problem and how it can be solved. The group then came up with a winning concept, with a logical solution to the problem. It could then be further developed and realized in CAD to get a clearer and more concrete picture of the final solution.
- PostAvlastningsyta till bussresenärer för att öka arbetsmöjligheterna med laptop(2019) Arnell, Hampus; Hurtig, Matilda; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceABSTRACT This essay follows the product development of a component with the aim of making public transportation more appealing for commuters. The component being adjustable and offering a flat surface for placing a laptop. This report describes the analysis and decisions made throughout the development of the component. The first step was an analysis and questionnaire to ascertain the passengers and bus companies wants and needs. Through this a requirement specification was made. Concepts were generated through discussions and brainstorming. Finally, a concept was chosen and the process for creating it was through 3D printing of CAD parts drawn in Catia V5. The final product consists of eight 3D printed parts that are linked through hinges, it forms a frame. Ratchet straps are attached across the frame. The component offers an adjustable surface area. When the component is maximally extended the ratchet straps are stretched out and form a flat surface to enable placement of smaller articles. When the commuter is satisfied a simple push will close the component. In the collapsed position the ratchet straps will form a basket for storage of smaller gadgets. This is only a first version, recommendations for further adaptations are presented in chapter 6. The report is written in Swedish and most of the work took place in Partille at Consat’s office and Chalmers campus Lindholmen.
- PostBachelor Thesis - Virtual Reality strategy from a product development perspective(2023) Abusagr, Jonas; Mahamed adan, Abdullahi; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Johansson, Björn; Marti, SilvanVirtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) is proving itself to be a powerful tool with immense potential that allows engineers and operators to be immersed into a Virtual environment. This offers the opportunity to inspect, evaluate and interact with 3D designs and provides a sense of scale and spatial understanding that enhances the evaluation process of manufacturing and developing new products. This bachelor thesis explores the potential of VR and AR technologies that can be beneficial for the product development process of Berg Propulsion. The aim of the thesis is to develop a strategy for effectively utilizing VR and AR, as well as to create an interactive VR-application using Unreal Engine 4 (UE4). The research findings demonstrate that VR and AR can bring significant advantages to Berg Propulsion, including improved design visualization, simulation, and prototyping. The VR-application developed in UE4 showcases the implementation of interactive functionalities, bug fixes, and a reset button for returning objects to their original position. This thesis will show that UE4 offers a user-friendly interface and scripting system for creating interactive experiences. A comparison between Unreal Engine and Unity will be highlighted to show not only their differences in programming languages and visual coding options, but also clarify the best program to use for VR-applications
- PostBalansering av monteringsproduktion - Med fokus på flexibilitet(2014) Lindau, Carl; Pilups, Victor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostBeslutsunderlag för omkonstruktion av maskin inom stearinljustillverkning(2019) Spolander, Felix; Fredriksson, Petter; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials ScienceDelsbo Candle är en stearinljustillverkare som specialiserar sig på att producera miljömärkta ljus. Företaget har noterat en efterfrågan av längre så kallade antikljus, något den befintliga produktionsanläggningen inte har möjlighet att tillverka i dagsläget. Till följd av detta vill verksamheten undersöka vilka förutsättningar de har att möjliggöra tillverkning av den nya ljustypen genom omkonstruktion av en befintlig avställd maskin. Syftet med arbetet är att ta fram ett beslutsunderlag för hur och varför tillverkning av den nya ljustypen ska möjliggöras. Samt att undersöka förutsättningarna för en förbättrad produktionsflexibilitet. Med konceptutveckling genererades olika koncept för att ta fram ett slutgiltigt lösningsförslag på problemet. Detta komplimenterades därefter med en lönsamhetsanalys för att ta reda på ifall det är värt att genomföra eller inte. Resultaten visar på att en omkonstruktion av den avställda maskinen för att möjliggöra tillverkning av den nya ljustypen är lönsamt med en god marginal. Däremot råder de viss osäkerhet kring lönsamhetskalkylen och ytterligare verifiering är nödvändig. Det har även klargjorts att det finns stora begränsningar till att förbättra produktionsflexibiliteten, huvudsakligen begränsade möjligheter till variantbyte.
- PostBetongskrivare för additiv tillverkning av betongkar(2015) Pour, Canny Mohammad; Tjus, Frida; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för material- och tillverkningsteknik; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Materials and Manufacturing Technology
- PostBogseranordning för ny, miljövänlig räddningsbåt(2023) Håland, Elias; Persson, Kristoffer; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Hulthén, Erik; Gustafsson, GöranThe aim of this thesis project was to develop a fully functioning towing device prototype for the Swedish Sea Rescue Society's new electric rescue boat. The work was conducted at the Department of Industrial and Materials Science at Chalmers University of Technology. What sets the towing device apart from previous versions used by the Sea Rescue Society is the placement. The development of the towing device has focused on making it ergonomic, user-friendly, and safe. To ensure this, a reliable automatic emergency release is required, which forms the core of the project. Through systematic product development work, relevant data and knowledge have been collected and evaluated. A requirements specification has been compiled, followed by the generation of sub-solutions. A morphological matrix transformed sub-solutions into solution groups. The solution groups were assessed, and the inferior ones were eliminated using an elimination and Pugh matrix. Evaluation of the remaining concepts was conducted to identify issues and weaknesses. Subsequently, more alternatives were eliminated, leaving only one final concept. The final concept has been described in more detail. During the course of the project, the work has shifted towards investigating and preparing for the Sea Rescue Society's continued development of a towing device. Suggestions for further development are provided at the end of the report.