Autonom kortdistansnavigation i öppen miljö - Utveckling av kameraföljningssystem med drönare och
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Examensarbete för kandidatexamen
Bachelor Thesis
Bachelor Thesis
Software Engineering (300 hp)
Aronsson, Albin
Gashi, Adrian
Karlsson, Björn
Olausson, Tobias
Patricks, Mattias
Wallström, André
The purpose of this project was to study alternative solutions for autonomous navigation of a small drone. The defined goal of the project was to implement a camera tracking system, inspired by modern video games, where low latency was of outmost importance. A quadcopter follows a user from a fixed distance and captures the user with a camera. The quadcopter autonomously follows the user’s head movements by rotating around the user. The video stream is transmitted in real-time to a head mounted display, which is used to present a third person view to the user. The system is designed to be used in an open environment without obstacles. It uses image processing, magnetometers and ultrasound to determine the drone’s position relative to the user. An iterative navigation method using simple control engineering is then used to navigate the drone. Tests of the individual parts of the system indicate that the system fulfills the goal of the project in theory. Further tests and adjustments of the system may be needed for the camera tracking system to be fully functional. The latency of the video stream has been measured to be 125 ms, which we consider too high. The design choices made by the group, however, has led to low latency in the components that were under the group’s control.
Informations- och kommunikationsteknik , Data- och informationsvetenskap , Information & Communication Technology , Computer and Information Science