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- Post360World A mobile app for creating and sharing 360° images(2017) Boking, Oskar; Helsing, Jonathan; Kulaglic, Amar; Lind, John; Mihajlovic, Nebojsa; Petersson, Anna; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This report details the construction of 360World, an Android based prototype for a social media platform, the purpose of which is facilitating the capture and location focused sharing of 360 panorama pictures. The project encompasses the development of an Android application, a database for storing user information and the interface between these, as well as the configuration of hosting servers. The application makes use of algorithms from the OpenCV code library which are used to stitch multiple captured images into a single 360 panorama image; an image which can then be shared with the help of features that are typical for social media platforms, namely users and friends. 360World also has an innovative map-based way of visualising user profiles. Social media as an industry has been on the rise since its inception, and picture sharing is one of its major features; 360 pictures, however, are still relatively fringe. In this project, we explore one possible way 360 pictures could be utilised in a social media setting. The project resulted in a working prototype with which users can create, and share 360 panoramic images via map-based image presentation.
- PostA deep learning approach for identifying sarcasm in text(2017) Bark, Oscar; Grigoriadis, Andreas; Pettersson, Jan; Risne, Victor; Siitova, Adéle; Yang, Henry; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The aim of this work is to evaluate the performance of deep learning, specifically models of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNN) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN), on the problem of detecting sarcasm in tweets. This is done partly by comparing our results to current state-of-the art performance, and partly by making a qualitative analysis of network functionality. In addition to this, we also conduct a survey to examine the human ability to detect sarcasm in tweets for result comparison. We examine three models: Two RNNs, one with Long Short Term Memory (LSTM) cells and one with Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) cells, and also a CNN. Sarcasm detection is done by binary classification on the same datasets used by related works, and our performance is then compared to that of those works’. The main questions we aim to answer by analyzing the network functionality are what features affect the outcome, and how. By comparing our classifications with those of a basic bag-of-words model, scrambling the word content in tweets and looking at repeatedly misclassified tweets we are able to get a deeper understanding of the networks’ decisions. Experimental results suggest that the networks’ predictions mainly are based on word occurrence in the tweets. The best performance reach an F1-score of 0.842 when using the RNN with LSTM-cells. This network performed better overall among our models, indicating it might be the best option for this particular task. When conducting the survey, the model performed with an F1-score of 0.775 whereas humans reached an average score of 0.701. The model also performed better than a basic bag-of-words model, indicating that deep neural networks might be a feasible approach in tackling the problem of sarcasm detection in text.
- PostA Distributed Key-Value Store Implementation and evaluation of two strategies for lookup in distributed databases(2014) Bergkvist, Olle; Eriksson, Peter; Jarmar, Julia; Sällberg, Kristian; Ödlund, Joel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This report describes the design, implementation and testing of a database; more speci - cally, a distributed, scalable key-value store able to handle many concurrent queries. A central issue when building this type of system is how to search for a speci c node in the distributed data space. Two di erent algorithms, solving this issue in di erent ways, have been imple- mented and compared against each other through benchmark testing. One of these algorithms is the Chord algorithm described by Stoica et al in 2001, the other an altered version which is referred to as FCN (Fully Connected Network) throughout this report. While they build upon the same general idea of how to distribute data over the available space, they di er greatly in the amount of connections between nodes in the network. The report also describes the testing environment used to test these algorithms against each other. Both the database and the testing environment were implemented in Erlang. Within the con nes of the tests, the database showed good signs of scalability and concurrent query handling. The tests also showed great di erences in query-per-second performance for the two algorithms, with FCN having a much higher throughput. Chord, on the other hand, adapted more quickly to changes in large networks. This was not measured empirically but concluded from simulation and analysis. It became clear that FCN was more well suited than Chord in an application where quick lookups are treasured and the network is relatively stable.
- PostA modular system for smart energy plug stream analysis(2016) GROTH, JONAS; FORSBERG, ERIK; JINTON, JOHAN; TANNERUD, IVAN; ERIKSSON, ISAK; LUNDGREN, ANTON; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This report documents the development of a system capable of gathering energy consumption data from multiple different brands of smart energy plugs. The problem today is that firstly the manufacturers’ software is not general and provides a limited set of functions. For example, one brand’s software may provide forecasting of energy consumption while another does not. Secondly, it is not possible to use different brands of plugs together. The system presented in this report consists of a plug data parser, a message broker and a data processing engine. The plug data parser can gather data from one or multiple different brands of energy plugs at once. Using a message broker opens the possibility to gather data from a large number of plugs at the same time and in real-time. A data processing engine enables processing of the data through which use cases are implemented. It provides functions such as calculation of a moving average for the energy consumption, the total power consumption for all plugs and provides alerts for the energy consumption. Lastly, it provides a foundation to forecast future consumption. The resulting system is capable of processing more than 500 plug readings per second in real time, from two different plug brands.
- PostA Video Game Using Procedural Animation(2017) Andersson, Johan; Bergman, Lage; Hildinge, Erik; Iversen, Johan; Johansson, Daniel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Video games are played more often and by more people every year. As the consumption rises, so does the expectations on the animations. In this report, the potential of procedural animation is investigated through comparisons of different techniques within the field. These techniques include, but are not limited to, PID-controllers, genetic algorithms and contact invariant optimization. Different methods to balance, walk, fight and destroy objects are compared. The end result is a fighting game where two controllable characters face off against each other in an arena where parts of the environment are destructible.
- PostAbstract Visualization of Algorithms and Data Structures(2016) Gerdin, Johan; Josefsson, Ivar; Smith, Simon; Sundqvist, Richard; Jönsson, Dennis; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Within the field of visualization it is common to distinguish between Algorithm Visualization (AV) and Program Visualization (PV). AV uses high level abstractions to demonstrate how algorithms works, while PVs are debugger-like and display low level information about programs. There exists a variety of visualization tools within both AV and PV today. However, few tools provide a good combination of the two. There is a lack of tools which can produce visualization with a high abstraction level from code in common programming languages. Moreover, most tools are either restricted to a certain programming language or a set of algorithms. Therefore users have to learn a variety of tools for different programming languages and algorithms. The goal of this project is to combine AV and PV in a single system. The system is based around a communication contract which connects programs written in any language to any visualization tool. In this way, a programming language will immediately have a rich selection of visualizations available once an interface has been implemented for it. At the other end, new visualizations and visualization tools can be constructed without concern for how program execution will be recorded. As a proof of concept, we have developed interface prototypes for Java and Python programs. Accompanying these are visualization tool prototypes, one written in Java and the other in HTML5.
- PostAlgoritmisk komposition av popmusik - utformad med markovkedjor, bayesiskt nätverk samt strukturmodellering(2015) Lorentzon, Albin; Grönvall, Joahn; Brötjefors, Karin; Olzon, Per; Andersson, Oscar; Wänderlöv, Viktor; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This study proposes and explains the development of a method for algorithmically composing modern pop music. The method uses machine learning in a top-down strategy to generate a chord progression and a tting melody. In an attempt to capture the structure and self similarity present in pop music the method generates a structure in the form of partial repetitions. A test to see if a listener can tell a genererated song from a human composed song showed that most listeners had trouble telling the di erence. However, the songs still lacked some important properties resulting in some listeners being able to tell the di erence.
- PostAn Exploration of Procedural Content Generation for Top-Down Level Design(2018) Blomberg, Johan; Jemth, Rasmus; Lennar, August; Lilius-Lundmark, Robin; Pettersson Johnsson, Marcus; Svensson, Tove; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Procedural Content Generation (PCG) is widely used in the game development industry to randomly generate various types of content. However, ensuring quality PCG is very hard, because of its inherent subjectivity; defining exactly what makes for enjoyable gameplay is difficult and depends on a wide range of different factors. We have therefore explored the concept of PCG, specifically procedural level generation, to gather observations and insights, and we present these in the report. The exploration has been performed by creating a simple game called Fluky and developing six different level generation algorithms for it. Among these observations are the importance of identifying levels of abstraction for an algorithm, and several aspects that may influence how enjoyable the generated content can be. Our resulting conclusions are very subjective, but not without merit, due to the extensive exploration and evaluation that has taken place.
- PostAn Investigation of the Creation of Dialogue-centric Video Games, Using Two Scripting Languages(2018) Hulthén, Felix; Ljungdahl, Axel; Rödström, Gustav; Svensson, Gustav; Tchaefa, Gmal; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)In this report, we investigate the importance of scripting language features used in the development of dialogue-centric video games. This was done by creating two scripting languages, a game engine and a graphical editor; by conducting analyses of features used in existing development tools; and by performing tests in which volunteers used our tools and provided feedback. The analyses and user tests resulted in a set of features which may be important to consider when designing scripting languages for dialogue-centric game development, as well as a number of areas in which we believe future research should be performed.
- PostAn Investigation of the Creation of Dialogue-centric Video Games, Using Two Scripting Languages(2018) Hulthén, Felix; Ljungdahl, Axel; Rödström, Gustav; Svensson, Gustav; Tchaefa, Gmal; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)In this report, we investigate the importance of scripting language features used in the development of dialogue-centric video games. This was done by creating two scripting languages, a game engine and a graphical editor; by conducting analyses of features used in existing development tools; and by performing tests in which volunteers used our tools and provided feedback. The analyses and user tests resulted in a set of features which may be important to consider when designing scripting languages for dialogue-centric game development, as well as a number of areas in which we believe future research should be performed.
- PostAstrogue: A Roguelike Using Procedural Content Generation for Levels and Plots in a Computer Game(2014) Almgren, Simon; Anttila, Leo; Sörensson, Fabian; Tiensuu, Samuel; Oskarsson, David; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The aim of this thesis is to explain the process of creating a computer game in the roguelike genre, where procedural content generation is key. The case study game discussed here is called Astrogue, a simple tile-based 2D game with procedurally generated levels and plots. Astrogue is written in Java and uses the library Lightweight Java Game Library for graphics and input. Even when creating a simple 2D game, there is a need for good code architecture. For this, we have chosen to use a design pattern called entity-componentsystem, a pattern that favours composition over inheritance. Besides smart code architecture, other interesting programming problems had to be solved. Systems for controlling game logic have been implemented, including for example an algorithm for shadowcasting and a simple enemy AI. For both level and plot generation, different algorithms and approaches were studied and evaluated, but only some were used. Two different level generating algorithms have been implemented. One creates classical roguelike dungeons, with multiple rooms connected using Delaunay triangulation and Kruskal’s algorithm. The other one creates cavelike levels using cellular automata. An algorithm for generating names from lists of old ones, using Markov chains, is part of the game. Finally, the game generates a plot by creating characters and letting them interact in an AI simulation.
- PostAutomatised analysis of emergency calls using Natural Language Processing(2016) Andersson, Emarin; Eriksson, Benjamin; Holmberg, Sofia; Hussain, Hossein; Jäberg, Lovisa; Thorsell, Erik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The operators at SOS Alarm receives thousands of calls each day at the different emergency medical communication centres, owned by SOS Alarm, all over Sweden. A subset of these calls contain room for improvement and the operators could learn to improve from these calls. The work of finding – and analysing – these calls is however too tedious to be done by a human. This thesis presents four automatised solutions to this issue. The human factor is removed and the job of finding and analysing the calls is done by a computer. It is shown that it is possible to partly automatise the analysis, but the methods used have different strengths and weaknesses. Word frequency analysis is proven adequate at key word lookup. Similarity comparisons of various aspects of the calls are proven good at classifying calls, but less good at answering specific questions. Comparing parse trees seems promising, but the technology needs more work before it is ready to be used. The solutions presented show that it could be possible to automatise the analysis of the calls given that the right questions are asked and the results from these are used appropriately.
- PostAutomatiserad aktieanalys baserad på kombinerade tekniska analysmetoder(2014) Axner, Anders; Glembo, Johanna; Gulliksson, Runa; Montin, Oskar; Nylén, Oskar; Schön, Tom; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The project examines the possibility of creating an economic system with a higher yield than market index. For this purpose, a model based on combinations of known technical analysis methods is created. The model conducts trades in accordance with the signals generated by the analysis methods and is evaluated through comparison to an index portfolio, which is composed by an even distribution of the same 35 stocks available to the model. The result is deemed successful if the value of the system portfolio surpasses the value of the index portfolio measured at the same point in time. A combined model is created based on the weightings of the implemented analysis methods, according to their expected profitability after they have been parametrically optimized. A portfolio manager, that determines which stock is to be traded and the amount of shares for each trade, is constructed according to these weightings. The system created based on this model showed a successful result, after being tested and validated on two independent time periods. The time it took the system to show a successful result was relatively long, and the results presented in this thesis encourages further development of the model.
- PostAutomatiserat system för insamling och distribuering av information skriven på krittavlor(2014) Andersson, Pontus; Bertilsson, Filip; Hallqvist, Felix; Nilsson, Simon; Olsson, Jonathan; Uddgård, Mats; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)This paper describes the development of an automatic system for capturing images of blackboards, image processing and publishing the resulting images to a web server. At the time of this paper much of the education was still done with the use of blackboards. During lectures it can be hard to follow the lecturers reasonings and conclusions while trying to write down what has been written on the board. The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to make it easier for students by creating an automatic note taking system. The thesis describes the early stages of the project with planning and feasibility studies in order to be able to decide how to best develop the product. The development process describes all the design choices and the different modules like the camera unit and the server. With a working prototype, testing was made on all the different modules of the project to be able to evaluate and assess the safety of the product. The result is later processed and a discussion is made on how the product can be made better in the future. The product resulted in a prototype where all expected basic functionality were fully operational. The product were shown to a number of people and most of them had a positive attitude towards the product. It was decided to use one single-board computer in every lecture hall with one camera for each blackboard column and one sensor for eack blackboard. Raspberry Pi was chosen to be used as the single-board computer. Raspberry Pi Camera Modules and photomicrosensors were chosen as components to implement our prototype. Linux was used as operating system for both the camera unit as well as the server. A blackboard is photographed when it is in top position in its respective column and the resulting image is sent to the server. A web server was created where one can search and find lecture notes. An administrator interface was created to be able to manage camera units, courses and users. Image processing was implemented from scratch through the use of relevant litterature. Image processing incorporates cropping, skew correction, determining if something is written on the blackboard and the ability to compare earlier blackboard images with newly taken ones to reduce the number of duplicates.
- PostAutonom kortdistansnavigation i öppen miljö - Utveckling av kameraföljningssystem med drönare och(2015) Aronsson, Albin; Gashi, Adrian; Karlsson, Björn; Olausson, Tobias; Patricks, Mattias; Wallström, André; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The purpose of this project was to study alternative solutions for autonomous navigation of a small drone. The defined goal of the project was to implement a camera tracking system, inspired by modern video games, where low latency was of outmost importance. A quadcopter follows a user from a fixed distance and captures the user with a camera. The quadcopter autonomously follows the user’s head movements by rotating around the user. The video stream is transmitted in real-time to a head mounted display, which is used to present a third person view to the user. The system is designed to be used in an open environment without obstacles. It uses image processing, magnetometers and ultrasound to determine the drone’s position relative to the user. An iterative navigation method using simple control engineering is then used to navigate the drone. Tests of the individual parts of the system indicate that the system fulfills the goal of the project in theory. Further tests and adjustments of the system may be needed for the camera tracking system to be fully functional. The latency of the video stream has been measured to be 125 ms, which we consider too high. The design choices made by the group, however, has led to low latency in the components that were under the group’s control.
- PostAutonom minibil Evaluering och utveckling av lokalisering och navigation i testmiljön Gulliver(2014) Augurell, Daniel; Biljali, Arbnor; Ekeroot, Andreas; Johansson, Anders; Martinsson, Simon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Automated driving will have an important role in the future, it will make traffic safer and vehicle emissions lower. To develop automated driving in an efficient and inexpensive manner, the Gulliver project at Chalmers University uses scaled vehicles. This bachelor project aims to contribute to the continued research and development of the automated driving vehicles in the Gulliver project. This report presents a possibility to use a more reliable alternative to the current navigation source, along with a study of the vehicles components. An automated vehicle needs a good source of orientation to navigate reliably. A compass has previously been used as a navigation source, but its susceptibility to electromagnetic fields affects its reliability. This issue was solved by developing software and creating drivers to read and interpret the values from a gyroscope. The data from the gyroscope was integrated over time to be used as a navigation source, which gives a more accurate angular position not affected by electromagnetic interference. To further increase the precision of the localization, the project has determined the behavior and accuracy of the ranging and communications module. Evaluation of the test results indicated that the ranging device antenna was placed to low. This evantuated in a higher positioning of the antenna, resulting in a significant improvement of the cars localization. The precision of the steering and the motor controller had not been verified, thus measurements were made in the project to determine the precision of those components. The different parts of this bachelor project has together created an overall improvement in performance of the automated features of the vehicles. The solutions contribute to the development of a safe and reliable system in the future. It can also be applicable to systems with similar needs, like autonomous airplanes and quadcopters.
- PostBase Hunter A chemistry based learning game(2014) Becker, Johan; Edholm, Emil; Gelter, Pierre; Gustafsson, Johan; Larsson, Tove; Svensson, Emelie; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Students of today generally nd chemistry boring and uninteresting. They claim that this is partly due to the fact that they do not understand how to relate to chemistry in a real world setting. This has led to fewer and fewer people studying chemistry. In hope of reversing this negative trend, Molecular Frontiers Foundation initiated this project. The purpose of the project is creating a game that puts chemistry into a context that students can relate to. The hope of this project is that contextual awareness might lead to an increased interest in chemistry. The work started with a thorough study of pedagogy in order to know what approach the game should take on the educational part of the game. Base Hunter has to be considered enjoyable and achieving this is usually where most educational games fail. The implementation of Base Hunter has involved 3D modelling in Blender and the development of the game has been done using the game engine Unity. The starting point of the implementation was the concept model which was developed based on the pedagogical aspects studied and the requirements from Molecular Frontiers. The project has resulted in the game Base Hunter. The players ultimate goal in Base Hunter is returning home safely from an unknown planet that the player has crash landed on. For the player to be able to do so he needs protection against the hostile aliens living on the planet. This protection is attained by gathering di erent elements and raw materials and combining these, making a new type of protective suit of armour made of the newly formed material. It is time-consuming to develop a game that is considered fun, especially when developing an educational game. Therefore it can be discussed whether or not Base Hunter is considered fun and inspiring. The game is in an early development phase but still has a stable foundation to build upon, even though it currently does not contain enough content to be considered educational and entertaining. The report contains a discussion covering these aspects and also covers several ideas for future development that are in line with the development methods used in pedagogical games.
- PostBattle of Stupid Sorcerers Hantering av n atverkskommunikation i realtidsspel(2014) Arvidsson, Andreas; Carlsson, Mattias; Lagerman, Sebastian; Phan, Henning; Str ömberg, Kim; Wånge, Andreas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Delays in network communication occur constantly and are virtually unavoidable, but there are some methods that can be used to mitigate this problem. In this report, a study of network management made with the tool Battle of Stupid Sorcerers (BoSS) is presented. BoSS is a network game developed by the project group and is based on a Warcraft III custom map called Warlock. With the help of this tool, methods such as interpolation and extrapolation have been implemented and evaluated. These methods are described individually; first theoretically, followed by their implementation in BoSS. Subsequently followed by an evaluation of the methods' effectiveness and impact on the game; possible problems and risks are also mentioned. Such difficulties are balanced against the methods' advantages. The group found that many of the problems that exists regarding network communication in real-time games can be compensated for. However, often there's a cost involved in other fields when this is done, and it is necessary to take this into consideration in order to create a good and coherent gaming experience.
- PostBetter Together - En Android mobilapplikation för ökad fysisk aktivitet(2018) Brunzell, Anna; Finne, Rebecca; Granqvist, David; Tengman, Rasti; Werme, Stina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)Denna rapport beskriver framtagningen av en androidapplikation. Syftet med applikationen är att motivera människor till en ökad fysisk aktivitet i vardagen. En stillasittande livsstil kan på många sätt bidra till en negativ hälsa. Idag har de flesta tillgång till en smartphone, därför är en mobilapplikation ett bra verktyg som kan användas för att nå ut till människor och motivera. Rapporten beskriver de metoder och verktyg som använts under arbetets gång. En kravspecifikation togs fram där gruppen kom fram till de krav som var nödvändiga för en fungerande applikation, resterande krav prioritetsordnades. Under projektets gång utfördes tre användartester, ett i tidigt stadie för att bekräfta kravspecifikationen, en digital för att testa användargränssnittet och ett tredje efter implementationen för att testa helheten av applikationen. Resultatet av arbetet ledde till en mobilapplikation som genom spelifiering motiverar användaren till en mer aktiv vardag. Applikationen har tre huvudsakliga funktioner, att logga daglig motion, konditionsträning och gymträning. Poäng delas ut för all loggad aktivitet. Övrig funktionalitet är att användare via en poängtavla kan tävla mot sina vänner. Slutligen diskuteras resultatet, designval och andra insikter från projektet. Utifrån diskussionen och användartester har slutsatser om applikationens användarvänlighet och hur väl den uppfyller sitt syfte kunnat dras.
- PostBloxel - Developing a voxel game engine in Java using OpenGL(2015) Arnebäck, Eric; Bärring, Felix; Hage, Johan; Lundén, Anton; Löfman, Andreas; Ogeryd, Niclas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för data- och informationsteknik (Chalmers); Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Computer Science and Engineering (Chalmers)The purpose of this thesis is to explore the process of creating a voxel game engine, in which features such as procedural terrain generation and world interaction are essential, inspired by pioneering games in the genre such as Minecraft. The thesis discusses the development process in regards to graphics, physics, and game logic. The game engine is written in Java using the Lightweight Java Game Library for graphics and audio, and employs the Ashley framework to implement an entity-component design pattern. The project resulted in a simple voxel game, with a procedurally generated environment and basic player-world physics and interaction.