Examensarbeten för kandidatexamen // Bachelor Theses
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- PostAnalys av dagens och framtidens koldioxidemissioner längs Europaväg 39 - en del av det norska projektet Ferjefri E39(2015) Axelsson, Lovisa; Blom, Evelin; Kastari, Simon; Khairallah, Vania; Norenius, David; Söderstjerna Jörgensson, Sabina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentThe project Ferjefri E39 aims to make the E39-route between Kristiansand and Trondheim free from ferries and, despite of an expected increase in traffic volumes, reduce the carbon dioxide emissions from the road. In this report, different vehicle technologies have been compared with respect to energy consumption, CO2-emissions, efficiency and cost. Currently Norwar is investing in electrical vehicles and the main focus in this report is therefore on electrical vehicles and electrification of the road. A change towards an electrified vehicle fleet could cause problems with, for example, new peaks for electricity and power demand. Plug-in-hybrid electric vehicles could be a possible transition towards a vehicle fleet free from fossil fuels. However, the batteries required with regard to range and weight are today not applicable for heavier vehicles. Biofuel could be used by all vehicle types, but are a limited resource phasing problems with competition from other energy sectors and from food production. Electric vehicles that utilize electricity produced from a fuel cell is another possible technology, with the main benefit of only emitting steam when operated. But fuel cells are today more expensive compared to other alternative vehicle technologies. In order to get a general overview of how these vehicle technologies might affect the demand for electricity in E39-region, the energy consumption and carbon dioxide emissions from the E39 has been calculated. This was done by creating a fuel consumption model based on known physical and empirical relations. The input parameters used in the model were based on road and fuel properties, and different vehicle parameters. The current carbon dioxide emissions from E39 were calculated to 0.75 Mt and are expected to increase with 90 % until 2060 if fossil fuels continue to dominate the market. If, however, a transition to alternative technologies investigated in this study, takes place, there is a possibility to reduce the emissions with 100 %. A complete transition to electricity would be the most energy efficient alternative, and the traffic on E39 would require 3.25 TWh in year 2060, which is only an increase of 0.3 TWh compared with the current usage, in spite of the large increase in the number of vehicles. An entire enforcement of bioenergy requires 5.42 TWh year 2060 and fossil fuel that requires 5.85 TWh. In order to see if this energy consumption 2060 could be covered by energy generated along the road, an investigation of the electricity and biofuel potential in the region was done. Energy generated from wind in the fjords covers only 9.6 % of the E39 energy consumption 2060 when the road is completely electrified. The corresponding number for solar energy is 11.8 %. However, the potential for bioenergy might be able, considering competition with other sectors, to cover parts of the energy demand for E39. But if also considering biofuel production from algae, a technology that today is under development, a larger part of the energy demand for E39 could come from biofuels. Ferjefri E39 is a multidimensional project with many perspectives to consider, and an introduction of several vehicle technologies might be needed in order to reduce the carbon dioxide emissions.
- PostAnalys av designalternativ för snabbare dynamik i kolkraftverk med koldioxidavskiljning(2014) Elofsson, David; Höök, Mia; Johansson, Viktor; Mahmoud, Mohammed; Therning, Adam; Öberg, Simon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentCombustion of fossil fuels is today the dominating source of energy. During combustion, carbon dioxide is formed. The carbon dioxide accumulates in the atmosphere, which raises the global average temperature on earth through the so called greenhouse effect. The only way to reduce the emissions of carbon dioxide from combustion in a coal fired power plant is through carbon capture and storage (CCS). Post-combustion capture is a technology to separate carbon dioxide from the ue gas after the combustion for efficient transport and storage. The steady state operation of coal fired power plants with post combustion capture has already been thoroughly investigated on a pilot scale, however much work remains to investigate the plants dynamic operation. Due to the increasing amount of intermittent energy sources, such as wind and solar power, the energy system will require that the plants that run as base load today will be able to rapidly respond to changes in load. The present work investigates the operation of a coal fired power plant with post combustion capture during load changes. The response rate for different design options has been evaluated and discussed with respect to possible operating scenarios. The investigation does not include economic estimations, even though the importance of capture cost is discussed. According to the modelling it takes 90 to 105 seconds to reduce the electrical output from a power plant with CCS with one percentage point, depending on which load the change is made from. A coal fired power plant without the CCS technology is approximately eight times faster than a power plant with CCS. To increase the response rate of a post combustion system, a method for partial capture of the carbon dioxide was investigated. This method is referred to as CFCC (Constant Flue gas Carbon Capture). This option separates a constant amount of carbon dioxide regardless of the power plant load. In this case the system with CCS will change the load as fast as a power plant without CCS because the amount of ue gas and steam will be kept constant. This option is favorable when the power plant runs on low loads most of the time and increases the load to cover for the peaks in electricity demand. In this case the amount of carbon dioxide captured is less affected by the reduced capture capacity. Another option that was investigated was to temporarily stop the capture unit by reducing the steam extraction to the separation plant to improve the power plant response rate, a method referred to as EDCC (Emergency Dumping of Carbon Capture). In that case a lower degree of separation was accepted during the load changes, making it possible to follow the increased demand on electricity. With this method it is possible for a power plant with CCS to make a load change faster than a power plant without CCS. To stop the capture unit is the fastest way to make a load change of all investigated options. Reducing the steam drain to the separation plant for the short period of time required for the power plant to increase in load has only a slight effect on the overall capture rate.
- PostAnalys av HCN-emission från kometen C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy)(2015) Olivefors, Astrid; Källström, Philip; Tegehall, Elin; Levinsson, Alexander; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd- och geovetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Earth and Space SciencesIn this report, results from the observations of comet C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) carried out with the 20 meter telescope at Onsala Space Observatory during the autumn of 2013 are presented. The project comprises the analysis of data from the observation dates when emission from the rotational transition J = 1 0 for the molecule hydrogen cyanide (HCN) were observed. Detections have been made for seven different dates when C/2013 R1 (Lovejoy) were at a distance of 0.94-0.82AU from the sun, just before perihelion. The production rate increases from 31026 s1 to 51026 s1 with the decreasing distance to the sun. One of the days has also been divided in mean value formations over shorter time intervals for which a periodic variation in the production rate can be discerned although not confirmed. To perform calculations and processing of data, two computer programs have been used. The first is xs, a data reduction software for radio astronomical observations, written by Per Bergman at Onsala Space Observatory. The second program is mom, developed by Stefanie Milam at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center. iv
- PostAnalys av verkningsgrad för en industriell DC-DC omvandlare(2012) Petersson, Johan; Sundqwist, Robin; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentThis thesis is performed in collaboration with Kraftpowercon AB in Surte, Sweden. Focus has been on to identify the powerlosses in one of Kraftpowercons halfbridge DC-DC converters. First theoretical calculations are made, the calculations is verified with measurements of six different operation modes. In a later stage, methods like soft switching and synchronous rectifying are proposed to increase the efficiency for the converter. To achieve softswitching for the halfbridge, the LLC resonant converter topologies are implemented and examined. The report includes choice of components for the suggested modifications. Results of measurements show that approximately 40-45 % of total losses occur in the IGBT, most of this being switching losses. Furthermore 35-40 % being diode losses in the secondary stage. The LLC topology would ideally reduce switching losses 74 %, but only when the converter is used for specific operation modes. When this is not the case for the examined halfbridge converter, LLC topology provides no increase in efficiency. The synchronous rectifying solution is easily achieved, just replacing the diodes with MOSFETs. In an ideal case not taking into account the control system, synchronous rectifying could increase the efficiency to up to 91,6 %.
- PostAnalys och dimensionering av en elektrisk drivlina för Chalmers Formula Students tävlingsbil(2015) Hildesson, Matilda; Arikan, Ahmet; Lindström Rignell, Oscar; Poules, Sivan; Larqvist, Sebastian; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentPrevious years the Chalmers Formula Student project has involved the usage of combustion engines for propulsion of vehicles. In consideration of global awareness of the need for alternate sources of energy, Chalmers Formula Student team has strived to modify their source of propulsion to an electrical powered engine. Towards achieving this, the following project has specifically strived towards optimizing the drivetrain for such an electrically powered vehicle. Demand for such a project is created due to the nature of the organization, which is first and foremost a competition. Within the regulations for the competition, a means for retrieving necessary data for the design of such a vehicle is crucial to the Chalmers Formula Student projects success. Hence this project has created a means to identify the relation between key parameters and the possibility to predict their influence on the final competition score. In consideration of the means available to the group responsible for the project, the results are generated and concluded by the means of computer generated simulations. As basis for these simulations, thorough investigations concerning key components have been carried out. Modeling using stimulatory programs, mainly Simulink has been the focal point around which all other studies have been carried out. Continuous simulations have been performed to confirm the validity of the results, and in length to ascertain data useable for dimensioning. Results of the simulations show that a 3% increase of the points is possible using a drivetrain containing two 44 Nm PMSM motors, a lithium-cobalt battery with 210 cells and a car weight on 270 kg.
- PostAnalys och förbättring av en mätenhet för laddning av elfordon(2012) Einarsson, Adam; Nyatanyi, Jean-Marie; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and Environment
- PostAnalysis of Biofuel production / Analys av biobränsleproduktion(2020) Björnwall, Irma; Bosno, Emina; Burman, Fabian; Engstrand, Philip; Haggren, Oline; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Papadokonstantakis, Stavros; Karka, Paraskevi; Petersson, IvarThe world is slowly transitioning from fossil fuel use into renewable fuel use, but the technology is still in low TRL(Technology Readiness Level) and has not yet reached its full potential in commercial areas. The objective of this thesis is to provide information regarding the production processes of advanced biofuels, analyze the transparency of available data and provide a standardized way of presenting, compiling and evaluating already existing data. The processes examined in this project are thermochemical processes such as methanol-, DME-, FT diesel- and ethanol via gasification in addition to the biochemical process of ethanol to jetfuel via fermentation and hydrocarbons via pyrolysis. Available literature for each process has been studied and reviewed to check for consistency of mass and energy balances, conversion rate of biomass to advanced biofuel and carbon balances. All of the information is then compiled in tables and presented in such a way that is easy to understand and compare. Any inconsistencies in the data have been noted so that the reader can accurately judge the usefulness of the process and the study. The aim is that this project will assist in making it easier to make decisions regarding technological constraints and investments into advanced biofuel production and increase the interest in the improvement and implementation of these processes.
- PostÄr det is eller vatten? - en studie i att bestämma vattnets fas med hjälp av simulationer och flervägsreflekterade GPS-signaler(2013) Hansson, Mathias; Sundberg, Joakim; Martinsson, Daniel; Alping, Mikael; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd- och geovetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Earth and Space SciencesHavsisars utbredning är något som skiljer från år till år och som är beroende av ihållande temperatur under 0. Genom användning av MATLAB, SNR-data från mottagna GPS-signaler och med hjälp av simulationer har olika parametrar som kan underlätta bestämmandet av havsisens utbredning analyserats. En metod för att automatiskt kunna avgöra vattnets fas har utvecklats. Under de dagar som den insamlade mätdatan avser, var det möjligt då man först valde ut en lämplig satellit, att avgöra om det var vatten eller is.
- PostAtt studera askmoln med GNSS(2014) Nguyen, Björnborg; Sjöberg, Mattias; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd- och geovetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Earth and Space SciencesAbstract In this report the technique of observing volcanic ash in the atmosphere by analyzing SNR data (Signal-to-Noise Ratio) from GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite System) stations was investigated. The functionality of the method was confirmed by studying volcanic plumes from three areas: Iceland, Sicily and Indonesia. A number of programs were written for data analysis. The timing and direction of the observed detections for Eyjafjallaj¨okull (2010) and Etna (2006) proved to fit with data from other detection techniques. During early 2014 several volcanoes (i.a. Sinabung, Kelut and Merapi) in Indonesia were erupting relatively simultaneously. A large number of volcanic plumes could therefore be detected there. By combining data from several satellites and receivers information about the location of the volcanic ash plumes could be obtained. The advantages of this technique include its relatively low costs and its potential for continuous and comprehensive observation opportunities. In the future there are good opportunities for SNR data analysis from GNSS stations to function as a complement to current detection techniques.
- PostBatterisystem för ett litet el-fordon -Implementering och konstruktion(2009) Johansson, Olof; Taha Mahmoud, Heza; Maghder, Zakaria; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and Environment
- PostBeyond the bin reducing food loss and waste to conserve land and water resources(2024) Carlsson, Alice; Hellström, Lisa; Englund, Olivia; Peter, Ella; Hansson, Vendela; Sjöblom, Alicia; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Space, Earth and Environment; Persson, Martin; Persson, Martin
- PostDesign av försöksanläggning för trycksatt rökgasrening vid oxy-fuelförbränning(2012) Borg, Anna; Djerv, Mattias; Fürst, Magnus; Nord, David; Olsson, Henrik; Rosander, Axel; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentReducing the CO2-pollution, resulting from the combustion of fossil coal for energy production, is important to affect environmental changes. One way to achieve a reduction is to use the oxy-fuel technology. The technology uses O2 and re-circulated flue gas during the combustion which results in a flue gas mainly consisting of CO2. The flue gas could then be compressed and stored without environmental effects. A problem that follows from the compression is the risk of acidification in sensitive parts of the process. Acidification can occur because of reactions following from the contact of condensed water and sulphur- and nitrogen-oxides which are also present in the flue gas. This report compiles and evaluates the basis of a scientific unit with the purpose of exploring the possibilities of extracting impurities of SOx and NOx from the flue gases. The dimensions of the unit are based on basic conditions, defined for an existing oxy-fuel process at Chalmers, and on the results of computer modelling. The computer models simulates chemical reactions in a gas phase reactor and in a two-phase reactor where the extraction of impurities is achieved by absorption. In addition to this, a research on possible, compatible measuring tools is done. To create the right conditions for extracting the impurites the flue gas has to be compressed to between 10 and 16 bars and cooled down to a temperature of 40◦C. These conditions are necessary for oxidizing NO to NO2 and other water-soluble nitrogen compounds, which reacts efficiently with water. The oxidation of NO to these nitrogen compounds occurs efficiently in a gas phase reactor of the size 10 liters and with residence time of 120 seconds. The final step is the extraction of the impurities where SOx and NOx are absorbed by water. The absorbtion occurs efficiently in a 10 liter twophase reactor at low temperatures and high pressures. To prevent acidification from occuring in sensitive parts of the process, it’s necessary to dry the flue gas before the compression, in order to minimize the condensate. A new system of measuring tools which are compatible with the type of measurements needed is required.
- PostDesign och konstruktion av ett energieffektivt spårbundet fordon för deltagande i studenttävlingen Delsbo Electric(2016) Ödman, Daniel; Yring, Ulrika; Bergstedt, Elin; Reckermann, David; Larsson, Carl; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentThe student race Delsbo Electric 2016 is held 28th of May. The race consists of a course of 3.36 km which is a part of Dellenebanan. The aim of this race is to travel this course and consume the least possible amount of energy per person and kilometre. In 2015 the energy consumption was measured to 1.26 watt hours per person and kilometre [Wh/pkm] for the winning team. This project is a bachelor thesis at the department of Energy and Environment at Chalmers University of Technology and aims to design an energy efficient rail bound vehicle to participate in the race. This project is supposed to be repeated yearly, and the following students should be able to improve from this project. To be able to create an energy efficient vehicle, a specification was made which consisted of requirements that the vehicle had to fulfil. The foundation to the design and different components of the vehicle consisted of simulations and theoretical models. The simulations were also used to estimate the vehicles energy consumption. The function of the finished vehicle was tested and the real energy consumption was measured during a test run. The energy consumption was later compared to the simulated values to evaluate if the simulations were made correctly. The vehicle moved steadily on the rails during the test run, and was able to get through the rail switch which was a demand since a switch appears on the race course. The energy consumption at the test run was measured to 1.76 Wh/pkm. The simulation of the test run resulted in 1.82 Wh/pkm when assumptions of completely flat ground was made. However, small variations in the inclination did effect the energy consumption in the simulations distinctly. This project resulted with a vehicle that fulfils the specifications which enables the project group to participate in the race. The energy consumption was, using the simulations tools, estimated to 3.4% deviation from the test run. This estimate is though unsure due to unknown parameters during the test. For the students that will further develop the vehicle the following years, there are many ways to improve the energy efficiency of the vehicle. It is first and foremost the weight of the vehicle that can be cut, but one could also increase the number of passengers on the vehicle to improve the energy efficiency. Constrains that were of significant value to this project were that the energy efficiency did not have any demands to result in a first place in the race. This constraint is set because the experience within the project group is far less then compared to schools that have been participating earlier years. No results from the race will be presented, due to the fact that the date of the race takes place after the report’s completion.
- PostDetektering, behandling och klustring av protoplanetära skivor i ALMA-arkivet(2024) Bergquist, William; Carlander, Marie; Granström, Thea; Nilsson Thorsson, Vilhelm; Olsson, Conrad; Öhman, Hannes; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Space, Earth and Environment; Thomasson, Magnus; Thomasson, Magnus
- PostEffektiv parallell slumptalsgenerering på GPU:er(2017) Lundberg, Marcus; Aasa, Jakob; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd- och geovetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Earth and Space SciencesThis work compares several popular pseudo-random number generators implemented on a graphics processing unit (GPU). We consider generation for both uniform and normal distributions. The generators have also been tested using a selection of test algorithms to assess the quality of the output. As a final verification the generators have been tested in-situ on a simulation code. We chose to implement and test five different algorithms for generating uniform distributed numbers and three for generating normal distributed numbers. The generators were implemented with an object oriented programming approach in C++ using Nvidia’s CUDA framework. We have also included generators from Nvidia’s own random number generator library, cuRAND, to compare with our own. The test algorithms were implemented in C++ and CUDA as well. Our results show that some algorithms are not suited for use on GPUs, while other more GPU customized algorithms perform admirably. The results from the simulation code show that all of the generators except Wallace provide good output. The running time of the simulation code is about 100 to 250 times faster on the GPU depending on implementation compared to CPU. From our results we can recommend the Linear Congruental Generator (LCG) for generating uniform numbers if perfomance is a priority, and combining it with the Box-Muller Transform for generating normal distributed numbers.
- PostEkosystemtjänster i urbana miljöer - En kartläggning av arbetet med ekosystemtjänster i byggprocessens planeringsfas(2017) Harlén, Matilda; Kallin, Robert; Klein, Elllen; Poplasen, Gabriella; Rosendahl Carlbom, Nicole; Schön, Hanna; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentMänniskor och andra levande organismer på jorden är alla beroende av ekosystemen och deras tjänster, de så kallade ekosystemtjänsterna. Större delen av dessa livsnödvändiga ekosystemtjänster är negativt påverkade av människans beteende. I storstäder har märkbar påverkan skett på de urbana ekosystemtjänsterna, exempelvis genom försämrad dagvattenhantering. Att det dessutom pågår en urbanisering och att tidigare obebyggd mark exploateras leder till att ytterligare ekosystemtjänster påverkas som i sin tur försämrar stadsmiljön. För att skapa en hållbar stad där ekosystmtjänsterna finns bevarade står aktörer inom byggsektorn samt myndigheter inför en stor utmaning. Utifrån denna utmaning skapades studiens syfte som är att kartlägga arbetet med ekosystemtjänster i byggprocessens planeringsfas. Studien undersöker svenska organisationers arbete med urbana ekosystemtjänster i Sverige med fokus på Göteborg. För att få en övergripande bild av ekosystemtjänster grundas rapportens teoridel på en litteraturstudie. Litteraturstudien belyser hur ekosystemtjänster gynnar samhället, vilka åtgärder som kan vidtas för att bevara dessa tjänster samt verktyg för att arbeta med ekosystemtjänster. Resultatet kartlägger organisationers arbete med ekosystemtjänster och grundar sig på semi-strukturerade intervjuer med aktörer inom byggsektorn och myndigheter. Resultatet visar att de flesta intervjuade aktörer inom byggsektorn arbetar för att ta hänsyn till ekosystemtjänster i stadsmiljö. På vilket sätt de arbetar skiljer sig mellan de olika aktörerna men gemensamt för alla är att de har använt sig av grönytefaktorn i projekt eller uppdrag. För att etablera ekosystemtjänster i byggprocessen och kunna nyttja dem även i framtiden anser övervägande del av aktörerna att det måste ställas krav från kommuner, myndigheter och staten. Vissa aktörer nämner även kompetens inom området som en viktig faktor för att etablera ekosystemtjänster i byggprocessen. Av intervjuerna med myndigheter framgick det att förståelsen för urbana ekosystemtjänster och deras nytta för invånare i staden är viktig för att hänsyn ska tas till ekosystemtjänster i stadsplaneringen. Myndigheterna arbetar med guider, verktyg och olika satsningar för att synliggöra ekosystemtjänster och för att stötta byggaktörerna i deras arbete. Det sammanfattade intrycket har varit att intresset för att arbeta med ekosystemtjänster är på frammarsch inom de flesta organisationer. Det finns dock en skillnad i hur stor utsträckning arbetet sker, där intresse från ledningen är den faktor som påverkar arbetets omfattning. Inget tydligt samband mellan företagens verksamhetsform, antal anställda, omsättning och deras arbete och syn på ekosystemtjänster har kunnat urskiljas. Det framgick av både myndigheter och byggaktörer att dagvattenhantering, bullerreglering och luftrening är några av de viktigaste ekosystemtjänsterna att ta hänsyn till i Göteborg. Rapportens slutsats är att krav från högre instanser är en bra början för att få fler aktörer att arbeta med kosystemtjänster i byggprocessen och för att få en förändring på stor skala. Vid kravsättning är verktyg, som grönytefaktorn, ett bra hjälpmedel för att konkretisera kraven. Myndigheter borde använda kartläggande verktyg medan företag borde använda mer åtgärdsinriktade. Rapporten ser även en stor vinst i att öka intresset och kunskapen hos allmänheten för att höja efterfrågan på bra lösningar för ekosystemtjänster. Vid högre efterfrågan kan andra lösningar för att etablera ekosystemtjänster i byggprocessen bli aktuella, till exempel att införa en ”märkning” eller certifiering för ekosystemtjänster.
- PostEl och biomassa i svensk basindustris planer för en omställning mot noll netto-utsläpp(2019) Fast, Adam; Streman, Jakob; Yasin, Shukri; Malmgren, Fanny; Nyqvist, Evelina; Emme, Carl; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för rymd-, geo- och miljövetenskap; Normann, Fredrik; Karlsson, Ida; Rootzén, JohanDenna rapport utvärderar vilken roll energibärarna el och biomassa förväntas få i svensk basindustris omställning mot noll-nettoutsläpp av växthusgaser. De branscher som studeras är cement, kemi, raffinaderi, skogsnäring samt stålindustrin vilka tillsammans står för huvuddelen av koldioxidutsläppen från svensk industri. Med bakgrund av Sveriges miljömål om noll netto-utsläpp av växthusgaser 2045 har Fossilfritt Sverige tagit fram färdplaner för respektive industris omställning, men de diskuterar inte hur omställningen av industrierna kan påverka varandra. SWECO och IVA har kvantiferat energibehovet år 2045, men inte tydligt beskrivit hur omställningen kan se ut över tid eller vilka antaganden som gjorts. Målet för studien är att med utgångspunkt i en nulägesanalys, analysera hur basindustrins energianvändning och utsläpp av växthusgaser kan förväntas förändras, givet olika tekniska utvecklingsvägar. Utifrån dessa olika framtidsscenarier har två olika extremfall uppskattats där maximal el- och biobränsleanvändning uppgår till 59 TWh respektive 70 TWh. Det kan ses i perspektiv till dagens energianvändning i samma industrier som är 28 TWh el och 51 TWh biobränsle, samt den totala elproduktionen i Sverige som är 160 TWh och den totala biobränsleanvändningen som var 143 TWh. Utifrån denna studie har följande slutsatser konstaterats: • Noll netto-utsläpp av växthusgaseråstadkoms inte till år 2045 på grund av att ra naderierna inte kan fånga in 100% av utsläppen. Den omställning som kommer närmast noll netto-utsläpp av växthusgaser är den rekommenderade, som studien tagit fram. Den kräver 51 TWh el och 61 TWh biobränsle. Växthusgasutsläppen blir 0,9 CO2-ekv • Tekniker som behöver introduceras eller utvecklas är: - Industriell vätgasreduktion av järnpellets - CCS med tillhörande infrastruktur - Power To Gas - Svartlutsförgasning - Industriell vätgasproduktion - Förstärkt elnät - Industriell produktion av förädlade biobränslen
- PostElbilsguiden - Modellering av klimatmässig och ekonomisk påverkan vid ett nybilsköp(2017) Lorentzon, Louise; Vranic, Anto; Karlsson, Anna; Faisal, Gulled; Sai, Aron; Alexandersson, Anton; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentThe purpose of this project is to produce models for calculating the financial and climatic e↵ects of an investment in a new car. Furthermore, the models are aimed at individuals who are thinking about purchasing an electric vehicle and therefore a secondary purpose is to create an interface through which the models’ results can be communicated. The models have been produced through a thorough study of literature such as scientific reports, and the web pages of di↵erent authorities. The width of the project has required a wide variety of sources of information. The project contains many aspects and the limited time has meant that wide assumptions and simplifications have been made. These are in some cases also caused by confidentiality or the lack of information about a new technology. The result of the project is a set of models and a web site through which these can be accessed by individuals in order to receive recommendations specific to their needs. The models for climatic e↵ects provide the total emissions of carbon dioxide of its equivalents that occur during a car’s production, use and recycling. The models for financial e↵ects provide the monthly cost of the investment during the ownership period. The website then presents the car models which fit the individual best. An analysis of the calculation models shows robustness. The emissions that occur during battery production and the development of the residual value are two factors that clearly need further inquiry. The models are finally visualised through the points of break even between the vehicles and through case studies. The guide to electric vehicles is available at www.elbilsguiden.com.
- PostElcykel – Regenerering med BLDC-motor och DC/DC-omriktare(2009) Du-Bar, Christian; Torstenson, Simon; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and Environment
- PostElcyklar och dess möjlighet till uppladdning under drift(2008) Ivarsson, Patrik; Nordvall, Andreas; Svennung, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för energi och miljö; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Energy and EnvironmentToday’s environmental discussions have led to more progress in the different transport areas. To ride a bicycle is often one of the most efficient alternative when it comes to transport. An Electric bike is, and makes transportation more efficient than a regular bicycle. Electric bicycles do not affect the environment significantly and allows more convenient transportation than ordinary bicycles do. Although the electric bicycle market is extensive in Sweden today there are no electric bikes with regenerating capacity to be found. This report aims to construct a component that regenerates the power from the electric motor into the battery and to investigate the extent of the electric bicycle market and the regenerating ditto. An electric bicycle rebuilt kit was bought from a firm in Austria in the beginning of the project and was assembled on a regular cycle, in order to make it regenerative. In addition, a component analysis was made in order to determine which values the regenerating circuit should have, and which component alternative that is available. The report discusses various electric bicycle parts and the advantages and disadvantages of the components in order to find the best alternative to a regenerative circuit, which further on was used for a construction. The main task of the regenerating circuit is to unify the electric motors three-phase power so that the rollback is possible. A market analysis was carried out to identify the actors on the Swedish electric bike market and to get their opinion of regenerating capacity. This study concluded that the market is not mature enough to use regenerating brakes in electric bicycles partly due to cost reasons and partly because of a weak demand from the customers. The completed regenerating circuit functioned satisfactorily, but because of defects on some of the components on the rebuilt kit the circuit it could not finally be tested on the electric bicycles. Therefore, further analysis of the component is necessary to ascertain if it works in for real.