Industri- och materialvetenskap (IMS) // Industrial and Materials Science (IMS)
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- Post2 Brands in 1 Production Line(2008) Lindeberg, Marcus; Hessel, Per; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- Post3D Annotation Solution For Perceived Quality Geometry Requirements Management(2019) Aret Koroth, Rohith; Bevor Shivarajaiah, Shashi Kiran; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Dagman, Andreas; Nordvall, Karin; Wagersten, OlaIncreasing customer expectation on perceived quality for a premium passenger vehicle enables the automotive industry to focus on ensuring better fit & finish to deliver robust build vehicles. The development of verifying geometrical parameters on a vehicle in a virtual environment would save more time and money than working on a physical prototype. Finding such a virtual environment which allows to define and communicate the geometrical parameters is crucial for the automotive industry. Hence, the thesis was carried out in collaboration with Perceived Quality Geometry and Appearance group (PQ G&A) at Volvo Cars Group (VCG). This thesis aims to investigate the feasibility of defining geometric requirements for fit and finish such as gap and flush in 3D design environments of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) systems and/or visualization tools available within the Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) software. Also, the solution obtained should present the defined geometric requirements in the form of Portable Document Format (PDF document) and improve the accessibility of information flow between PQ G&A and the requirement receivers, also referred to stakeholders. Product development methodology was used to develop the solution for geometric requirements definition. Interviews were conducted with both PQ G&A and their stakeholders to understand the current working procedure of defining geometric requirements using a CAT software and their needs for a new solution. Also, software development experts were interviewed to understand the current and future development possibilities of the existing software available within VCG. Based on the result of the interview, four functional areas were identified and forty-seven product specifications were listed. Finally, four concepts which can fulfil the needs of PQ G&A in defining geometric requirements within 3D design modelling environment were identified and evaluated. The Catia V5 and 3D PDF add-on software were the proposed solution for defining geometric requirements. Today, this proposed solution partially fulfils the need of PQ G&A and require macro programming by the software development team to fulfil the complete list of the product specification. The proposed solution benefits in defining the geometric requirements within a 3D design environment and improves the accessibility of the information to its stakeholders. Yet, the efficiency of the solution can be evaluated only after completing the macro programming.
- Post3D Master Concept at Autoliv(2011) Wongwanchai, Sawangjit; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- Post3D scanning and printing of a triathlon bike for performance improvement(2019) Mahadeva, Akshay; Satyanarayana, Suraj Beejadi; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Johansson, Björn; Nyqvist, PerThis thesis is conducted at Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg within department of Industrial and Materials science. The project aims to develop a multi-purpose methodology for analysing and testing the developed prototype using a wind tunnel. Biking phase is considered in this thesis, since biking has the longest distance when compared to other phases. So, any small performance improvement in the biking phase will result in overall improvement. By performing an exploratory research and investigating the causes for performance improvement, methods such as rapid prototyping and reverse engineering are used. The project resulted in analysing the impact of mounted accessories at two different positions. Results obtained from the testing phase are presented in terms of coefficient of drag and power required by the rider to overcome a certain range of velocity.
- Post3D-skrivarsystem - Fjärrstyrning av 3D-skrivare och automatisk utmatning av utskrifter(2014) Karlsson, Marc; Persson, Johan; Ringius, Håkan; Rostedt, Magnus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- Post3D-visualisering med realtidsfysik - tillämpning på interaktiv utbildning(2005) Pennert, Mikael; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA C-class hybrid for the 2020s. An exterior design concept for a hybrid car focusing on the French market(2007) Abiven, Stéphanie; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Cellulose Based Scaffold for Silk Protein - Possibilities for bone regeneration(2016) Sjöblom, Olivia; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Comparison of Static and Dynamic Analysis Tools for Material Flow(2016) Kjerstadius, Simon; Larsson, Andreas; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Concept Study of Electrical Wheel Motors for the Front Axle of a Semi Truck Tractor(2010) Landfors, Per; Unfors, Filip; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA data-driven approach to detect air leakage in a pneumatic system(2021) Lené, Johan; Rajashekarappa, Mohan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Skoogh, Anders; Turanoglu Bekar, Ebru; Sundquist, Thomas; Andersson Jarl, Robert; Vallström, JonasMaintenance practices in production systems have for the past decades followed a reactive approach. With the production domain currently shifting towards a new era, Industry 4.0, maintenance practises have experienced an incremental drift towards predictive approach. With key enabling technologies such as BigData, Industrial Digitalization, and Machine Learning that enables data-driven decision making, the field of production is now more ready than ever to establish new practises in maintenance. The fast-emerging area of data-driven decision making with key enabling technologies is where this thesis finds its roots. This thesis work aims to develop a data driven approach based on machine learning to identify an early stage of a pneumatic leakage in a production process, before the leakage is so severe that it would impact the process adversely and cause machine breakdown. Through two experiments and extraction of historical data coming from sensors, a supervised machine learning model was built on the extracted significant statistical features. Adding on, an unsupervised model was developed to distinguish separate clusters representing the normal working state and leaking state of the machine for another process in the same production line. The supervised machine learning model is successful in detecting the early stage of leakage with an accuracy of 98.2%, thus giving plenty of time to perform appropriate maintenance on the equipment. The unsupervised model with an accuracy of 99.3%, is successful in detecting the physically evident stage of leakage. The presented thesis makes salient recommendations for deployment of this model. Moreover, the provided valuable insights pertaining to features which were previously believed to be insignificant for modelling purposes, provide a standardized work methodology and a concrete platform for future study in the area.
- PostA data-driven approach to improve process robustness for bolted critical joints(2022) Srinivasan, Prasanna; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Skoogh, Anders; Turanoglu Bekar, EbruIn the current world, the companies are inclining towards advanced, rapidly evolv ing industry 4.0 technologies for meeting dynamic customer demands and producing products at a much higher volume, less cost, and more efficiently. These technologies facilitate communication links between different systems that talk with each other to use intelligent manufacturing techniques, industrial digitalization, cloud systems, Internet of Things (IoT), and autonomous machines to acquire, store and efficiently handle big data. Some companies hold an edge over their competitors due to their extensive knowledge of processing raw data into valuable insights. The exploration and exploitation of the analytics and visualization techniques using Data Science, Data Mining (DM), and Machine Learning (ML) have become the critical enablers for data-related technologies, forming the base of this thesis. This thesis study aims to develop a data-driven approach using ML and visualization techniques to build a predictive model and a dashboard for improving the robustness of the bolted critical joint process in a truck production assembly line. Additionally, the study will shed some light on the harmful effect of poor data quality. Moreover, the non-robust process was directly and indirectly impacting various departments in manufacturing such as Quality, Production, Audit, Maintenance, Procurement, and internal information technology (IT). Additionally, it became evident that the existing solution by the third-party provider was not used for developing data in sights and used only as a reactive solution. A supervised ML classification model was developed to identify critical parameters influencing the tightening process outcome and predict this outcome by extracting data from different data sources. A visualization solution with a dashboard is de signed to direct the attention of all levels of management to reduce the use of manual actions/backup routines. The results of this study, along with discussions, are pre sented. The ML model results were promising, with high accuracy for the training dataset, test dataset, and cross-validated with live data. The ML model and dash board can be used as a standard framework for developing sustainable models in the future, provided the data for the model is automated. The limitation of the study is that some of the results can be generalized, whereas others are not. Furthermore, this study’s practical and academic contributions are highlighted along with future recommendations.
- PostA digital platform for sharing assets within the culture sector(2019) Lindgren, Sara; Trens, Olle; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Tuveson, Jonas; Renström, SaraAbstract The sharing economy is on the rise and often promoted as a more sustainable alternative to existing linear consuming patterns. However, the sharing economy in Sweden is currently very small, and even though there are many small initiatives taken around the country, many of them are struggling with attracting users. One of them is the environmental organisation Returkultur, for which this study has been conducted. In this thesis, the design of a sharing service for the cultural sector in region Västra Götaland, and a digital platform facilitating it, is described. The aim of the study has been to understand how to encourage and increase the sharing of equipment and material within the cultural scene of Västra Götaland through a digital platform. The first part of the project, the pre-study, focuses on gathering data on the specific users and stakeholders. For qualitative data on the situation for cultural practitioners and organisations, 14 interviews have been conducted. For quantitative data on general attitudes and user patterns, surveys have been sent out to a large number of cultural practitioners, of which 35 responded. In order to relate requirements and requests to a digital platform specifically, workshops have been executed using a circular consumption design tool called “User experience exploration pack”, developed by researchers at the Department of Human Factors at Chalmers University of Technology. The tool help workshop participants to map and create circular user journeys, and foresee potential problematic areas. Based on the findings in the pre-study, design concepts were created and evaluated both theoretically and through user tests. Three concepts - one structured, one pedagogical and one social concept - were chosen for user testing and one final concept is described in the thesis. The study shows that informal sharing is already very common within the cultural sector. However, it also showed that sharing is a very complex social act where the willingness to share is dependent on things such as the situation, which product should be shared and the relation between the peers. Furthermore, all of these aspects are constantly shifting, which makes it hard to create a peer to peer service that would live up to the expectations of all stakeholders - borrowers, lenders, Returkultur and partners. Users were more interested in organised ways for sharing where they would not have to make as many travels, and where they would not have to feel guilt towards lenders. Thus, the proposed service is therefore a sharing hub with many similarities to a rental business, where the equipment and material is acquired through partnerships with big cultural institutions. For the digital platform, resemblance with similar types of platforms was also very important. The final design can be seen as a combination of a webshop and a hotel booking site - two concepts that many users are familiar with. The users also need a warm welcome, and plenty of information along the way as many users felt uncertain whether they were allowed to use the service. Together the service design and the design of the platform generated a pleasant user experience where users felt confident and inspired, hence encouraging and potentially increasing charing in region Västra Götaland.
- PostA Digital Steering Experience of the Engine in a BoatDefaire, Lovisa; Stavhagen, Lisa; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Lindkvist, Lars; Davidson, StaffanThis Master thesis presents the development of a digital steering experience for Volvo Penta products in a boat, aiming to enhance the user and customer journey when purchasing or considering a boat equipped with Volvo Penta products. The problem addressed in this thesis is the uncertainty and anxiety boating can cause if users are not fully comfortable with the boat, its equipment functionalities, and its environment. Utilizing Design Thinking methodologies, the focus was on creating an efficient experience with an intuitive interface that meets the needs of both novice and experienced boaters. The methods used to ensure user-friendliness included a questionnaire, qualitative interviews, user observations, feedback sessions, and usability tests to gather insights and validate design decisions. The findings formed the foundation for a customer needs list, leading to the creation of three personas representing these needs. This served as a basis for the development of the digital tool, with prototypes being created and iteratively evaluated through various product development screening methodologies, including Pugh and Kesselring matrices. Additional methodologies employed to examine the market potential were a PESTEL analysis, Segmentation, Target and Position analysis, a Competitor analysis and a Business Model Canvas. The results concluded in the development of a simulator for home use developed in Unity, capable of configuring a boat, practice scenarios, and testing of Volvo Penta products and accessories. The result demonstrated increased interest in the products displayed in the simulator after its use, along with an engaging learning experience of the products. Alongside the simulator development, the market analysis identified multiple areas of market potential for the near future and for future collaborations. In conclusion, the digital steering experience offers a compelling enhancement to the traditional boating and product exploration experience when buying a boat, providing users with an engaging customer journey. Future recommendations include further refining the simulator based on user feedback and exploring additional features to increase functionality.
- PostA discrete event simulation framework for flexible job-shops with re-entrant flows(2018) Papaioannou, Georgios; Fransson, Markus; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science
- PostA Facelift of a Swedish Sports Car from an Aerodynamical Point of View(2010) Ghamari, Meysam; Staroduba, Karolina; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Feasibility Study Process for Humanitarian Engineering Systematically increasing the Social Impact for a Swedish NGO(2023) Jonasson, Amanda; Petersson, Sara; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för industri- och materialvetenskap; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Industrial and Materials Science; Almefelt, Lars; Mallalieu, AdamThe ongoing humanitarian and climate crisis arising around the world has increased the need for volunteers and Non-Governmental Organizations working to help the communities most in need. To meet the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) there is a need to ensure sustainable development in all areas of the world. Aiding the communities of the world most in need by laying a strong foundation for them to build a sustainable future is a necessary action to meet the SDGs. One of the organizations working to achieve this is Engineers Without Borders Sweden (EWB-SWE), an organization working to solve challenges related to inequality and global development. Their Humanitarian Engineering work aims to improve the living standard of low-income communities and ensure access to basic services. This thesis is derived as part of EWB-SWE’s goal to improve their internal work pro cess in order to ensure choosing the projects where they can have the most positive social impact. This involves using their resources in the most efficient and effective way to develop long-term sustainable solutions. To achieve this a Feasibility Study will aid them in deciding which projects to take on. The aim of this master thesis is to deliver an improved process with methods and tools to benefit EWB-SWE’s Feasibility Study. This will broaden the solution space and ensure the development of sustainable solutions. The methodology for this thesis is divided into four phases. The first phase, Prob lem Contextualization, concerns collecting knowledge about Humanitarian En gineering and EWB-SWE through a literature study, an empirical study, and a qualitative study including interviews. The second phase, Exploration, concerns finding suitable Product Development methods and tools suitable for a FS. The methods and tools gathered in phase two and the knowledge from phase one are then combined into an initial concept in the third phase, Concept Development. Lastly, the fourth phase, Finalization, is where the final concept is developed in detail, evaluated through workshops, and, lastly, delivered to EWB-SWE as a pro cess with a related report template. The final Feasibility Study process is documented in a Feasibility Study Report with tailored methods and tools to fit the context of EWB-SWE and Humanitarian Engineering. It is divided into seven steps and it is structured to widen the solution space in order for the project team to develop the best solution for the community. For some methods and tools, a developed template to support the project teams is provided as well. To evaluate the sustainability of a potential solution a simplified Sustainability Fingerprint Tool is developed with specific criteria defined based on the findings in the researched Humanitarian Engineering. In conclusion, this master thesis has resulted in identifying important aspects to con sider in Humanitarian Engineering, mapping of EWB-SWE’s project process, and a developed Feasibility Study process with tailored Product Development methods and tools. As the process is developed for an organization mainly run by volunteers some steps had to be simplified, such as the Sustainability Fingerprint Tool. Also, the final Feasibility Study process promotes co-creation with the partner and en hances community engagement to create local ownership and a solution that will be maintained and sustained. The Feasibility Study has shown promising results but needs to be tested through case studies in order to validate if it fulfills its intended purpose.
- PostA framework for assessing safety culture(2014) Götvall, Johan; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Framework for Requirement-based Platform Development - Establishing needs for platform creation and use at a supplier in the aerospace industry(2013) Bandhu, Arpan; Burra, Lalitha; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development
- PostA Generic Design for Battery Exchange in Cordless Handsets - The Development of a Complete Solution for Standardized Batteries(2009) Pettersson, Henrik; Tengvall, Erik; Chalmers tekniska högskola / Institutionen för produkt- och produktionsutveckling; Chalmers University of Technology / Department of Product and Production Development